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İşin adı Jurnalın adı, Nəşriyyat, cild, N Müəlliflər İstinad sayı Nəşr tarixi Abstrakt və oxşar məqalələr
Compiling of Phonetic Database Structure Traektoriâ Nauki= Path of Science / Altezoro, sro & Dialog /Cild: 7 /N: 4 səh: 4001-4006 Maya Heydarova 3 2021 The voice corpus of language is the … The voice corpus of language is the essential part of the linguistic resources, and it contains the phonetic database. A phonetic database is a structured collection of software-delivered speech fragments. Nowadays, phonetic database or voice corpus became like a new element in speech technologies, and much investigation has taken place according to this event. The investigators' interest in voice corpus is related to the development of a speech recognition system. Today it is enough to experience in preparation of a phonetic database. Equipped with unique information on the preparation and usage of everyday speech corpus, the development level of speech technologies and the increasing power of computer technologies allow for the investigation of various language materials, largescale, and statistical phonetic research. These developed directions of linguistics were investigated in this article. Speech corpora are a valuable source of information for phonological research and the study of sound patterns. The study of speech corpora is in its infancy compared to other field studies in linguistics. Existing speech corpora form the part of the world's languages and do not fully represent all the dialects and speech forms by phonological aspect. The article analyses the history, structure, and importance of developing speech corpses, a branch of corpus linguistics and has developed in recent years. The article also lists the main features to be considered in the design of the speech corpus. Daha çox
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AUTOMATIC TEXT ANALYSIS PROGRAMS AND THEIR WORKING PRINCIPLES Linguistic Researches /N: 1 Maya Heydarova 0 2021 The widespread use of computer technology in … The widespread use of computer technology in our lives has also affected the linguistics sphere. This effect can be Daha çox
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