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İdris Abbasov

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İdris Əziz oğlu Abbasov
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Filologiya üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru.
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1 Yanvar 2024 - H/h

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1 Dekabr 2024 2 0 0 0
1 Noyabr 2024 2 0 0 0
1 Oktyabr 2024 2 0 0 0
1 Sentyabr 2024 2 0 0 0
1 Avqust 2024 2 0 0 0
1 İyul 2024 2 0 0 0
1 İyun 2024 2 0 0 0

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Elmi işlərin siyahısı
İşin adı Jurnalın adı, Nəşriyyat, cild, N Müəlliflər İstinad sayı Nəşr tarixi Abstrakt və oxşar məqalələr
The Diglossic Communicative Approach To Teaching Arabic language Вопросы гуманитарных наук / Общество с ограниченной ответственностью" Издательство" Спутник+" /N: 4 səh: 136-140 Idris Abbasov 0 2010
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GRAMMATICALITY AND RHETORICITY OF ARABIC LANGUAGE book Idris Əziz oğlu Abbasov 0 0 Grammar and rhetoric, the language disciplines, formed … Grammar and rhetoric, the language disciplines, formed the basis of any medieval education, no matter what future career a student would want to pursue. The art of grammar embraced not only language and linguistic thought but literature and the analysis of literary texts. The art of rhetoric entailed mastery of form and style in any kind of writing, prose or poetry, and any literary genre (1, p. 1).The Roman educational system had stressed grammar and rhetoric in the preparatory curriculum, but naturally had not intended them as avenues to theology. There are more similarities between grammar and rhetoric than between logic and rhetoric: Rhetoric is allied (coniuncta) to grammar, Isidorus says in one place, while in other place he borrows from Cassiodorus the saying of Varro that rhetoric is like an open hand, and dialectic like a closed first. Thus he brings grammar and rhetoric together, and (like Cassiodorus) separates rhetoric explicitly from dialectic. He continues: There are seven disciplines of the liberal arts. Firsr there is grammar, that is, the knowledge (peritia) of speaking. Second there is rhetoric, which on account of its luster and wealth of eloquence is deemed most useful and necessary in civil questions. The third discipline I call logic, or dialectic, which in the most exacting controversies distinguishes the true from the false. Following this he names four others: arithmetic, music, geometry, and astronomy. The author defines grammar as the science of correctness in speaking, which is both the origin and the foundation of the liberal arts. In respect to dispositio, however, he departs from the Ciceronian doctrines: There are four parts of a … Daha çox
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