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Fizuli Mustafayev

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Fizuli Nəcməddin oğlu Mustafayev
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Filologiya üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru.
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1 Yanvar 2024 - H/h

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1 Dekabr 2024 18 0 0 0
1 Noyabr 2024 18 0 0 0
1 Oktyabr 2024 18 0 0 0
1 Sentyabr 2024 17 0 0 0
1 Avqust 2024 12 0 0 0
1 İyul 2024 10 0 0 0
1 İyun 2024 4 0 0 0

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İşin adı Jurnalın adı, Nəşriyyat, cild, N Müəlliflər İstinad sayı Nəşr tarixi Abstrakt və oxşar məqalələr
ON THE FORMATION OF COMPOUND NAMES IN THE LANGUAGE OF CINEMA ACTIVELY PARTICIPATING ELEMENTS Linguistic Researches /N: 1 Fizuli Mustafayev 0 2024 The article is devoted to the elements … The article is devoted to the elements actively involved in the creation of complex names in film language. Not all elements have the same role and importance Daha çox
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FILM LANGUAGE AND SEMANTIC STRUCTURE OF THE TEXT Linguistic Researches /N: 2 Fizuli Mustafayev 0 2023 The article is devoted to the cinematic … The article is devoted to the cinematic language and the semantic structure of the text. Here, in Daha çox
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COMBINATIONS OF NOUNS IN THE LANGUAGE OF CINEMA Linguistic Researches /N: 3 Fizuli Mustafayev 0 2023 The article is devoted to the composition … The article is devoted to the composition of names in the language of cinema. Compositions of Daha çox
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About conjugation of verb with postposition in the language of cinema Philology and Art Studies /N: 1 Fizuli Mustafayev 0 2023 The article is devoted to verb combinations … The article is devoted to verb combinations with postposition in the language of cinema. These combinations are formed using postpositions. The postposition is the associative method between the combinations. At the same time, postpositions play an important role in the semantic relations between the combinations. Daha çox
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СOMBINATIONS OF THE VERB–VERB TYPE IN THE CINEMA LANGUAGE Philology and Art Studies /N: 2 Fizuli Mustafayev 0 2023 The article is devoted to the combinations … The article is devoted to the combinations verb–verb in the language of cinema. In these combinations, the connections between the parts with grammatical meanings are not so diverse. To summarize, we can say that the role of compound gerunds in the language of cinema is the same as the role of the first parts of compound gerunds. Daha çox
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PHRASES AND SENTENCES IN THE LANGUAGE OF CINEMA Linguistic Researches /N: 1 Fizuli Mustafayev 0 2022 The article is devoted to the problem … The article is devoted to the problem of phrases and sentences in the language of cinema. Sentences and phrases are syntactic units of the language that do not depend on each other, but are very Daha çox
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Nominal combinations of verbs in the language of cinema Philology and Art Studies /N: 1 Fizuli Mustafayev 0 2022 The article is devoted to the nominative … The article is devoted to the nominative case in the language of cinema. One of the main features that distinguishes verb combinations of Turkish systemic languages​​ from verb combinations in other languages​​ is the ability of nouns to participate in these combinations. Daha çox
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About management communication in the language of cinema Philology and Art Studies /N: 2 Fizuli Mustafayev 0 2022 The article is devoted to management communication … The article is devoted to management communication in the language of cinema. In movie terms, a governing relationship is between the sides of the underlying object and the relational relationships. The main feature of administrative relations is that the subordinate clause must be in one form or another at the request of the subordinate clause. Daha çox
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Folk words and expressions in the language of feature film “Nizami” Azerbaijan Literature Studies /N: 2 Fizuli Mustafayev 0 2021 The article is devoted to folk words … The article is devoted to folk words and folk expressions in the language of the feature film “Nizami”. It is noted that centuries ago Nizami was an artist who promoted freedom, equality, free labor and wished happiness to humanity. He wanted the happiness and independence of nations, their freedom from all forms of oppression and exploitation. In the film, Nizami fights for workers' rights. He glorified his people all over the world and wished them an equal cultural life. These statements are central to the article. Elsewhere in the article it is noted that, despite the fact that Nizami wrote his works in Persian, he always considered himself an Azerbaijani and always borrowed his figurative expressions from the people, the living language of the people. Nizami has only expressive features of the Azerbaijani people, which were not understood by most of the later commentators. Because in order to correctly understand these features knowing the subtleties of the Azerbaijani language is presented vividly. The article notes that many Azerbaijani words are used in Nizami's poems. Some of these words came out of the living language today and survived only in folk poetry. Daha çox
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RULES FOR THE USE OF SENTENCE TYPES IN THE LANGUAGE OF CINEMA Linguistic Researches /N: 1 Fizuli Mustafayev 0 2021 The article is devoted to the rules … The article is devoted to the rules for using types of sentences in the language of cinema. In general, simple sentences are recommended. In addition to limiting the structure of speech in cinema, attempts are made to limit the Daha çox
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FOLK WORDS AND FOLK EXPRESSİONS İN THE LANGUAGE FEATURE FİLM “NİZAMİ” Linguistic Researches /N: 2 Fizuli Mustafayev 0 2021 The article is devoted to folk words … The article is devoted to folk words and folk expressions in the language of the feature film" Nizami". It is noted Daha çox
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Azerbaycan Sinema Dilinde Doğru Telaffuz Normları Akademik Tarih ve Düşünce Dergisi / Hakan YILMAZ /Cild: 7 /N: 2 səh: 1195-1207 Fizuli Mustafayev 0 2020 As a rule of cinematic language, the … As a rule of cinematic language, the correct pronunciation is the norm in control, it is natural to pass his exams. Because orthoepy is the systematic whole of the rules of pronunciation which form the oral branch of written language based on general norms, in other words, which reflects phonetically dictation and addressing norms. Today, the peoples of the world social economic, cultural and spiritual relationship as a result of our language has entered new words. These words are usually pronounced for the first time on television and also transferred into the language of film artists. We are faced with an important event in terms of audio pronunciations places in cinematic language. These events include hardening, nasalization, diftonging and softening-flattening, and b. In practice, however, we sometimes encounter a completely opposite situation. We have to determine pronunciation mistakes made by players in the Azerbaijan cinema in this study are to find and examine the causes of these errors. Grammar must describe the analytic approach method is used when research. Daha çox
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INTERPRETATION OF KINOSENSORY AND LANGUAGE IMAGES Linguistic Researches /N: 1 Fizuli Mustafayev 0 2020 The article is interpreted by the interpretation … The article is interpreted by the interpretation of the script and the script. Поиск текстов поэзии, лирической поэзии и экранные изображений, is one of the topical aspects of the relationship between cinema and poetry and a great Daha çox
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SİNEMA DİLİ VE SÖZLÜ EDEBİ DİL. Journal of World of Turks/Zeitschrift für die Welt der Türken /Cild: 12 /N: 1 Fizuli MUSTAFAYEV 0 2020 Sinema ve medya, yüksek değerlere ulaşmada önemli … Sinema ve medya, yüksek değerlere ulaşmada önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Makalede, sinema dili ile sözlü edebi dilin yanı sıra sinema oyuncularının diline yansıması ve onların edebi dil bilgisindeki kullanış profesyonelliği düzeyi hakkında konuşulmaktadır. Makalede film dilinin konuşma diline daha yakın olduğu söylenirken çeşitli nedenler gösterilmiştir: Temel neden, dilin doğal rengini, zengin bir halk ruhunda aşılanan fikrin birincil unsurunun korunmasını ve milli karakterini korumaktır. Ayrıca, makalede dilin milli karakterinin film dilinin çok önemli karakteristik özelliği olduğu vurgulanmaktadır. Makalenin bazı bölümlerinde film dilinin popülerleştirilmesi hakkında konuşulmakta ve yazar, film dilinde argoların, kaba kelimelerin ve jargonların aktif kullanımını eleştirmektedir. Değişik Azerbaycan filmlerinden verilen örneklerle sözlü edebi dilin kurallarının bozulduğu makalede tartışılmıştır. Daha çox
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RESEARCH OF CRITICAL POINTS IN THE ENERGY SPECTRUM TlInSe2 Ele /Cild: 3 səh: T10 ST Kagramanova, FA Mustafayev, NA Djavadov 0 2000 The present work is devoted to detail … The present work is devoted to detail study and improvement of the band structure THnSe2. With this purpose we analyzed the spectroellipsometric measurement results of imaginary and real parts of dielectric function in an energy range E= 1, 2-3, 02 eV for detection of Van-Hove singularities. The classification of the found structures, identification to their transitions in the earlier designed band structure TlInSe2 is carried out. The correlation energy position of structures observed in TilnSe2 with the energy position of structures found in base crystal TISe is found. Daha çox
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CRITICAL POINTS OF SPECTRUM OF THE DIELECTRIC PERMEABILITY OF THALLIUM-SELENIUM book F GASHIMZADE, S KAGRAMAI40VA, F MUSTAFAYEV, N DJAVADOV 0 0 The analysis of the" tines form of … The analysis of the" tines form of spectra second derivative of main components of the dieiecliie permeability TiSe tensor near to criticai points were carried out. On muity angular method in two orientations oí relatively optical axis of a crystal carried out spectraelipsonielrical researches at 1,240-3, Û25eV data were used. The energies of critical points (I), spread parameters (F) and amplitude (A). The majority of the revealed structures are identified and are compared to the eariier found out structures in spectta reflection, thermoreflection and absorbtion. Daha çox
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SİNEMA DİLİ VE SÖZLÜ EDEBİ DİL CINEMA LANGUAGE AND ORAL LITERARY LANGUAGE book Fizuli MUSTAFAYEV 0 0 Sinema ve medya, yüksek değerlere ulaşmada önemli … Sinema ve medya, yüksek değerlere ulaşmada önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Makalede, sinema dili ile sözlü edebi dilin yanı sıra sinema oyuncularının diline yansıması ve onların edebi dil bilgisindeki kullanış profesyonelliği düzeyi hakkında konuşulmaktadır. Makalede film dilinin konuşma diline daha yakın olduğu söylenirken çeşitli nedenler gösterilmiştir: Temel neden, dilin doğal rengini, zengin bir halk ruhunda aşılanan fikrin birincil unsurunun korunmasını ve milli karakterini korumaktır. Ayrıca, makalede dilin milli karakterinin film dilinin çok önemli karakteristik özelliği olduğu vurgulanmaktadır. Makalenin bazı bölümlerinde film dilinin popülerleştirilmesi hakkında konuşulmakta ve yazar, film dilinde argoların, kaba kelimelerin ve jargonların aktif kullanımını eleştirmektedir. Değişik Azerbaycan filmlerinden verilen örneklerle sözlü edebi dilin kurallarının bozulduğu makalede tartışılmıştır. Daha çox
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SOME CONSIDERATIONS ON STYLE POSITION OF CINEMA LANGUAGE IN AZERBAIJAN book Fizuli Mustafayev 0 0 Together with mass media the film has … Together with mass media the film has very important role in protecting our national mental values. In the presented artice the film language, oral literary language and the professionalim of the film actor in the pronounciation of oral literary language are analyzed. While speaking the film language being closer to the spoken language several reasons are shown: The basic reason is to protect the natural colour, initial curiosity and national character of the language. Furthermore, it is emphasized that the national character of language is very important chracteristic feature of the film language.In several parts of the paper it is spoken about popularizing of the film language and the author criticizes active usage of slangs, vulgar words and jargons in the film language. Samples from different Azerbaijan films in several parts of the paper arouse great interest. Key woords: literary language, the film actor, movie script, spoken language, the articulation norms, national character of language, nationwide language Daha çox
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