Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaijan) during the Kura-Araxes period(10017)
['Bertille Lyonnet', 'Guliyev Farhad', 'Laurence Bouquet', 'Laure Pecqueur', "Poulmarc'H Modwene", 'Pascal Raymond', 'Anaick Samzun']
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Ancient Kura 2010–2011: the first two seasons of joint field work in the southern Caucasus
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Joerg Fassbinder, F Becker, Laurence Astruc, Svend Hansen, Guram Mirtskhulava, Barbara Helwing, Gaëlle Bruley-Chabot, Michel Fontugne, A Decaix, Tevekkul Aliyev, K Bastert-Lamprichs, W Bebermeier, N Benecke, L Bouquet, A Courcier, MB D’anna, F Geitel, A Goren, C Hamon, J Koch, G Le Dosseur, A Lincot, R Link, R Neef, D Neumann, V Ollivier, P Raymond, A Ricci, A Samzun, S Schorr, Frank Schlütz, J Shillito, M Ullrich, J Wahl]
Ancient Kura 2010–2011: The first two seasons …
Ancient Kura 2010–2011: The first two seasons of joint field work in the Southern Caucasus -
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Menteştepe qedim yaşayiş yerinde arxeoloji tedqiqatlar (Tovuz rayonu)
[Farhad Guliyev, Emmanuel Baudouin, Bertille Lyonnet, Laurence Bouquet, Laure Pecqueur, Poulmarc'H Modwene, Pascal Raymond, Anaick Samzun, Caroline Hamon, Gaëlle Bruley-Chabot, A Decaix]
Menteştepe qedim yaşayiş yerinde arxeoloji tedqiqatlar (Tovuz …
Menteştepe qedim yaşayiş yerinde arxeoloji tedqiqatlar (Tovuz rayonu) - Archive ouverte HAL
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Un kourgane de la phase Martkopi à Mentesh Tepe (période des Premiers Kourganes, Bronze ancien).
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Laure Pecqueur, Poulmarc'H Modwene, E Muradova, Alexia Decaix, Camille Ringenbach, Estelle Ottenwelter]
Un kourgane de la phase Martkopi à …
Un kourgane de la phase Martkopi à Mentesh Tepe (période des Premiers Kourganes, Bronze
ancien). - Archive ouverte HAL Accéder directement au contenu Documentation FR Français
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Stratégies de subsistance entre les 6ème et 3ème millénaires à Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaïdjan): Entre environnement et social
[Bertille Lyonnet, Guliyev Farhad, Laure Pecqueur, Poulmarc'H Modwene, Estelle Herrscher, Norbert Bennecke]
Stratégies de subsistance entre les 6ème et …
Stratégies de subsistance entre les 6ème et 3ème millénaires à Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaïdjan) :
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
A study of the effects of fire on a collective burial in the Early Bronze Age kourgan of Mentesh Tepe in Azerbaijan
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Laurence Bouquet, Laure Pecqueur, Poulmarc'H Modwene, Pascal Raymond, Anaick Samzun]
A study of the effects of fire …
A study of the effects of fire on a collective burial in the Early Bronze Age kourgan of Mentesh
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
The 2017 investigations at Kiçik Tepe (Tovuz, Azerbaijan). New data on the neolithic and chalcolithic periods in the Kura river valley.
[Bertille Lyonnet, Guliyev Farhad, Poulmarc'H Modwene, Giulio Palumbi, E Muradova, L Cinque, Joerg Fassbinder, M Schleibecker, F Becker, Sébastien Gondet]
The 2017 investigations at Kiçik Tepe (Tovuz, …
The 2017 investigations at Kiçik Tepe (Tovuz, Azerbaijan). New data on the neolithic and
chalcolithic periods in the Kura river valley. - Archive ouverte HAL Accéder directement au
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
The origins of food production in the southern Caucasus: excavations at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, Azerbaijan(10018)
['Yoshihiro Nishiaki', 'Farhad Guliyev', 'Seiji Kadowaki']
Over the past decade, great advances have been made in research on Neolithisation processes in the southern Caucasus. One such achievement involves the dating of the emergence of a full-fledged, food-producing economy, which is now assigned to the beginning of the sixth millennium BC (Nishiaki et al. 2015a). The southern Caucasian communities were situated directly to the north of the Fertile Crescent, where a foodproducing economy emerged as early as the tenth millennium BC; the apparently late adoption of such an economy in the neighbouring southern Caucasus poses intriguing questions as to the environmental and social contexts that led to this great cultural change.The introduction of a food-producing economy in this region is associated with the Shomutepe-Shulaveri culture (Pottery Neolithic; Narimanov 1987). Although a number of settlements of this culture have been discovered since the 1960s, the absence of a rigorous chronological framework has been an obstacle to the determination of the contexts in which it emerged and developed. A key site through which to investigate this issue is Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, located in the Middle Kura Valley, west Azerbaijan (Figure 1).
Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Investigating cultural and socioeconomic change at the beginning of the Pottery Neolithic in the southern Caucasus: the 2013 excavations at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Chie Akashi, Saiji Arai, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki, Valeh Alakbarov, Takehiro Miki, Shahin Salimbayov]
Recent research on the Neolithic period of …
Recent research on the Neolithic period of the southern Caucasus situates the emergence of an established food-producing economy at the beginning of the sixth millennium b.c. This article reports on the 2013 season of excavations at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, western Azerbaijan, currently one of the oldest sites providing evidence of early agriculture, which represents the earliest stage of the Shomutepe-Shulaveri culture. Excavations yielded a rich archaeological record that confirmed the intensive exploitation of domesticated cereals and animals over a period ranging from ca. 5950 to 5800 cal b.c. Excavated artifact assemblages have a distinct character, differing from those of later settlements, indicating rapid cultural changes in the first half of the sixth millennium b.c. The assemblages also comprised a small number of elements reminiscent of the Pottery Neolithic traditions from the eastern wing of the Fertile …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Neolithisation processes of the South Caucasus: as viewed from macro-botanical analyses at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, West Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Chie Akashi, Farhad Guliyev, Kenichi Tanno]
We examined macro-botanical remains from two Neolithic …
We examined macro-botanical remains from two Neolithic sites in West Azerbaijan, aiming to reconstruct how the first food-producing economy of the South Caucasus was established in the context of the Shomutepe-Shulaveri culture. Göytepe (ca. 5650-5460 cal. BC), representing the later phase of this culture, revealed a crop assemblage characterised by the common use of free-threshing cereals, comparable to those of the archaeobotanical assemblages known from other Shomutepe-Shulaveri sites. A distinct picture was revealed at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, one of the oldest known Shomutepe-Shulaveri settlements in the region. In this site dated from the first quarter of the 6th millennium BC (ca. 5950-5800 cal. BC), the predominance of hulled cereals and scarcity of naked cereals were observed. This cereal assemblage represents the earliest stage of the South Caucasian Neolithic economy, and the marked …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, the Shomutepe Culture, and the Neolithic Southern Caucasus
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev]
The preceding chapters have described the results …
The preceding chapters have described the results of our research at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, an early 6th millennium BC mound in the Middle Kura Valley, West Azerbaijan. The excavations between 2012 and 2015 demonstrated that this Neolithic site was one of the earliest farming villages known in the region and even in the South Caucasian Neolithic. Remarkably, its subsistence records revealed a heavy reliance on plant cultivation and animal husbandry in daily life (Chapters 9 and 10). In other words, they indicate the existence of a full-fledged farming society at the very beginning of the Neolithic period in the Southern Caucasus.This finding suggests the need for research on a long-debated issue on the origin (s) of the Southern Caucasian Neolithic communities (Nishiaki 2021). Did they emerge as a result of indigenous evolution of the local hunter-gatherers’ socio-economies, diffusion of the farming societies developed elsewhere notably in the Fertile Crescent of Southwest Asia, a combination of these, or another reason entirely? However, the available datasets have had serious deficiencies with regard to answering this important question. First, the cultural sequences of Northeast Anatolia and Northwest Iran situated between the Southern Caucasus and Southwest Asia for the key period of the late 7th and early 6th millennia BC have not been established because of a lack of relevant investigations in recent years. Accordingly, our current knowledge is based on field data obtained before the introduction of modern research strategies, such as those from Tilkitepe in Turkey (Korfman 1982) and Haji Firuz Tepe of Iran (Voigt 1983). Second …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Chronological contexts of the earliest pottery Neolithic in the South Caucasus: radiocarbon dates for Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki]
Research on the earliest Neolithic in the …
Research on the earliest Neolithic in the South Caucasus is still in its early stages. Establishing a solid chronological framework will help determine the timing of the emergence and subsequent development of regional Neolithic societies. This article reports on 46 radiocarbon dates obtained from the two recently excavated Early Pottery Neolithic sites of Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, the oldest farming villages known to date in West Azerbaijan. Comparing the dates from other related sites demonstrates that several settlements representing the earliest Pottery Neolithic emerged almost simultaneously at the beginning of the sixth millennium B.C.E. in the northern and southern foothills of the Lesser Caucasus Mountains. The lack of evidence for plant cultivation or animal husbandry at earlier sites suggests a foreign origin for agricultural economies in the South Caucasus. However, cultural items characterizing …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
The 2017 investigations at Kiçik Tepe (Tovuz, Azerbaijan). New data on the neolithic and chalcolithic periods in the Kura river valley.(10019)
['Bertille Lyonnet', 'Guliyev Farhad', "Poulmarc'H Modwene", 'Giulio Palumbi', 'E Muradova', 'L Cinque', 'Joerg Fassbinder', 'M Schleibecker', 'F Becker', 'Sébastien Gondet']
The 2017 investigations at Kiçik Tepe (Tovuz, Azerbaijan). New data on the neolithic and
chalcolithic periods in the Kura river valley. - Archive ouverte HAL Accéder directement au
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Ancient Kura 2010–2011: the first two seasons of joint field work in the southern Caucasus
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Joerg Fassbinder, F Becker, Laurence Astruc, Svend Hansen, Guram Mirtskhulava, Barbara Helwing, Gaëlle Bruley-Chabot, Michel Fontugne, A Decaix, Tevekkul Aliyev, K Bastert-Lamprichs, W Bebermeier, N Benecke, L Bouquet, A Courcier, MB D’anna, F Geitel, A Goren, C Hamon, J Koch, G Le Dosseur, A Lincot, R Link, R Neef, D Neumann, V Ollivier, P Raymond, A Ricci, A Samzun, S Schorr, Frank Schlütz, J Shillito, M Ullrich, J Wahl]
Ancient Kura 2010–2011: The first two seasons …
Ancient Kura 2010–2011: The first two seasons of joint field work in the Southern Caucasus -
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Mentesh Tepe: metallurgical evidence and recent archaeometallurgical studies; the beginnings of metallurgy in Azerbaijan in perspective, from the Neolithic to the Early Bronze …
[Emmanuel Baudouin, Bertille Lyonnet, Guliyev Farhad, Laurence Bouquet, Laure Pecqueur, Poulmarc'H Modwene, Pascal Raymond, Anaick Samzun, Alexia Decaix, Antoine Courcier, Caroline Hamon, A Hauptmann, M Bode, Gaëlle Bruley-Chabot, Michel Fontugne, B Jalilov]
Mentesh Tepe: metallurgical evidence and recent archaeometallurgical …
Mentesh Tepe: metallurgical evidence and recent archaeometallurgical studies; the beginnings
of metallurgy in Azerbaijan in perspective, from the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age (6th-3rd
mill. BCE). - Inria - Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies du numérique
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaijan) during the Kura-Araxes period
[Bertille Lyonnet, Guliyev Farhad, Laurence Bouquet, Laure Pecqueur, Poulmarc'H Modwene, Pascal Raymond, Anaick Samzun]
Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaijan) during the Kura-Araxes period …
Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaijan) during the Kura-Araxes period - Archive ouverte HAL Accéder
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Isotopic approach to animal biographies. Its potential and limits to investigate pastoral mobilities in the South Caucasus and Northwestern Iran from the Neolithic to the …
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Catherine Marro, Rémi Berthon, Marjan Mashkour, Shiva Sheikhi, Adeline Vautrin, Sepideh Maziar, Roghayeh Rahimi Sorkhani, Azadeh Fatemeh Mohaseb Karimlu, Xəqani Alməmmədov, Svend Hansen, Guram Mirtskhulava, Caroline Hamon, Mindia Jalabadze, Barbara Helwing, Tevekkül Aliev, Veli Bakhshaliyev, Tükazban Göyüşova, Ali Zalaghi]
Isotopic approach to animal biographies. Its potential …
Isotopic approach to animal biographies. Its potential and limits to investigate pastoral
mobilities in the South Caucasus and Northwestern Iran from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age -
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Stratégies de subsistance entre les 6ème et 3ème millénaires à Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaïdjan): Entre environnement et social
[Bertille Lyonnet, Guliyev Farhad, Laure Pecqueur, Poulmarc'H Modwene, Estelle Herrscher, Norbert Bennecke]
Stratégies de subsistance entre les 6ème et …
Stratégies de subsistance entre les 6ème et 3ème millénaires à Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaïdjan) :
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
A study of the effects of fire on a collective burial in the Early Bronze Age kourgan of Mentesh Tepe in Azerbaijan
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Laurence Bouquet, Laure Pecqueur, Poulmarc'H Modwene, Pascal Raymond, Anaick Samzun]
A study of the effects of fire …
A study of the effects of fire on a collective burial in the Early Bronze Age kourgan of Mentesh
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
['Bertille LYONNET', 'Farhad GULIYEV']
Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ移動 検索フォームへ移動
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ショット型研究開発事業 すべて 研究データ 論文 本 博士論文 プロジェクト [2023年10月31日掲載
]CiNii Dissertations及びCiNii BooksのCiNii Researchへの統合について BATI AZERBEYCAN'DA
LYONNET Farhad GULIYEV 収録刊行物 Türkiye Bilimler akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi Türkiye …
Salidə Şəmməd qızı Şərifova (Nizami Gəncəvi adına Ədəbiyyat İnstitutu / Müstəqillik dövrü Azərbaycan ədəiyyatı)
Жанровое смещение в романе: коммуникативно-социокогнитивный подход
[Salida Sharifova]
Жанровое смещение в романе : коммуникативно-социокогнитивный подход …
Жанровое смещение в романе : коммуникативно-социокогнитивный подход | CiNii
Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ移動 検索フォームへ移動
論文・データをさがす 大学図書館の本をさがす 日本の博士論文をさがす English 検索 タイトル 人物
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公共データカタログ ムーンショット型研究開発事業 すべて 研究データ 論文 本 博士論文 プロジェクト
[2023年10月31日掲載]CiNii Dissertations及びCiNii BooksのCiNii Researchへの統合について 新
「国立国会図書館サーチ」公開によるCiNiiサービスへの影響について Жанровое смещение в
романе : коммуникативно-социокогнитивный подход CiNii 所蔵館 1館 Sharifova, Salida 書誌…
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Fəridə Əhəd qızı Əzizova (Nizami Gəncəvi adına Ədəbiyyat İnstitutu / Orta əsrlər Azərbaycan ədəbiyyatı)
Поэзия Насими-гимн человеку: синтез духовно-культурных ценностей Востока и Запада
[Farida Azizova, Aleksandr Borisovich Kudelin]
Поэзия Насими - гимн человеку : синтез …
Поэзия Насими - гимн человеку : синтез духовно-культурных ценностей Востока и Запада
| CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ移動 検索フォームへ
移動 論文・データをさがす 大学図書館の本をさがす 日本の博士論文をさがす English 検索 タイトル
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カタログ ムーンショット型研究開発事業 すべて 研究データ 論文 本 博士論文 プロジェクト [2023年
10月31日掲載]CiNii Dissertations及びCiNii BooksのCiNii Researchへの統合について 新「国立
国会図書館サーチ」公開によるCiNiiサービスへの影響について CiNiiのサービスに関するアンケート
を実施中です(期間:2024年1月19日(金)から2024年2月18日(日)まで) Поэзия Насими - гимн …
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İsa Əkbər oğlu Həbibbəyli (Nizami Gəncəvi adına Ədəbiyyat İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Гений эпохи
[Isa Gabibbeĭli]
Гений эпохи | CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 …
Гений эпохи | CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ
移動 検索フォームへ移動 論文・データをさがす 大学図書館の本をさがす 日本の博士論文をさがす
English 検索 タイトル 人物/団体名 所属機関 ISSN DOI 期間 ~ 本文リンク 本文リンクあり データ
ソース JaLC IRDB Crossref DataCite NDL NDL-Digital RUDA JDCat NINJAL CiNii Articles
CiNii Books CiNii Dissertations DBpedia Nikkei BP KAKEN Integbio 公共データカタログ
すべて 研究データ 論文 本 博士論文 プロジェクト Гений эпохи CiNii 所蔵館 1館 Gabibbeĭli, Isa
書誌事項 タイトル "Гений эпохи" 責任表示 Иса Габиббейли 出版者 Ишыг 出版年月 1993
書籍サイズ 23 cm タイトル別名 Geniĭ ėpokhi この図書・雑誌をさがす Webcat Plus 国立国会
図書館サーチ カーリル WorldCat 注記 Chiefly photographs, which concern the life of Jalil
Mammadguluzade, an Azerbaijan writer Summary in Azerbaijani, Arabic and English …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Genome-wide analysis of a collective grave from Mentesh Tepe provides insight into the population structure of early neolithic population in the South Caucasus(10021)
['Farhad Guliyev', 'Bertille Lyonnet', 'Laure Pecqueur', 'Perle Guarino-Vignon', 'Maël Lefeuvre', 'Amélie Chimènes', 'Aurore Monnereau', 'Elsa Jovenet', 'Céline Bon']
Despite the localisation of the southern Caucasus at the outskirt of the Fertile Crescent, the Neolithisation process started there only at the beginning of the sixth millennium with the Shomutepe-Shulaveri culture of yet unclear origins. We present here genomic data for three new individuals from Mentesh Tepe in Azerbaijan, dating back to the beginnings of the Shomutepe-Shulaveri culture. We evidence that two juveniles, buried embracing each other, were brothers. We show that the Mentesh Tepe Neolithic population is the product of a recent gene flow between the Anatolian farmer-related population and the Caucasus/Iranian population, demonstrating that population admixture was at the core of the development of agriculture in the South Caucasus. By comparing Bronze Age individuals from the South Caucasus with Neolithic individuals from the same region, including Mentesh Tepe, we evidence that gene …
Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Agricultural Practices at Mentesh Tepe (Kura Valley, Azerbaijan) during the Neolithic, Chalcolithic and Bronze Age: An Overview from Sickle Elements and Botanical Remains
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Alexia Decaix, Laurence Astruc, Denis Guilbeau]
The Neolithic process took place in the …
The Neolithic process took place in the South Caucasus between the very end of the 7th and the early 6th millennium BCE, at least two millennia after it had already taken place in neighboring Anatolia and Iran. Agriculture appeared at that time, and was the main basis of the economy, together with herding. Cereals, mainly barley and different kinds of wheats, were the dominant cultivar. Mentesh Tepe, one of the rare multi-period settlements of the region, allows us to witness the development of ancient agricultural practices, since Neolithic, Chalcolithic and Bronze Age occupations have been identified there. The site is located in Azerbaijan in the vicinity of the Zeyem Cay, a tributary of the Kura River, some 10 km from the foothills of the Lesser Caucasus. We present here data originating from the analyses of botanical remains and techno-functional lithic tools studies. We have thus been able to identify trends and changes through time affecting cultivation and harvesting techniques. These are the result of economic and socio-cultural changes and reflect both the organization of communities and the technical skills of local inhabitants
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, the Shomutepe Culture, and the Neolithic Southern Caucasus
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev]
The preceding chapters have described the results …
The preceding chapters have described the results of our research at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, an early 6th millennium BC mound in the Middle Kura Valley, West Azerbaijan. The excavations between 2012 and 2015 demonstrated that this Neolithic site was one of the earliest farming villages known in the region and even in the South Caucasian Neolithic. Remarkably, its subsistence records revealed a heavy reliance on plant cultivation and animal husbandry in daily life (Chapters 9 and 10). In other words, they indicate the existence of a full-fledged farming society at the very beginning of the Neolithic period in the Southern Caucasus.This finding suggests the need for research on a long-debated issue on the origin (s) of the Southern Caucasian Neolithic communities (Nishiaki 2021). Did they emerge as a result of indigenous evolution of the local hunter-gatherers’ socio-economies, diffusion of the farming societies developed elsewhere notably in the Fertile Crescent of Southwest Asia, a combination of these, or another reason entirely? However, the available datasets have had serious deficiencies with regard to answering this important question. First, the cultural sequences of Northeast Anatolia and Northwest Iran situated between the Southern Caucasus and Southwest Asia for the key period of the late 7th and early 6th millennia BC have not been established because of a lack of relevant investigations in recent years. Accordingly, our current knowledge is based on field data obtained before the introduction of modern research strategies, such as those from Tilkitepe in Turkey (Korfman 1982) and Haji Firuz Tepe of Iran (Voigt 1983). Second …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Mentesh Tepe, an early settlement of the Shomu-Shulaveri Culture in Azerbaijan
[Farhad Guliyev, Emmanuel Baudouin, Bertille Lyonnet, Laurence Bouquet, Laure Pecqueur, Pascal Raymond, Anaick Samzun, Elsa Jovenet, Laurence Astruc, Antoine Courcier, Denis Guilbeau, Caroline Hamon, Gaëlle Bruley-Chabot, Michel Fontugne, Emeline Degorre, Gaëlle Le Dosseur, Norbert Benecke, Modwene Poulmarc'h]
Excavations at Mentesh Tepe, western Azerbaijan, have …
Excavations at Mentesh Tepe, western Azerbaijan, have unearthed Neolithic levels dated to an early stage of the Shomu-Shulaveri Culture, with a specific material culture and several inhumations among which a multiple burial. At that stage, already a full domestication of plants and animals is evident. Many questions have been raised concerning the origins of this culture, and its end is also still obscure. Relations with societies in the north-Mesopotamian area have again recently been evidenced at its beginnings. Mentesh Tepe, with its exceptional succession of occupations from the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age, could help providing some clues for the links between the Neolithic and the Chalcolithic periods. The site is presented here under different points of views (architecture, burials, material culture) but in a preliminary stage since many studies are still in progress. Questions are raised about the climate …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Genomic history of neolithic to bronze age Anatolia, Northern Levant, and Southern Caucasus
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Giulio Palumbi, Eirini Skourtanioti, Yilmaz S Erdal, Marcella Frangipane, Francesca Balossi Restelli, K Aslıhan Yener, Frances Pinnock, Paolo Matthiae, Rana Özbal, Ulf-Dietrich Schoop, Tufan Akhundov, Emily L Hammer, Selin E Nugent, Marta Burri, Gunnar U Neumann, Sandra Penske, Tara Ingman, Murat Akar, Rula Shafiq, Stefanie Eisenmann, Marta D’andrea, Adam B Rohrlach, Christina Warinner, Choongwon Jeong, Philipp W Stockhammer, Wolfgang Haak, Johannes Krause]
Here, we report genome-wide data analyses from …
Here, we report genome-wide data analyses from 110 ancient Near Eastern individuals spanning the Late Neolithic to Late Bronze Age, a period characterized by intense interregional interactions for the Near East. We find that 6th millennium BCE populations of North/Central Anatolia and the Southern Caucasus shared mixed ancestry on a genetic cline that formed during the Neolithic between Western Anatolia and regions in today's Southern Caucasus/Zagros. During the Late Chalcolithic and/or the Early Bronze Age, more than half of the Northern Levantine gene pool was replaced, while in the rest of Anatolia and the Southern Caucasus, we document genetic continuity with only transient gene flow. Additionally, we reveal a genetically distinct individual within the Late Bronze Age Northern Levant. Overall, our study uncovers multiple scales of population dynamics through time, from extensive admixture during …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Mouvements de populations dans le Sud-Caucase à la Protohistoire: apports de l’étude paléogénétique de Mentesh Tepe et Ovçular-tepesi
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Laure Pecqueur, Perle Guarino-Vignon, Maël Lefeuvre, Aurore Monnereau, Céline Bon, Johanne Adam, Amelie Chimenes, Catherine Marro]
1 Le Sud du Caucase se situe …
1 Le Sud du Caucase se situe à la bordure du Croissant Fertile, où le Néolithique a débuté il y a plus de 10000 ans. Pourtant, l’agriculture et l’élevage y apparaissent avec environ deux millénaires d’écart. Les données archéologiques montrent que les différentes régions du Croissant Fertile (est de l’Anatolie, nord de la Mésopotamie, Iran) ont eu un rôle important dans l’émergence des cultures néolithiques du sud du Caucase. Afin de mieux comprendre le rôle des mouvements de populations dans ce phénomène, nous avons effectué des analyses paléogénétiques sur des individus néolithiques et chalcolithiques des sites de Mentesh Tepe et d’Ovçular-tepesi. A Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaïdjan, vallée de la Kura). Les restes humains séquencés sont issus d’une sépulture de catastrophe associée à une occupation Shomu-Shulaveri, la plus ancienne culture néolithique dans la région; les restes humains séquencés provenant d’Ovçulartepesi (Azerbaïdjan, Nakhitchevan) datent quant à eux du Chalcolithique. Via l’étude de l’ADN ancien retrouvé dans ces restes humains, nous avons pu montrer que la diffusion du Néolithique implique une migration de populations proches de celles retrouvées à l’est de l’Anatolie et un métissage avec des populations locales ou provenant du Zagros. La proximité génétique entre les deux sites, renforce l’hypothèse d’une continuité populationnelle au cours de la Proto-histoire, même si les individus d’Ovçular-tepesi ont bénéficié d’un flux de gènes plus important provenant de groupes apparentés à ceux du Levant. Notre étude paléogénétique renforce le modèle d’une Néolithisation du
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Domed or flat? The case study of Building 21 at Kiçik Tepe (Middle Kura Valley, Azerbaijan) and a reconsideration of the Neolithic roofing architecture in the South Caucasus(10022)
['Farhad Guliyev', 'Emmanuel Baudouin', 'Giulio Palumbi', 'Alexia Decaix', 'Emmanuela Brunacci']
The site of Kiçik Tepe (Azerbaijan) is located in the Middle Kura Valley river. The archaeological material and radiocarbon dating attribute the oldest levels to the Neolithic period (5870-5750 BCE), and its circular architecture is characteristic of the Aratashen-Shulaveri-Shomu culture. The 2018-2019 excavation campaigns have unearthed Building 21, which was built with mud bricks and preserved over 1.4 m in height. The exceptional state of preservation of the building is due to a fire that led to the collapse of the walls and roof materials. Based on the archaeological results of the excavation and a multidisciplinary research combining a stratigraphic examination, an architectural study and an anthracological analysis, this paper proposes to reconstruct the elevation and the roof of Building 21. In addition, our questions will focus on a possible diversity of forms and roofing techniques in the Neolithic period as perceived in the archaeological literature. We also want to understand what factors (environmental, cultural, socio-cultural) may influence choices regarding roofing and whether they can be identified through archaeological evidence. This paper contributes to the current debate on the technical specificities developed by these communities with new data and thus to a better understanding of architecture in its three dimensions, to define the complexities linking cultural “behaviours”, building materials and architectural solutions among these Neolithic communities.
Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
New data and perspectives on the early stages of the Neolithic in the Middle Kura River Valley (South Caucasus). The 2017–2019 excavations at Kiçik Tepe, Western Azerbaijan
[Farhad Guliyev, Emmanuel Baudouin, Giulio Palumbi, Alexia Decaix, Laurence Astruc, Bernard Gratuze, Rémi Berthon, Caroline Hamon, Maria Bianca d'Anna, Valeh Alakbarov, Modwene Poulmarc'h, Andrea Ricci]
The factors and dynamics that initiated the …
The factors and dynamics that initiated the Neolithisation process in the South Caucasus between the very end of the 7th and the beginning of the 6th millennium BCE are still unclear and hotly debated. It is within this framework that the excavations at Kiçik Tepe, in the middle Kura river valley of Western Azerbaijan, aim to offer new data and new perspectives on the complex interplay of environmental, social and cultural factors that contributed to this process. Excavations at Kiçik Tepe uncovered two main phases of occupation consisting of circular buildings dating to the first centuries of the 6th millennium. Architectural remains allowed us to highlight an evolutionary architectural trajectory hinting at social and productive changes in the role and structure of the households. The subsistence strategies that rely on species domesticated elsewhere show at once a series of specificities highlighting adaptation to the local …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Mud-bricks in Neolithic architecture at Göytepe
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev, Emmanuel Baudouin]
6.1 Introduction circular semi-subterranean buildings reminiscent of …
6.1 Introduction circular semi-subterranean buildings reminiscent of the domestic structures used by incipient farmers of the Fertile Crescent (Baudouin 2019). These changes in architectural style are likely related to other socio-economic changes that occurred during the formative period of the Neolithic group in the region. The aim of this chapter is to provide new data on the architectural development of the Shomutepe culture of the Middle Kura Valley, namely regarding the production of mud-bricks at Göytepe. Based on stratigraphic data, we examine how mud-brick manufacturing technology might have developed during the Neolithic period in Göytepe.An increasing amount of evidence indicates that the Neolithic cultures of the South Caucasus underwent rapid cultural evolution in the early 6th millennium BC soon after the emergence of Neolithic society. Such evidence attests to autonomous development, regardless of whether Neolithic culture was introduced from southwest Asia (Nishiaki et al. 2019). One of the best examples of this cultural evolution is the production and use of pottery. Although the material culture of Fertile Crescent communities in southwest Asia around 6000 BC was characterized by the proliferation of pottery, the earliest southern Caucasus Neolithic sites do not always yield a comparably large amount of pottery. In the Middle Kura Valley of West Azerbaijan, the substantial production of pottery began only a few centuries after the introduction of the Neolithic economy (Nishiaki et al. 2015a; cf. Marro et al. 2019). A local development can also be seen in architecture. Circular buildings were prevalent in the Neolithic cultures …
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Nəcəf Ələsgər oğlu Müseyibli (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Etnoarxeologiya)
Novye dannye po neolitu Azerbaydzhana
[Nadzhaf Museibli]
В последние годы исследование раннеземледельческих памятников стало …
В последние годы исследование раннеземледельческих памятников стало одним из основных задач азербайджанской археологии. Целью этих исследований является изучение таких проблем, как история перехода к оседлой жизни, происхождение и развитие земледельческой культуры, культурно-экономические связи населения региона в периоды неолита и энеолита. В этой связи представляют определенный интерес, недавно проведенные нами раскопки на поселениях эпохи неолита Гасансу I и II. Часть выявленных археологических материалов, а также данные стратиграфии дают возможность по-новому подойти к решению вышеперечисленных проблем. Но мы пока воздержимся от окончательных заключений и ограничимся лишь предварительными выводами о результатах раскопок этих памятников.Названные поселения были обнаружены автором в 2005 г. на территории Акстафинского района Азербайджанской Республики на расстоянии 800 м к востоку от сел. Ашагы Кесемен и приблизительно 700 м от ущелья вдоль реки Гасансу. Тогда эти холмы, расположенные на равнинной местности, были названы по одноименному населенному пункту Ашагы Кесемен и по традиционной датировке были отнесены к эпохе энеолита (Мусеибли, 2005). Ныне они получили наименования по названию реки соответственно Гасансу I и II. Поселения представляют собой два искусственных холма (тепе), первый из которых расположен на расстоянии 50 м к северо-западу от второго. Размер каждого холма занимает территорию около 0, 5 га, высота первого …
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Nəcəf Ələsgər oğlu Müseyibli (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Etnoarxeologiya)
Новые данные по неолиту Азербайджана
[Мусеибли Наджаф]
В последние годы исследование раннеземледельческих памятников стало …
В последние годы исследование раннеземледельческих памятников стало одним из основных задач азербайджанской археологии. Целью этих исследований является изучение таких проблем, как история перехода к оседлой жизни, происхождение и развитие земледельческой культуры, культурно-экономические связи населения региона в периоды неолита и энеолита. В этой связи представляют определенный интерес, недавно проведенные нами раскопки на поселениях эпохи неолита Гасансу I и II. Часть выявленных археологических материалов, а также данные стратиграфии дают возможность по-новому подойти к решению вышеперечисленных проблем. Но мы пока воздержимся от окончательных заключений и ограничимся лишь предварительными выводами о результатах раскопок этих памятников.Названные поселения были обнаружены автором в 2005 г. на территории Акстафинского района Азербайджанской Республики на расстоянии 800 м к востоку от сел. Ашагы Кесемен и приблизительно 700 м от ущелья вдоль реки Гасансу. Тогда эти холмы, расположенные на равнинной местности, были названы по одноименному населенному пункту Ашагы Кесемен и по традиционной датировке были отнесены к эпохе энеолита (Мусеибли, 2005). Ныне они получили наименования по названию реки соответственно Гасансу I и II. Поселения представляют собой два искусственных холма (тепе), первый из которых расположен на расстоянии 50 м к северо-западу от второго. Размер каждого холма занимает территорию около 0, 5 га, высота первого …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
The use of natural resources at Mentesh Tepe during the Late Chalcolithic period and the Early Bronze Age(10023)
['Farhad Guliyev', 'Bertille Lyonnet', 'Laurence Astruc', 'Antoine Courcier', 'Bernard Gratuze', 'Denis Guilbeau', 'Moritz Jansen', 'Sonia Ostaptchouk']
This article gives the results of the analyses made by several specialists on some of the raw materials (metal, obsidian and semi-precious stones) found at Mentesh Tepe (Middle Kura Valley, Azerbaijan) during the Late Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age periods. They show that the procurement zone extends between 30 to 300 km away from the site. The copper and arsenic sources used during the Late Chalcolithic period are confined to the volcanogenic massif sulfide deposits (VMS) in the Lesser Caucasus to the south of Mentesh Tepe. Questions are still raised on their origins during the Early Bronze Age, with gold and tin during the same period yet of unknown provenance. Obsidian analyses show that various sources were used, some being very far (actual Turkey). Gegham, in Armenia, was by far the most important one during the Late Chalcolithic period, while Chikiani, in Georgia, has possibly played this role during the EBA. Finally, the raw material used for the beads come from ophiolitic series and volcanic contexts in the Lesser Caucasus, at a short distance from Mentesh Tepe.Cet article présente les résultats d’analyses faites par plusieurs spécialistes sur une partie des matières premières (métal, obsidienne et pierres semi-précieuses) trouvées à Mentesh Tepe (moyenne vallée de la Kura, Azerbaïdjan) et datant des périodes du Chalcolithique récent et du début de l’âge du Bronze. Ils montrent que la zone d’approvisionnement se situe à une distance de 30 à 300 km du site. Les sources de cuivre et d’arsenic utilisées pendant le Chalcolithique récent se trouvent dans les «gisements de sulfures massifs volcanogènes»(VMS) qui s …
Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Neolithic Chipped Stone Industry of Mentesh Tepe (Middle Kura Valley, Azerbaijan) Technological Markers and Relations to North-Eastern Anatolia
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Laurence Astruc, Bernard Gratuze, Denis Guilbeau, Christine Chataigner, Olivier Barge]
Neolithic phases at Mentesh Tepe (Middle Kura …
Neolithic phases at Mentesh Tepe (Middle Kura Valley, Azerbaijan) date to the first half of the 6 th millennium BCE. This occupation with its peculiar architecture, pottery, lithic industry and other archaeological features is related to the Shomutepe-Shulaveri Culture (hereafter SSC). In this paper, we describe the Neolithic lithic industry of Mentesh, paying attention to the origins of raw materials, technology and typology. Obsidian procurement, least cost path analysis, technology and typology are combined to better understand the process of exploitation of the rocks. Employing these methodologies, we identify technical markers that are compared to other assemblages. Obsidian came from eight distinct sources (in NorthEastern Anatolia, Armenia and Georgia), sometimes very distant from one another. We wish to emphasize the relation between the SSC sites of the Middle Kura Valley and NorthEastern Anatolia. Moreover, whatever the source of the raw material, a great homogeneity in both technology and typology is noticed.
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Azad Əsəd oğlu Zeynalov (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Arxeoloji xidmət və yeni tikinti sahələrinin arxeoloji tədqiqi)
Geological and geochemical characterization of the Kelbadjar (Kechaldag) obsidian source in Azerbaijan, Lesser Caucasus
[Rashid A Fataliyev, Michael D Glascock, Yaroslav V Kuzmin, Azad A Zeynalov]
In this paper, the geological and geochemical …
In this paper, the geological and geochemical characterizations of the Kechaldag (a.k.a. Kelbadzhar and Kelbadjar) obsidian source in southwestern Azerbaijan are presented. Samples were collected from primary outcrops, and analyzed by XRF at the University of Missouri Research Reactor. The contents of 12 elements were measured. This allowed us to obtain for the first time a comprehensive geochemical signature of the Kechaldag obsidian source that was less known previously. On the Rb. vs. Sr bivariate plot, Kechaldag is clearly separated from the neighboring Syunik group and other sources of the Lesser Caucasus. The data generated by us can be used for in-depth study of obsidian exploitation in the Paleolithic, Neolithic, and Bronze Age of the Lesser Caucasus and neighboring regions.
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Obsidian provenance analyses at Göytepe, Azerbaijan: Implications for understanding Neolithic socioeconomies in the southern Caucasus
[F Guliyev, Y Nishiaki, O Maeda, T Kannari, M Nagai, E Healey, S Campbell]
This study presents a provenance analysis of …
This study presents a provenance analysis of the Neolithic obsidian assemblages from the early to mid‐sixth millennium bc settlement at Göytepe, Azerbaijan. The study is unique in that (1) it involves a complete, non‐selected obsidian assemblage (901 artefacts) from one particular area of the site; (2) the material is derived from a well‐stratified sequence of 10 securely radiocarbon‐dated architectural levels; and (3) the use of an extraordinarily wide range of sources (more than 20) was identified by provenance analysis using energy‐dispersive X‐ray fluorescence. The results reveal a previously unknown diachronic change in obsidian use in the region, suggesting the occurrence of significant socioeconomic changes during the Late Neolithic of the southern Caucasus.
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Metallurgy during the Middle Chalcolithic period in the Southern Caucasus: Insight through recent discoveries at Mentesh-Tepe, Azerbaijan
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Antoine Courcier]
The way in which metallurgy started and …
The way in which metallurgy started and developed in the Caucasus is still poorly known, but a few occurrences of metal objects in settlements situated in the Southern Caucasus date it from the middle sixth millennium BCE at the time of the Shomu-Shulaveri culture. During the fifth millennium BCE, metallurgy developed progressively in this same area, while the first evidence of metal production appeared in the northern Caucasus (Meshoko culture). Since 2008, excavations at Mentesh-Tepe in the valley of the Kura River in western Azerbaijan (Tovuz district, 45 49’58’’/40 56’30.8’’) have revealed several diverse metallurgical artifacts. They illustrate the level of metallurgy reached in the Caucasus at the time of the Sioni culture, during the second half of the fifth
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Radiocarbon Chronology of the Mesolithic-Neolithic Sequence at Damjili Cave, Azerbaijan, Southern Caucasus(10025)
['Yoshihiro Nishiaki', 'Azad Zeynalov', 'Farhad Guliyev', 'Mansur Munsrov']
Current research indicates that full-fledged Neolithic societies emerged in the Southern Caucasus in the early sixth millennium BC, most likely through interaction with and/or the immigration of the Neolithic societies of Southwest Asia. However, the absence of late seventh millennium BC excavated sites has prevented us from being able to interpret the processes in relation to earlier indigenous foraging societies. The 2016–2019 excavations at Damjili Cave, west Azerbaijan, revealed a stratified cultural sequence of the key Mesolithic-to-Neolithic transition period for the first time. Its radiocarbon chronology identified a rather abrupt emergence of the Neolithic economy at around 6000 cal BC, at least in the study region, urging a reconsideration of the long-standing claim that some other form of earlier Neolithic society had existed before this. At the same time, the stratigraphic analysis of cultural remains revealed …
Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
The Mesolithic-Neolithic interface in the Southern Caucasus: 2016–2017 excavations at Damjili Cave, West Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Azad Zeynalov, Mansur Mansrov, Chie Akashi, Saiji Arai, Kazuya Shimogama, Farhad Guliyev]
An increasing number of field investigations in …
An increasing number of field investigations in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia have revealed that the Neolithic socio-economy in the Southern Caucasus had emerged by the early 8th millennium cal BP. Although this probably occurred during the expansion of the Southwest Asian Neolithic, the local hunter-gatherer societies might also have contributed to the establishment of the Caucasian Neolithic cultures. However, the absence of well-dated Mesolithic sites immediately preceding the earliest Neolithic has prevented this process from being discussed in detail. This paper reports the discovery of such evidence from the 2016–2017 excavations at the Damjili Cave in West Azerbaijan. Dated from the Mesolithic of the final 9th millennium cal BP, this discovery offers the first opportunity to compare a late Mesolithic cultural assemblage with the early 6th millennium Neolithic one to investigate the Mesolithic …
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Azad Əsəd oğlu Zeynalov (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Arxeoloji xidmət və yeni tikinti sahələrinin arxeoloji tədqiqi)
The Mesolithic-Neolithic interface in the Southern Caucasus: 2016–2017 excavations at Damjili Cave, West Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Azad Zeynalov, Mansur Mansrov, Chie Akashi, Saiji Arai, Kazuya Shimogama, Farhad Guliyev]
An increasing number of field investigations in …
An increasing number of field investigations in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia have revealed that the Neolithic socio-economy in the Southern Caucasus had emerged by the early 8th millennium cal BP. Although this probably occurred during the expansion of the Southwest Asian Neolithic, the local hunter-gatherer societies might also have contributed to the establishment of the Caucasian Neolithic cultures. However, the absence of well-dated Mesolithic sites immediately preceding the earliest Neolithic has prevented this process from being discussed in detail. This paper reports the discovery of such evidence from the 2016–2017 excavations at the Damjili Cave in West Azerbaijan. Dated from the Mesolithic of the final 9th millennium cal BP, this discovery offers the first opportunity to compare a late Mesolithic cultural assemblage with the early 6th millennium Neolithic one to investigate the Mesolithic …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Neolithic residential patterns in the southern Caucasus: Radiocarbon analysis of rebuilding cycles of mudbrick architecture at Göytepe, west Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki, Takayuki Omori]
Neolithization took place in the southern Caucasus …
Neolithization took place in the southern Caucasus at the beginning of the sixth millennium BC, most likely as part of the expansion of the Neolithic socioeconomy from the Middle East, where the food-production economy had been established at least a few thousand years earlier. However, local adaptation and indigenous cultural development are also likely to have played important roles in this process, by which distinct Neolithic ways of life emerged in the southern Caucasus. This study investigated one possible local aspect of the residential system, referring to archaeological evidence from Göytepe, a major Neolithic settlement of the early sixth millennium BC in Azerbaijan. Using a Bayesian analysis of 45 radiocarbon dates from different occupation levels of this 11 m thick mound, we established a high-resolution chronology of this settlement. Moreover, the analysis of the main trench dates, spanning from ca …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Stratigraphy and architecture in the main excavation area of Göytepe(10026)
['Yoshihiro Nishiaki', 'Kazuya Shimogama', 'Farhad Guliyev', 'Fuad Hoseynov']
The excavations of Göytepe in 2008–2013 were conducted in three different areas to ascertain (1) the large-scale exposure of the squares across the highest part of the mound (“Upper Area”) to understand the settlement layout and structure;(2) the deep soundings at one square along the northern slope (Square 4B) to determine the principle stratigraphic sequence; and (3) the small-scale pit soundings at the mound peripheries to investigate the extension of the Neolithic settlement (Fig. 3.1). This chapter is devoted to descriptions of the primary results of the large-scale exposure. The deep and small-scale pit soundings are presented in Chapters 4 and 5. One of the most important characteristics of the Göytepe mound is its large size for the Neolithic sites in the Southern Caucasus. Indeed, it is the largest known to date in the Middle Kura Valley of Azerbaijan (see Narimanov 1987; Chataigner 1995; Helwing et al. 2017). Therefore, this site provides a privileged case to investigate the settlement structure through extensive excavations. The excavation squares we set up for this purpose consist of ten 10 m by 10 m squares (99A/B to 4A/B), encompassing the sounding square of 4B. Each square was subdivided into two rectangular areas of 5 m by 10 m (I and II; Fig. 3.2). The excavations proceeded with preserving
Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Stratigraphy and architecture in the main excavation area of G๖ytepe
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Kazuya Shimogama, Farhad Guliyev, Fuad Hoseynov]
The excavations of G๖ytepe in 2008–2013 were …
The excavations of G๖ytepe in 2008–2013 were conducted in three different areas to ascertain (1) the large-scale exposure of the squares across the highest part of the mound (“Upper Area”) to understand the settlement layout and structure;(2) the deep soundings at one square along the northern slope (Square 4B) to determine the principle stratigraphic sequence; and (3) the small-scale pit soundings at the mound peripheries to investigate the extension of the Neolithic settlement (Fig. 3.1). This chapter is devoted to descriptions of the primary results of the large-scale exposure. The deep and small-scale pit soundings are presented in Chapters 4 and 5. One of the most important characteristics of the G๖ytepe mound is its large size for the Neolithic sites in the Southern Caucasus. Indeed, it is the largest known to date in the Middle Kura Valley of Azerbaijan (see Narimanov 1987; Chataigner 1995; Helwing et al …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe: excavations of the earliest pottery Neolithic occupations on the middle Kura, Azerbaijan, 2012
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Chie Akashi, Saiji Arai, Kazuya Shimogama, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki, Yui Arimatsu, Yuichi Hayakawa, Takehiro Miki, Shahin Salimbeyov]
In order to understand the origin and …
In order to understand the origin and developments of Neolithic farming communities in the southern Caucasus, research of the Somutepe or Somutepe-Sulaveri culture is essential. This Pottery Neolithic entity is represented by numerous mound sites located primarily in the Middle Kura Valley and is known as the region’s oldest Neolithic entity since its initial discovery in the 1960s. 1 Although a few archaeological sites reportedly date from an earlier Neolithic or Mesolithic period, none have been properly documented and published using modern standards. 2 Well-documented earlier Neolithic sites do exist in the Black Sea basin to the west. 3 However, they are distributed rather far from the Middle Kura and their relationship with the Neolithic entities of concern here remains undemonstrated. Accordingly, the Somutepe-Sulaveri culture is regarded as the oldest Neolithic entity with the best evidence to date of an economy based on food production. Research of its origin directly contributes to clarifying the origin of Neolithic farming communities in the region.The Azerbaijan-Japan joint archaeological mission to the Tovuz region, Middle Kura, aims to shed new light on this issue through intensive fieldwork at related archaeological sites (Fig. 1). The main focus thus far has been the excavation of Göytepe, one of the largest Somutepe-Sulaveri settlements in the region. 4 At the same time, efforts have also focused on locating Neolithic sites predating the So-mutepe-Sulaveri sites. During the 2011 survey in the Göytepe vicinity, one such possible site was discovered. This site is Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, situated approximately 1 km northwest of Göytepe …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Excavations at the Neolithic settlement of Göytepe, the middle Kura Valley, Azerbaijan, 2008–2009
[FARHAD Guliyev, YOSHIHIRO Nishiaki]
One of the main research areas of …
One of the main research areas of modern archaeology is the study of the formation of sedentary cultures with the earliest forms of subsistence economy based on agriculture and stockbreeding. During this process, termed the ‘Neolithic Revolution’a number of features develop that are characteristic for the regions of the Near East, Southwest Asia and Caucasus. Research into the Neolithic in Azerbaijan began with the excavations at Kultepe I in 1951 near the city of Nakhchivan. Subsequent research has since resulted in the discovery of about 150 Neolithic and Chalcolithic settlements in Azerbaijan. One of the largest of these is the site of Goytepe, located in the Ganja-Gazakh region, along the middle reaches of the Kura River. In 2008-2009, the Expedition of Neolithic and Chalcolithic studies of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, conducted archaeological excavations at this site in collaboration with a Japanese mission from the University of Tokyo. The major objective is to shed new light on Neolithisation processes in the South Caucasus. More speciically, the research aims to redeine the type assemblage of the Shomutepe culture, which represents the oldest fullyledged Neolithic phase recognised in Azerbaijan, in detail and establish its chronological framework by conducting scientiic excavations that employ up-to-date ield techniques. This paper presents an outline of the preliminary results from the irst two excavation seasons. The excavations reveal thatGöytepe was a typical Shomutepe culture settlement, occupied during the early to middle parts of the 6th millennium cal. BC. The well-preserved architectural remains and rich …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Neolithic residential patterns in the southern Caucasus: Radiocarbon analysis of rebuilding cycles of mudbrick architecture at Göytepe, west Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki, Takayuki Omori]
Neolithization took place in the southern Caucasus …
Neolithization took place in the southern Caucasus at the beginning of the sixth millennium BC, most likely as part of the expansion of the Neolithic socioeconomy from the Middle East, where the food-production economy had been established at least a few thousand years earlier. However, local adaptation and indigenous cultural development are also likely to have played important roles in this process, by which distinct Neolithic ways of life emerged in the southern Caucasus. This study investigated one possible local aspect of the residential system, referring to archaeological evidence from Göytepe, a major Neolithic settlement of the early sixth millennium BC in Azerbaijan. Using a Bayesian analysis of 45 radiocarbon dates from different occupation levels of this 11 m thick mound, we established a high-resolution chronology of this settlement. Moreover, the analysis of the main trench dates, spanning from ca …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, the Shomutepe Culture, and the Neolithic Southern Caucasus(10027)
['Yoshihiro Nishiaki', 'Farhad Guliyev']
The preceding chapters have described the results of our research at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, an early 6th millennium BC mound in the Middle Kura Valley, West Azerbaijan. The excavations between 2012 and 2015 demonstrated that this Neolithic site was one of the earliest farming villages known in the region and even in the South Caucasian Neolithic. Remarkably, its subsistence records revealed a heavy reliance on plant cultivation and animal husbandry in daily life (Chapters 9 and 10). In other words, they indicate the existence of a full-fledged farming society at the very beginning of the Neolithic period in the Southern Caucasus.This finding suggests the need for research on a long-debated issue on the origin (s) of the Southern Caucasian Neolithic communities (Nishiaki 2021). Did they emerge as a result of indigenous evolution of the local hunter-gatherers’ socio-economies, diffusion of the farming societies developed elsewhere notably in the Fertile Crescent of Southwest Asia, a combination of these, or another reason entirely? However, the available datasets have had serious deficiencies with regard to answering this important question. First, the cultural sequences of Northeast Anatolia and Northwest Iran situated between the Southern Caucasus and Southwest Asia for the key period of the late 7th and early 6th millennia BC have not been established because of a lack of relevant investigations in recent years. Accordingly, our current knowledge is based on field data obtained before the introduction of modern research strategies, such as those from Tilkitepe in Turkey (Korfman 1982) and Haji Firuz Tepe of Iran (Voigt 1983). Second …
Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Chronological contexts of the earliest pottery Neolithic in the South Caucasus: radiocarbon dates for Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki]
Research on the earliest Neolithic in the …
Research on the earliest Neolithic in the South Caucasus is still in its early stages. Establishing a solid chronological framework will help determine the timing of the emergence and subsequent development of regional Neolithic societies. This article reports on 46 radiocarbon dates obtained from the two recently excavated Early Pottery Neolithic sites of Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, the oldest farming villages known to date in West Azerbaijan. Comparing the dates from other related sites demonstrates that several settlements representing the earliest Pottery Neolithic emerged almost simultaneously at the beginning of the sixth millennium B.C.E. in the northern and southern foothills of the Lesser Caucasus Mountains. The lack of evidence for plant cultivation or animal husbandry at earlier sites suggests a foreign origin for agricultural economies in the South Caucasus. However, cultural items characterizing …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Investigating cultural and socioeconomic change at the beginning of the Pottery Neolithic in the southern Caucasus: the 2013 excavations at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Chie Akashi, Saiji Arai, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki, Valeh Alakbarov, Takehiro Miki, Shahin Salimbayov]
Recent research on the Neolithic period of …
Recent research on the Neolithic period of the southern Caucasus situates the emergence of an established food-producing economy at the beginning of the sixth millennium b.c. This article reports on the 2013 season of excavations at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, western Azerbaijan, currently one of the oldest sites providing evidence of early agriculture, which represents the earliest stage of the Shomutepe-Shulaveri culture. Excavations yielded a rich archaeological record that confirmed the intensive exploitation of domesticated cereals and animals over a period ranging from ca. 5950 to 5800 cal b.c. Excavated artifact assemblages have a distinct character, differing from those of later settlements, indicating rapid cultural changes in the first half of the sixth millennium b.c. The assemblages also comprised a small number of elements reminiscent of the Pottery Neolithic traditions from the eastern wing of the Fertile …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Mud-bricks in Neolithic architecture at G๖ytepe
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev, Emmanuel Baudouin]
An increasing amount of evidence indicates that …
An increasing amount of evidence indicates that the Neolithic cultures of the South Caucasus underwent rapid cultural evolution in the early 6th millennium BC soon after the emergence of Neolithic society. Such evidence attests to autonomous development, regardless of whether Neolithic culture was introduced from southwest Asia (Nishiaki et al. 2019). One of the best examples of this cultural evolution is the production and use of pottery. Although the material culture of Fertile Crescent communities in southwest Asia around 6000 BC was characterized by the proliferation of pottery, the earliest southern Caucasus Neolithic sites do not always yield a comparably large amount of pottery. In the Middle Kura Valley of West Azerbaijan, the substantial production of pottery began only a few centuries after the introduction of the Neolithic economy (Nishiaki et al. 2015a; cf. Marro et al. 2019).
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Agricultural Practices at Mentesh Tepe (Kura Valley, Azerbaijan) during the Neolithic, Chalcolithic and Bronze Age: An Overview from Sickle Elements and Botanical Remains
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Alexia Decaix, Laurence Astruc, Denis Guilbeau]
The Neolithic process took place in the …
The Neolithic process took place in the South Caucasus between the very end of the 7th and the early 6th millennium BCE, at least two millennia after it had already taken place in neighboring Anatolia and Iran. Agriculture appeared at that time, and was the main basis of the economy, together with herding. Cereals, mainly barley and different kinds of wheats, were the dominant cultivar. Mentesh Tepe, one of the rare multi-period settlements of the region, allows us to witness the development of ancient agricultural practices, since Neolithic, Chalcolithic and Bronze Age occupations have been identified there. The site is located in Azerbaijan in the vicinity of the Zeyem Cay, a tributary of the Kura River, some 10 km from the foothills of the Lesser Caucasus. We present here data originating from the analyses of botanical remains and techno-functional lithic tools studies. We have thus been able to identify trends and changes through time affecting cultivation and harvesting techniques. These are the result of economic and socio-cultural changes and reflect both the organization of communities and the technical skills of local inhabitants
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Mouvements de populations dans le Sud-Caucase à la Protohistoire: apports de l’étude paléogénétique de Mentesh Tepe et Ovçular-tepesi(10028)
['Farhad Guliyev', 'Bertille Lyonnet', 'Laure Pecqueur', 'Perle Guarino-Vignon', 'Maël Lefeuvre', 'Aurore Monnereau', 'Céline Bon', 'Johanne Adam', 'Amelie Chimenes', 'Catherine Marro']
1 Le Sud du Caucase se situe à la bordure du Croissant Fertile, où le Néolithique a débuté il y a plus de 10000 ans. Pourtant, l’agriculture et l’élevage y apparaissent avec environ deux millénaires d’écart. Les données archéologiques montrent que les différentes régions du Croissant Fertile (est de l’Anatolie, nord de la Mésopotamie, Iran) ont eu un rôle important dans l’émergence des cultures néolithiques du sud du Caucase. Afin de mieux comprendre le rôle des mouvements de populations dans ce phénomène, nous avons effectué des analyses paléogénétiques sur des individus néolithiques et chalcolithiques des sites de Mentesh Tepe et d’Ovçular-tepesi. A Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaïdjan, vallée de la Kura). Les restes humains séquencés sont issus d’une sépulture de catastrophe associée à une occupation Shomu-Shulaveri, la plus ancienne culture néolithique dans la région; les restes humains séquencés provenant d’Ovçulartepesi (Azerbaïdjan, Nakhitchevan) datent quant à eux du Chalcolithique. Via l’étude de l’ADN ancien retrouvé dans ces restes humains, nous avons pu montrer que la diffusion du Néolithique implique une migration de populations proches de celles retrouvées à l’est de l’Anatolie et un métissage avec des populations locales ou provenant du Zagros. La proximité génétique entre les deux sites, renforce l’hypothèse d’une continuité populationnelle au cours de la Proto-histoire, même si les individus d’Ovçular-tepesi ont bénéficié d’un flux de gènes plus important provenant de groupes apparentés à ceux du Levant. Notre étude paléogénétique renforce le modèle d’une Néolithisation du
Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Genome-wide analysis of a collective grave from Mentesh Tepe provides insight into the population structure of early neolithic population in the South Caucasus
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Laure Pecqueur, Perle Guarino-Vignon, Maël Lefeuvre, Amélie Chimènes, Aurore Monnereau, Elsa Jovenet, Céline Bon]
Despite the localisation of the southern Caucasus …
Despite the localisation of the southern Caucasus at the outskirt of the Fertile Crescent, the Neolithisation process started there only at the beginning of the sixth millennium with the Shomutepe-Shulaveri culture of yet unclear origins. We present here genomic data for three new individuals from Mentesh Tepe in Azerbaijan, dating back to the beginnings of the Shomutepe-Shulaveri culture. We evidence that two juveniles, buried embracing each other, were brothers. We show that the Mentesh Tepe Neolithic population is the product of a recent gene flow between the Anatolian farmer-related population and the Caucasus/Iranian population, demonstrating that population admixture was at the core of the development of agriculture in the South Caucasus. By comparing Bronze Age individuals from the South Caucasus with Neolithic individuals from the same region, including Mentesh Tepe, we evidence that gene …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Mentesh Tepe, an early settlement of the Shomu-Shulaveri Culture in Azerbaijan
[Farhad Guliyev, Emmanuel Baudouin, Bertille Lyonnet, Laurence Bouquet, Laure Pecqueur, Pascal Raymond, Anaick Samzun, Elsa Jovenet, Laurence Astruc, Antoine Courcier, Denis Guilbeau, Caroline Hamon, Gaëlle Bruley-Chabot, Michel Fontugne, Emeline Degorre, Gaëlle Le Dosseur, Norbert Benecke, Modwene Poulmarc'h]
Excavations at Mentesh Tepe, western Azerbaijan, have …
Excavations at Mentesh Tepe, western Azerbaijan, have unearthed Neolithic levels dated to an early stage of the Shomu-Shulaveri Culture, with a specific material culture and several inhumations among which a multiple burial. At that stage, already a full domestication of plants and animals is evident. Many questions have been raised concerning the origins of this culture, and its end is also still obscure. Relations with societies in the north-Mesopotamian area have again recently been evidenced at its beginnings. Mentesh Tepe, with its exceptional succession of occupations from the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age, could help providing some clues for the links between the Neolithic and the Chalcolithic periods. The site is presented here under different points of views (architecture, burials, material culture) but in a preliminary stage since many studies are still in progress. Questions are raised about the climate …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Neolithic residential patterns in the southern Caucasus: Radiocarbon analysis of rebuilding cycles of mudbrick architecture at Göytepe, west Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki, Takayuki Omori]
Neolithization took place in the southern Caucasus …
Neolithization took place in the southern Caucasus at the beginning of the sixth millennium BC, most likely as part of the expansion of the Neolithic socioeconomy from the Middle East, where the food-production economy had been established at least a few thousand years earlier. However, local adaptation and indigenous cultural development are also likely to have played important roles in this process, by which distinct Neolithic ways of life emerged in the southern Caucasus. This study investigated one possible local aspect of the residential system, referring to archaeological evidence from Göytepe, a major Neolithic settlement of the early sixth millennium BC in Azerbaijan. Using a Bayesian analysis of 45 radiocarbon dates from different occupation levels of this 11 m thick mound, we established a high-resolution chronology of this settlement. Moreover, the analysis of the main trench dates, spanning from ca …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, the Shomutepe Culture, and the Neolithic Southern Caucasus
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev]
The preceding chapters have described the results …
The preceding chapters have described the results of our research at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, an early 6th millennium BC mound in the Middle Kura Valley, West Azerbaijan. The excavations between 2012 and 2015 demonstrated that this Neolithic site was one of the earliest farming villages known in the region and even in the South Caucasian Neolithic. Remarkably, its subsistence records revealed a heavy reliance on plant cultivation and animal husbandry in daily life (Chapters 9 and 10). In other words, they indicate the existence of a full-fledged farming society at the very beginning of the Neolithic period in the Southern Caucasus.This finding suggests the need for research on a long-debated issue on the origin (s) of the Southern Caucasian Neolithic communities (Nishiaki 2021). Did they emerge as a result of indigenous evolution of the local hunter-gatherers’ socio-economies, diffusion of the farming societies developed elsewhere notably in the Fertile Crescent of Southwest Asia, a combination of these, or another reason entirely? However, the available datasets have had serious deficiencies with regard to answering this important question. First, the cultural sequences of Northeast Anatolia and Northwest Iran situated between the Southern Caucasus and Southwest Asia for the key period of the late 7th and early 6th millennia BC have not been established because of a lack of relevant investigations in recent years. Accordingly, our current knowledge is based on field data obtained before the introduction of modern research strategies, such as those from Tilkitepe in Turkey (Korfman 1982) and Haji Firuz Tepe of Iran (Voigt 1983). Second …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Isotopic approach to animal biographies. Its potential and limits to investigate pastoral mobilities in the South Caucasus and Northwestern Iran from the Neolithic to the …(10029)
['Farhad Guliyev', 'Bertille Lyonnet', 'Catherine Marro', 'Rémi Berthon', 'Marjan Mashkour', 'Shiva Sheikhi', 'Adeline Vautrin', 'Sepideh Maziar', 'Roghayeh Rahimi Sorkhani', 'Azadeh Fatemeh Mohaseb Karimlu', 'Xəqani Alməmmədov', 'Svend Hansen', 'Guram Mirtskhulava', 'Caroline Hamon', 'Mindia Jalabadze', 'Barbara Helwing', 'Tevekkül Aliev', 'Veli Bakhshaliyev', 'Tükazban Göyüşova', 'Ali Zalaghi']
Isotopic approach to animal biographies. Its potential and limits to investigate pastoral
mobilities in the South Caucasus and Northwestern Iran from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age -
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
The 2017 investigations at Kiçik Tepe (Tovuz, Azerbaijan). New data on the neolithic and chalcolithic periods in the Kura river valley.
[Bertille Lyonnet, Guliyev Farhad, Poulmarc'H Modwene, Giulio Palumbi, E Muradova, L Cinque, Joerg Fassbinder, M Schleibecker, F Becker, Sébastien Gondet]
The 2017 investigations at Kiçik Tepe (Tovuz, …
The 2017 investigations at Kiçik Tepe (Tovuz, Azerbaijan). New data on the neolithic and
chalcolithic periods in the Kura river valley. - Archive ouverte HAL Accéder directement au
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Ancient Kura 2010–2011: the first two seasons of joint field work in the southern Caucasus
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Joerg Fassbinder, F Becker, Laurence Astruc, Svend Hansen, Guram Mirtskhulava, Barbara Helwing, Gaëlle Bruley-Chabot, Michel Fontugne, A Decaix, Tevekkul Aliyev, K Bastert-Lamprichs, W Bebermeier, N Benecke, L Bouquet, A Courcier, MB D’anna, F Geitel, A Goren, C Hamon, J Koch, G Le Dosseur, A Lincot, R Link, R Neef, D Neumann, V Ollivier, P Raymond, A Ricci, A Samzun, S Schorr, Frank Schlütz, J Shillito, M Ullrich, J Wahl]
Ancient Kura 2010–2011: The first two seasons …
Ancient Kura 2010–2011: The first two seasons of joint field work in the Southern Caucasus -
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
A study of the effects of fire on a collective burial in the Early Bronze Age kourgan of Mentesh Tepe in Azerbaijan
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Laurence Bouquet, Laure Pecqueur, Poulmarc'H Modwene, Pascal Raymond, Anaick Samzun]
A study of the effects of fire …
A study of the effects of fire on a collective burial in the Early Bronze Age kourgan of Mentesh
Tepe in Azerbaijan - Archive ouverte HAL Accéder directement au contenu Documentation FR
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Stratégies de subsistance entre les 6ème et 3ème millénaires à Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaïdjan): Entre environnement et social
[Bertille Lyonnet, Guliyev Farhad, Laure Pecqueur, Poulmarc'H Modwene, Estelle Herrscher, Norbert Bennecke]
Stratégies de subsistance entre les 6ème et …
Stratégies de subsistance entre les 6ème et 3ème millénaires à Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaïdjan) :
Entre environnement et social - Archive ouverte HAL Accéder directement au contenu
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Un kourgane de la phase Martkopi à Mentesh Tepe (période des Premiers Kourganes, Bronze ancien).
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Laure Pecqueur, Poulmarc'H Modwene, E Muradova, Alexia Decaix, Camille Ringenbach, Estelle Ottenwelter]
Un kourgane de la phase Martkopi à …
Un kourgane de la phase Martkopi à Mentesh Tepe (période des Premiers Kourganes, Bronze
ancien). - Archive ouverte HAL Accéder directement au contenu Documentation FR Français
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Agricultural Practices at Mentesh Tepe (Kura Valley, Azerbaijan) during the Neolithic, Chalcolithic and Bronze Age: An Overview from Sickle Elements and Botanical Remains(10030)
['Farhad Guliyev', 'Bertille Lyonnet', 'Alexia Decaix', 'Laurence Astruc', 'Denis Guilbeau']
The Neolithic process took place in the South Caucasus between the very end of the 7th and the early 6th millennium BCE, at least two millennia after it had already taken place in neighboring Anatolia and Iran. Agriculture appeared at that time, and was the main basis of the economy, together with herding. Cereals, mainly barley and different kinds of wheats, were the dominant cultivar. Mentesh Tepe, one of the rare multi-period settlements of the region, allows us to witness the development of ancient agricultural practices, since Neolithic, Chalcolithic and Bronze Age occupations have been identified there. The site is located in Azerbaijan in the vicinity of the Zeyem Cay, a tributary of the Kura River, some 10 km from the foothills of the Lesser Caucasus. We present here data originating from the analyses of botanical remains and techno-functional lithic tools studies. We have thus been able to identify trends and changes through time affecting cultivation and harvesting techniques. These are the result of economic and socio-cultural changes and reflect both the organization of communities and the technical skills of local inhabitants
Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Neolithisation processes of the South Caucasus: as viewed from macro-botanical analyses at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, West Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Chie Akashi, Farhad Guliyev, Kenichi Tanno]
We examined macro-botanical remains from two Neolithic …
We examined macro-botanical remains from two Neolithic sites in West Azerbaijan, aiming to reconstruct how the first food-producing economy of the South Caucasus was established in the context of the Shomutepe-Shulaveri culture. Göytepe (ca. 5650-5460 cal. BC), representing the later phase of this culture, revealed a crop assemblage characterised by the common use of free-threshing cereals, comparable to those of the archaeobotanical assemblages known from other Shomutepe-Shulaveri sites. A distinct picture was revealed at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, one of the oldest known Shomutepe-Shulaveri settlements in the region. In this site dated from the first quarter of the 6th millennium BC (ca. 5950-5800 cal. BC), the predominance of hulled cereals and scarcity of naked cereals were observed. This cereal assemblage represents the earliest stage of the South Caucasian Neolithic economy, and the marked …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, the Shomutepe Culture, and the Neolithic Southern Caucasus
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev]
The preceding chapters have described the results …
The preceding chapters have described the results of our research at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, an early 6th millennium BC mound in the Middle Kura Valley, West Azerbaijan. The excavations between 2012 and 2015 demonstrated that this Neolithic site was one of the earliest farming villages known in the region and even in the South Caucasian Neolithic. Remarkably, its subsistence records revealed a heavy reliance on plant cultivation and animal husbandry in daily life (Chapters 9 and 10). In other words, they indicate the existence of a full-fledged farming society at the very beginning of the Neolithic period in the Southern Caucasus.This finding suggests the need for research on a long-debated issue on the origin (s) of the Southern Caucasian Neolithic communities (Nishiaki 2021). Did they emerge as a result of indigenous evolution of the local hunter-gatherers’ socio-economies, diffusion of the farming societies developed elsewhere notably in the Fertile Crescent of Southwest Asia, a combination of these, or another reason entirely? However, the available datasets have had serious deficiencies with regard to answering this important question. First, the cultural sequences of Northeast Anatolia and Northwest Iran situated between the Southern Caucasus and Southwest Asia for the key period of the late 7th and early 6th millennia BC have not been established because of a lack of relevant investigations in recent years. Accordingly, our current knowledge is based on field data obtained before the introduction of modern research strategies, such as those from Tilkitepe in Turkey (Korfman 1982) and Haji Firuz Tepe of Iran (Voigt 1983). Second …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Chronological contexts of the earliest pottery Neolithic in the South Caucasus: radiocarbon dates for Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki]
Research on the earliest Neolithic in the …
Research on the earliest Neolithic in the South Caucasus is still in its early stages. Establishing a solid chronological framework will help determine the timing of the emergence and subsequent development of regional Neolithic societies. This article reports on 46 radiocarbon dates obtained from the two recently excavated Early Pottery Neolithic sites of Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, the oldest farming villages known to date in West Azerbaijan. Comparing the dates from other related sites demonstrates that several settlements representing the earliest Pottery Neolithic emerged almost simultaneously at the beginning of the sixth millennium B.C.E. in the northern and southern foothills of the Lesser Caucasus Mountains. The lack of evidence for plant cultivation or animal husbandry at earlier sites suggests a foreign origin for agricultural economies in the South Caucasus. However, cultural items characterizing …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Investigating cultural and socioeconomic change at the beginning of the Pottery Neolithic in the southern Caucasus: the 2013 excavations at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Chie Akashi, Saiji Arai, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki, Valeh Alakbarov, Takehiro Miki, Shahin Salimbayov]
Recent research on the Neolithic period of …
Recent research on the Neolithic period of the southern Caucasus situates the emergence of an established food-producing economy at the beginning of the sixth millennium b.c. This article reports on the 2013 season of excavations at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, western Azerbaijan, currently one of the oldest sites providing evidence of early agriculture, which represents the earliest stage of the Shomutepe-Shulaveri culture. Excavations yielded a rich archaeological record that confirmed the intensive exploitation of domesticated cereals and animals over a period ranging from ca. 5950 to 5800 cal b.c. Excavated artifact assemblages have a distinct character, differing from those of later settlements, indicating rapid cultural changes in the first half of the sixth millennium b.c. The assemblages also comprised a small number of elements reminiscent of the Pottery Neolithic traditions from the eastern wing of the Fertile …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Neolithic Chipped Stone Industry of Mentesh Tepe (Middle Kura Valley, Azerbaijan) Technological Markers and Relations to North-Eastern Anatolia(10031)
['Farhad Guliyev', 'Bertille Lyonnet', 'Laurence Astruc', 'Bernard Gratuze', 'Denis Guilbeau', 'Christine Chataigner', 'Olivier Barge']
Neolithic phases at Mentesh Tepe (Middle Kura Valley, Azerbaijan) date to the first half of the 6 th millennium BCE. This occupation with its peculiar architecture, pottery, lithic industry and other archaeological features is related to the Shomutepe-Shulaveri Culture (hereafter SSC). In this paper, we describe the Neolithic lithic industry of Mentesh, paying attention to the origins of raw materials, technology and typology. Obsidian procurement, least cost path analysis, technology and typology are combined to better understand the process of exploitation of the rocks. Employing these methodologies, we identify technical markers that are compared to other assemblages. Obsidian came from eight distinct sources (in NorthEastern Anatolia, Armenia and Georgia), sometimes very distant from one another. We wish to emphasize the relation between the SSC sites of the Middle Kura Valley and NorthEastern Anatolia. Moreover, whatever the source of the raw material, a great homogeneity in both technology and typology is noticed.
Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Obsidian provenance analyses at Göytepe, Azerbaijan: Implications for understanding Neolithic socioeconomies in the southern Caucasus
[F Guliyev, Y Nishiaki, O Maeda, T Kannari, M Nagai, E Healey, S Campbell]
This study presents a provenance analysis of …
This study presents a provenance analysis of the Neolithic obsidian assemblages from the early to mid‐sixth millennium bc settlement at Göytepe, Azerbaijan. The study is unique in that (1) it involves a complete, non‐selected obsidian assemblage (901 artefacts) from one particular area of the site; (2) the material is derived from a well‐stratified sequence of 10 securely radiocarbon‐dated architectural levels; and (3) the use of an extraordinarily wide range of sources (more than 20) was identified by provenance analysis using energy‐dispersive X‐ray fluorescence. The results reveal a previously unknown diachronic change in obsidian use in the region, suggesting the occurrence of significant socioeconomic changes during the Late Neolithic of the southern Caucasus.
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
The use of natural resources at Mentesh Tepe during the Late Chalcolithic period and the Early Bronze Age
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Laurence Astruc, Antoine Courcier, Bernard Gratuze, Denis Guilbeau, Moritz Jansen, Sonia Ostaptchouk]
This article gives the results of the …
This article gives the results of the analyses made by several specialists on some of the raw materials (metal, obsidian and semi-precious stones) found at Mentesh Tepe (Middle Kura Valley, Azerbaijan) during the Late Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age periods. They show that the procurement zone extends between 30 to 300 km away from the site. The copper and arsenic sources used during the Late Chalcolithic period are confined to the volcanogenic massif sulfide deposits (VMS) in the Lesser Caucasus to the south of Mentesh Tepe. Questions are still raised on their origins during the Early Bronze Age, with gold and tin during the same period yet of unknown provenance. Obsidian analyses show that various sources were used, some being very far (actual Turkey). Gegham, in Armenia, was by far the most important one during the Late Chalcolithic period, while Chikiani, in Georgia, has possibly played this role during the EBA. Finally, the raw material used for the beads come from ophiolitic series and volcanic contexts in the Lesser Caucasus, at a short distance from Mentesh Tepe.Cet article présente les résultats d’analyses faites par plusieurs spécialistes sur une partie des matières premières (métal, obsidienne et pierres semi-précieuses) trouvées à Mentesh Tepe (moyenne vallée de la Kura, Azerbaïdjan) et datant des périodes du Chalcolithique récent et du début de l’âge du Bronze. Ils montrent que la zone d’approvisionnement se situe à une distance de 30 à 300 km du site. Les sources de cuivre et d’arsenic utilisées pendant le Chalcolithique récent se trouvent dans les «gisements de sulfures massifs volcanogènes»(VMS) qui s …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Mentesh Tepe, an early settlement of the Shomu-Shulaveri Culture in Azerbaijan
[Farhad Guliyev, Emmanuel Baudouin, Bertille Lyonnet, Laurence Bouquet, Laure Pecqueur, Pascal Raymond, Anaick Samzun, Elsa Jovenet, Laurence Astruc, Antoine Courcier, Denis Guilbeau, Caroline Hamon, Gaëlle Bruley-Chabot, Michel Fontugne, Emeline Degorre, Gaëlle Le Dosseur, Norbert Benecke, Modwene Poulmarc'h]
Excavations at Mentesh Tepe, western Azerbaijan, have …
Excavations at Mentesh Tepe, western Azerbaijan, have unearthed Neolithic levels dated to an early stage of the Shomu-Shulaveri Culture, with a specific material culture and several inhumations among which a multiple burial. At that stage, already a full domestication of plants and animals is evident. Many questions have been raised concerning the origins of this culture, and its end is also still obscure. Relations with societies in the north-Mesopotamian area have again recently been evidenced at its beginnings. Mentesh Tepe, with its exceptional succession of occupations from the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age, could help providing some clues for the links between the Neolithic and the Chalcolithic periods. The site is presented here under different points of views (architecture, burials, material culture) but in a preliminary stage since many studies are still in progress. Questions are raised about the climate …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Metallurgy during the Middle Chalcolithic period in the Southern Caucasus: Insight through recent discoveries at Mentesh-Tepe, Azerbaijan
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Antoine Courcier]
The way in which metallurgy started and …
The way in which metallurgy started and developed in the Caucasus is still poorly known, but a few occurrences of metal objects in settlements situated in the Southern Caucasus date it from the middle sixth millennium BCE at the time of the Shomu-Shulaveri culture. During the fifth millennium BCE, metallurgy developed progressively in this same area, while the first evidence of metal production appeared in the northern Caucasus (Meshoko culture). Since 2008, excavations at Mentesh-Tepe in the valley of the Kura River in western Azerbaijan (Tovuz district, 45 49’58’’/40 56’30.8’’) have revealed several diverse metallurgical artifacts. They illustrate the level of metallurgy reached in the Caucasus at the time of the Sioni culture, during the second half of the fifth
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Investigations of the Neolithic Potteries of 6th Millennium BC from Göytepe-Azerbaijan by Spectroscopic and Chemometric Methods(10033)
['Farhad Guliyev', 'Sevim Akyuz', 'Sefa Celik', 'Aysen E Ozel', 'Valeh Alakbarov']
Some Neolithic pottery fragments excavated in Göytepe-Azerbaijan were investigated using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), micro-Raman, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and statistical chemometric techniques. The firing-temperature and-conditions were inferred from the mineral phases obtained from the FTIR and micro-Raman spectra of the samples. The XRD results confirmed the mineralogical composition determined by FTIR and micro-Raman analyses. Depending on the spectroscopic results, the firing temperatures of the investigated potteries were estimated to be between 600 oC and 750 oC in oxidizing atmosphere. As the chemometric methods, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) were applied to FTIR spectral data in order to show similarities and dissimilarities of the samples and to extract the most discriminant features.
Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Investigations of the Neolithic potteries of 6th millennium BC from Göytepe-Azerbaijan by vibrational spectroscopy and chemometric techniques
[Farhad Guliyev, Sevim Akyuz, Sefa Celik, Aysen E Ozel, Valeh Alakbarov]
This article presents the results of the …
This article presents the results of the vibrational spectroscopic and chemometric analyses of Neolithic pottery remains excavated in Göytepe (Azerbaijan), a typical Shomutepe-Shulaveri culture settlement. Fifty-five pottery fragments, that were unearthed in the excavations of Göytepe during the 2009–2013 years, were investigated using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and micro-Raman spectroscopy. X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) was used as a complementary technique. The firing-temperature and -conditions were inferred from the mineral phases obtained from the vibrational spectra of the samples and were estimated to be between 600 °C and 750 °C in oxidizing atmosphere. As chemometrics, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) followed by Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), were applied to the FTIR spectral data, in order to examine the possible classification of those findings, and to extract the most …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Stratégies de subsistance entre les 6ème et 3ème millénaires à Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaïdjan): Entre environnement et social(10034)
['Bertille Lyonnet', 'Guliyev Farhad', 'Laure Pecqueur', "Poulmarc'H Modwene", 'Estelle Herrscher', 'Norbert Bennecke']
Stratégies de subsistance entre les 6ème et 3ème millénaires à Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaïdjan) :
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Menteştepe qedim yaşayiş yerinde arxeoloji tedqiqatlar (Tovuz rayonu)
[Farhad Guliyev, Emmanuel Baudouin, Bertille Lyonnet, Laurence Bouquet, Laure Pecqueur, Poulmarc'H Modwene, Pascal Raymond, Anaick Samzun, Caroline Hamon, Gaëlle Bruley-Chabot, A Decaix]
Menteştepe qedim yaşayiş yerinde arxeoloji tedqiqatlar (Tovuz …
Menteştepe qedim yaşayiş yerinde arxeoloji tedqiqatlar (Tovuz rayonu) - Archive ouverte HAL
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Un kourgane de la phase Martkopi à Mentesh Tepe (période des Premiers Kourganes, Bronze ancien).
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Laure Pecqueur, Poulmarc'H Modwene, E Muradova, Alexia Decaix, Camille Ringenbach, Estelle Ottenwelter]
Un kourgane de la phase Martkopi à …
Un kourgane de la phase Martkopi à Mentesh Tepe (période des Premiers Kourganes, Bronze
ancien). - Archive ouverte HAL Accéder directement au contenu Documentation FR Français
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaijan) during the Kura-Araxes period
[Bertille Lyonnet, Guliyev Farhad, Laurence Bouquet, Laure Pecqueur, Poulmarc'H Modwene, Pascal Raymond, Anaick Samzun]
Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaijan) during the Kura-Araxes period …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Ancient Kura 2010–2011: the first two seasons of joint field work in the southern Caucasus
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Joerg Fassbinder, F Becker, Laurence Astruc, Svend Hansen, Guram Mirtskhulava, Barbara Helwing, Gaëlle Bruley-Chabot, Michel Fontugne, A Decaix, Tevekkul Aliyev, K Bastert-Lamprichs, W Bebermeier, N Benecke, L Bouquet, A Courcier, MB D’anna, F Geitel, A Goren, C Hamon, J Koch, G Le Dosseur, A Lincot, R Link, R Neef, D Neumann, V Ollivier, P Raymond, A Ricci, A Samzun, S Schorr, Frank Schlütz, J Shillito, M Ullrich, J Wahl]
Ancient Kura 2010–2011: The first two seasons …
Ancient Kura 2010–2011: The first two seasons of joint field work in the Southern Caucasus -
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
A study of the effects of fire on a collective burial in the Early Bronze Age kourgan of Mentesh Tepe in Azerbaijan
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Laurence Bouquet, Laure Pecqueur, Poulmarc'H Modwene, Pascal Raymond, Anaick Samzun]
A study of the effects of fire …
A study of the effects of fire on a collective burial in the Early Bronze Age kourgan of Mentesh
Tepe in Azerbaijan - Archive ouverte HAL Accéder directement au contenu Documentation FR
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
The 2017 investigations at Kiçik Tepe (Tovuz, Azerbaijan). New data on the neolithic and chalcolithic periods in the Kura river valley.
[Bertille Lyonnet, Guliyev Farhad, Poulmarc'H Modwene, Giulio Palumbi, E Muradova, L Cinque, Joerg Fassbinder, M Schleibecker, F Becker, Sébastien Gondet]
The 2017 investigations at Kiçik Tepe (Tovuz, …
The 2017 investigations at Kiçik Tepe (Tovuz, Azerbaijan). New data on the neolithic and
chalcolithic periods in the Kura river valley. - Archive ouverte HAL Accéder directement au
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
['Farhad Guliyev', 'Bertille Lyonnet']
South Caucasia comprised between the Black Sea to the West, the Caspian Sea to the East, and the southern slopes of the Greater Caucasus to the North, marks the geographical transition from Europe to Asia. This area, however, is at the same time also bound to eastern Anatolia by the Smaller Caucasus Mountains. Two major rivers, the Kura and the Araxes, flow through it, forming broad flood plains from West to East before they flow into the Caspian Sea.In this regard, the archaeological complex called Mentesh which is investigated by Azerbaijan and French archaeologists have yielded unexpected results. Thus, the three main stages of ancient period are reflected at the archaeological complex that is supposed to belong to Chalcolithic Period. Therefore, Mentesh ancient settlement is considered archaeological site characterized by special feuaters in Caucasian region. This is because it was observed a long period of life dwelling without any interruption from Last Neolithic Period untill last Bronze Age at Mentesh. The Periods, respectivley, continued by sequance from the top layer to bottom layer. At the first stage of archaeological excavations carried out during the excavation it was studied Kurgan burial due to Early Bronze Age at the top layer of the site. This type of burial mound which is known as the tomb under Kurgan contributed highlight points about the main points of Kura-Araxes culture.
Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Mouvements de populations dans le Sud-Caucase à la Protohistoire: apports de l’étude paléogénétique de Mentesh Tepe et Ovçular-tepesi
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Laure Pecqueur, Perle Guarino-Vignon, Maël Lefeuvre, Aurore Monnereau, Céline Bon, Johanne Adam, Amelie Chimenes, Catherine Marro]
1 Le Sud du Caucase se situe …
1 Le Sud du Caucase se situe à la bordure du Croissant Fertile, où le Néolithique a débuté il y a plus de 10000 ans. Pourtant, l’agriculture et l’élevage y apparaissent avec environ deux millénaires d’écart. Les données archéologiques montrent que les différentes régions du Croissant Fertile (est de l’Anatolie, nord de la Mésopotamie, Iran) ont eu un rôle important dans l’émergence des cultures néolithiques du sud du Caucase. Afin de mieux comprendre le rôle des mouvements de populations dans ce phénomène, nous avons effectué des analyses paléogénétiques sur des individus néolithiques et chalcolithiques des sites de Mentesh Tepe et d’Ovçular-tepesi. A Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaïdjan, vallée de la Kura). Les restes humains séquencés sont issus d’une sépulture de catastrophe associée à une occupation Shomu-Shulaveri, la plus ancienne culture néolithique dans la région; les restes humains séquencés provenant d’Ovçulartepesi (Azerbaïdjan, Nakhitchevan) datent quant à eux du Chalcolithique. Via l’étude de l’ADN ancien retrouvé dans ces restes humains, nous avons pu montrer que la diffusion du Néolithique implique une migration de populations proches de celles retrouvées à l’est de l’Anatolie et un métissage avec des populations locales ou provenant du Zagros. La proximité génétique entre les deux sites, renforce l’hypothèse d’une continuité populationnelle au cours de la Proto-histoire, même si les individus d’Ovçular-tepesi ont bénéficié d’un flux de gènes plus important provenant de groupes apparentés à ceux du Levant. Notre étude paléogénétique renforce le modèle d’une Néolithisation du
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Mentesh Tepe: metallurgical evidence and recent archaeometallurgical studies; the beginnings of metallurgy in Azerbaijan in perspective, from the Neolithic to the Early Bronze …(10036)
['Emmanuel Baudouin', 'Bertille Lyonnet', 'Guliyev Farhad', 'Laurence Bouquet', 'Laure Pecqueur', "Poulmarc'H Modwene", 'Pascal Raymond', 'Anaick Samzun', 'Alexia Decaix', 'Antoine Courcier', 'Caroline Hamon', 'A Hauptmann', 'M Bode', 'Gaëlle Bruley-Chabot', 'Michel Fontugne', 'B Jalilov']
Mentesh Tepe: metallurgical evidence and recent archaeometallurgical studies; the beginnings
of metallurgy in Azerbaijan in perspective, from the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age (6th-3rd
mill. BCE). - Inria - Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies du numérique
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
The 2017 investigations at Kiçik Tepe (Tovuz, Azerbaijan). New data on the neolithic and chalcolithic periods in the Kura river valley.
[Bertille Lyonnet, Guliyev Farhad, Poulmarc'H Modwene, Giulio Palumbi, E Muradova, L Cinque, Joerg Fassbinder, M Schleibecker, F Becker, Sébastien Gondet]
The 2017 investigations at Kiçik Tepe (Tovuz, …
The 2017 investigations at Kiçik Tepe (Tovuz, Azerbaijan). New data on the neolithic and
chalcolithic periods in the Kura river valley. - Archive ouverte HAL Accéder directement au
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Ancient Kura 2010–2011: the first two seasons of joint field work in the southern Caucasus
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Joerg Fassbinder, F Becker, Laurence Astruc, Svend Hansen, Guram Mirtskhulava, Barbara Helwing, Gaëlle Bruley-Chabot, Michel Fontugne, A Decaix, Tevekkul Aliyev, K Bastert-Lamprichs, W Bebermeier, N Benecke, L Bouquet, A Courcier, MB D’anna, F Geitel, A Goren, C Hamon, J Koch, G Le Dosseur, A Lincot, R Link, R Neef, D Neumann, V Ollivier, P Raymond, A Ricci, A Samzun, S Schorr, Frank Schlütz, J Shillito, M Ullrich, J Wahl]
Ancient Kura 2010–2011: The first two seasons …
Ancient Kura 2010–2011: The first two seasons of joint field work in the Southern Caucasus -
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
A study of the effects of fire on a collective burial in the Early Bronze Age kourgan of Mentesh Tepe in Azerbaijan
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Laurence Bouquet, Laure Pecqueur, Poulmarc'H Modwene, Pascal Raymond, Anaick Samzun]
A study of the effects of fire …
A study of the effects of fire on a collective burial in the Early Bronze Age kourgan of Mentesh
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaijan) during the Kura-Araxes period
[Bertille Lyonnet, Guliyev Farhad, Laurence Bouquet, Laure Pecqueur, Poulmarc'H Modwene, Pascal Raymond, Anaick Samzun]
Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaijan) during the Kura-Araxes period …
Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaijan) during the Kura-Araxes period - Archive ouverte HAL Accéder
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Stratégies de subsistance entre les 6ème et 3ème millénaires à Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaïdjan): Entre environnement et social
[Bertille Lyonnet, Guliyev Farhad, Laure Pecqueur, Poulmarc'H Modwene, Estelle Herrscher, Norbert Bennecke]
Stratégies de subsistance entre les 6ème et …
Stratégies de subsistance entre les 6ème et 3ème millénaires à Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaïdjan) :
Entre environnement et social - Archive ouverte HAL Accéder directement au contenu
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Menteştepe qedim yaşayiş yerinde arxeoloji tedqiqatlar (Tovuz rayonu)(10037)
['Farhad Guliyev', 'Emmanuel Baudouin', 'Bertille Lyonnet', 'Laurence Bouquet', 'Laure Pecqueur', "Poulmarc'H Modwene", 'Pascal Raymond', 'Anaick Samzun', 'Caroline Hamon', 'Gaëlle Bruley-Chabot', 'A Decaix']
Menteştepe qedim yaşayiş yerinde arxeoloji tedqiqatlar (Tovuz rayonu) - Archive ouverte HAL
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Un kourgane de la phase Martkopi à Mentesh Tepe (période des Premiers Kourganes, Bronze ancien).
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Laure Pecqueur, Poulmarc'H Modwene, E Muradova, Alexia Decaix, Camille Ringenbach, Estelle Ottenwelter]
Un kourgane de la phase Martkopi à …
Un kourgane de la phase Martkopi à Mentesh Tepe (période des Premiers Kourganes, Bronze
ancien). - Archive ouverte HAL Accéder directement au contenu Documentation FR Français
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaijan) during the Kura-Araxes period
[Bertille Lyonnet, Guliyev Farhad, Laurence Bouquet, Laure Pecqueur, Poulmarc'H Modwene, Pascal Raymond, Anaick Samzun]
Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaijan) during the Kura-Araxes period …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Ancient Kura 2010–2011: the first two seasons of joint field work in the southern Caucasus
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Joerg Fassbinder, F Becker, Laurence Astruc, Svend Hansen, Guram Mirtskhulava, Barbara Helwing, Gaëlle Bruley-Chabot, Michel Fontugne, A Decaix, Tevekkul Aliyev, K Bastert-Lamprichs, W Bebermeier, N Benecke, L Bouquet, A Courcier, MB D’anna, F Geitel, A Goren, C Hamon, J Koch, G Le Dosseur, A Lincot, R Link, R Neef, D Neumann, V Ollivier, P Raymond, A Ricci, A Samzun, S Schorr, Frank Schlütz, J Shillito, M Ullrich, J Wahl]
Ancient Kura 2010–2011: The first two seasons …
Ancient Kura 2010–2011: The first two seasons of joint field work in the Southern Caucasus -
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
A study of the effects of fire on a collective burial in the Early Bronze Age kourgan of Mentesh Tepe in Azerbaijan(10038)
['Farhad Guliyev', 'Bertille Lyonnet', 'Laurence Bouquet', 'Laure Pecqueur', "Poulmarc'H Modwene", 'Pascal Raymond', 'Anaick Samzun']
A study of the effects of fire on a collective burial in the Early Bronze Age kourgan of Mentesh
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
The 2017 investigations at Kiçik Tepe (Tovuz, Azerbaijan). New data on the neolithic and chalcolithic periods in the Kura river valley.
[Bertille Lyonnet, Guliyev Farhad, Poulmarc'H Modwene, Giulio Palumbi, E Muradova, L Cinque, Joerg Fassbinder, M Schleibecker, F Becker, Sébastien Gondet]
The 2017 investigations at Kiçik Tepe (Tovuz, …
The 2017 investigations at Kiçik Tepe (Tovuz, Azerbaijan). New data on the neolithic and
chalcolithic periods in the Kura river valley. - Archive ouverte HAL Accéder directement au
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaijan) during the Kura-Araxes period
[Bertille Lyonnet, Guliyev Farhad, Laurence Bouquet, Laure Pecqueur, Poulmarc'H Modwene, Pascal Raymond, Anaick Samzun]
Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaijan) during the Kura-Araxes period …
Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaijan) during the Kura-Araxes period - Archive ouverte HAL Accéder
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Mentesh Tepe: metallurgical evidence and recent archaeometallurgical studies; the beginnings of metallurgy in Azerbaijan in perspective, from the Neolithic to the Early Bronze …
[Emmanuel Baudouin, Bertille Lyonnet, Guliyev Farhad, Laurence Bouquet, Laure Pecqueur, Poulmarc'H Modwene, Pascal Raymond, Anaick Samzun, Alexia Decaix, Antoine Courcier, Caroline Hamon, A Hauptmann, M Bode, Gaëlle Bruley-Chabot, Michel Fontugne, B Jalilov]
Mentesh Tepe: metallurgical evidence and recent archaeometallurgical …
Mentesh Tepe: metallurgical evidence and recent archaeometallurgical studies; the beginnings
of metallurgy in Azerbaijan in perspective, from the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age (6th-3rd
mill. BCE). - Inria - Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies du numérique
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Ancient Kura 2010–2011: the first two seasons of joint field work in the southern Caucasus
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Joerg Fassbinder, F Becker, Laurence Astruc, Svend Hansen, Guram Mirtskhulava, Barbara Helwing, Gaëlle Bruley-Chabot, Michel Fontugne, A Decaix, Tevekkul Aliyev, K Bastert-Lamprichs, W Bebermeier, N Benecke, L Bouquet, A Courcier, MB D’anna, F Geitel, A Goren, C Hamon, J Koch, G Le Dosseur, A Lincot, R Link, R Neef, D Neumann, V Ollivier, P Raymond, A Ricci, A Samzun, S Schorr, Frank Schlütz, J Shillito, M Ullrich, J Wahl]
Ancient Kura 2010–2011: The first two seasons …
Ancient Kura 2010–2011: The first two seasons of joint field work in the Southern Caucasus -
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Stratégies de subsistance entre les 6ème et 3ème millénaires à Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaïdjan): Entre environnement et social
[Bertille Lyonnet, Guliyev Farhad, Laure Pecqueur, Poulmarc'H Modwene, Estelle Herrscher, Norbert Bennecke]
Stratégies de subsistance entre les 6ème et …
Stratégies de subsistance entre les 6ème et 3ème millénaires à Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaïdjan) :
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Isotopic approach to animal biographies. Its potential and limits to investigate pastoral mobilities in the South Caucasus and Northwestern Iran from the Neolithic to the …
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Catherine Marro, Rémi Berthon, Marjan Mashkour, Shiva Sheikhi, Adeline Vautrin, Sepideh Maziar, Roghayeh Rahimi Sorkhani, Azadeh Fatemeh Mohaseb Karimlu, Xəqani Alməmmədov, Svend Hansen, Guram Mirtskhulava, Caroline Hamon, Mindia Jalabadze, Barbara Helwing, Tevekkül Aliev, Veli Bakhshaliyev, Tükazban Göyüşova, Ali Zalaghi]
Isotopic approach to animal biographies. Its potential …
Isotopic approach to animal biographies. Its potential and limits to investigate pastoral
mobilities in the South Caucasus and Northwestern Iran from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age -
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Mud-bricks in Neolithic architecture at G๖ytepe(10041)
['Yoshihiro Nishiaki', 'Farhad Guliyev', 'Emmanuel Baudouin']
An increasing amount of evidence indicates that the Neolithic cultures of the South Caucasus underwent rapid cultural evolution in the early 6th millennium BC soon after the emergence of Neolithic society. Such evidence attests to autonomous development, regardless of whether Neolithic culture was introduced from southwest Asia (Nishiaki et al. 2019). One of the best examples of this cultural evolution is the production and use of pottery. Although the material culture of Fertile Crescent communities in southwest Asia around 6000 BC was characterized by the proliferation of pottery, the earliest southern Caucasus Neolithic sites do not always yield a comparably large amount of pottery. In the Middle Kura Valley of West Azerbaijan, the substantial production of pottery began only a few centuries after the introduction of the Neolithic economy (Nishiaki et al. 2015a; cf. Marro et al. 2019).
Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, the Shomutepe Culture, and the Neolithic Southern Caucasus
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev]
The preceding chapters have described the results …
The preceding chapters have described the results of our research at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, an early 6th millennium BC mound in the Middle Kura Valley, West Azerbaijan. The excavations between 2012 and 2015 demonstrated that this Neolithic site was one of the earliest farming villages known in the region and even in the South Caucasian Neolithic. Remarkably, its subsistence records revealed a heavy reliance on plant cultivation and animal husbandry in daily life (Chapters 9 and 10). In other words, they indicate the existence of a full-fledged farming society at the very beginning of the Neolithic period in the Southern Caucasus.This finding suggests the need for research on a long-debated issue on the origin (s) of the Southern Caucasian Neolithic communities (Nishiaki 2021). Did they emerge as a result of indigenous evolution of the local hunter-gatherers’ socio-economies, diffusion of the farming societies developed elsewhere notably in the Fertile Crescent of Southwest Asia, a combination of these, or another reason entirely? However, the available datasets have had serious deficiencies with regard to answering this important question. First, the cultural sequences of Northeast Anatolia and Northwest Iran situated between the Southern Caucasus and Southwest Asia for the key period of the late 7th and early 6th millennia BC have not been established because of a lack of relevant investigations in recent years. Accordingly, our current knowledge is based on field data obtained before the introduction of modern research strategies, such as those from Tilkitepe in Turkey (Korfman 1982) and Haji Firuz Tepe of Iran (Voigt 1983). Second …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Mud-bricks in Neolithic architecture at Göytepe
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev, Emmanuel Baudouin]
6.1 Introduction circular semi-subterranean buildings reminiscent of …
6.1 Introduction circular semi-subterranean buildings reminiscent of the domestic structures used by incipient farmers of the Fertile Crescent (Baudouin 2019). These changes in architectural style are likely related to other socio-economic changes that occurred during the formative period of the Neolithic group in the region. The aim of this chapter is to provide new data on the architectural development of the Shomutepe culture of the Middle Kura Valley, namely regarding the production of mud-bricks at Göytepe. Based on stratigraphic data, we examine how mud-brick manufacturing technology might have developed during the Neolithic period in Göytepe.An increasing amount of evidence indicates that the Neolithic cultures of the South Caucasus underwent rapid cultural evolution in the early 6th millennium BC soon after the emergence of Neolithic society. Such evidence attests to autonomous development, regardless of whether Neolithic culture was introduced from southwest Asia (Nishiaki et al. 2019). One of the best examples of this cultural evolution is the production and use of pottery. Although the material culture of Fertile Crescent communities in southwest Asia around 6000 BC was characterized by the proliferation of pottery, the earliest southern Caucasus Neolithic sites do not always yield a comparably large amount of pottery. In the Middle Kura Valley of West Azerbaijan, the substantial production of pottery began only a few centuries after the introduction of the Neolithic economy (Nishiaki et al. 2015a; cf. Marro et al. 2019). A local development can also be seen in architecture. Circular buildings were prevalent in the Neolithic cultures …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Chronological contexts of the earliest pottery Neolithic in the South Caucasus: radiocarbon dates for Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki]
Research on the earliest Neolithic in the …
Research on the earliest Neolithic in the South Caucasus is still in its early stages. Establishing a solid chronological framework will help determine the timing of the emergence and subsequent development of regional Neolithic societies. This article reports on 46 radiocarbon dates obtained from the two recently excavated Early Pottery Neolithic sites of Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, the oldest farming villages known to date in West Azerbaijan. Comparing the dates from other related sites demonstrates that several settlements representing the earliest Pottery Neolithic emerged almost simultaneously at the beginning of the sixth millennium B.C.E. in the northern and southern foothills of the Lesser Caucasus Mountains. The lack of evidence for plant cultivation or animal husbandry at earlier sites suggests a foreign origin for agricultural economies in the South Caucasus. However, cultural items characterizing …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Investigating cultural and socioeconomic change at the beginning of the Pottery Neolithic in the southern Caucasus: the 2013 excavations at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Chie Akashi, Saiji Arai, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki, Valeh Alakbarov, Takehiro Miki, Shahin Salimbayov]
Recent research on the Neolithic period of …
Recent research on the Neolithic period of the southern Caucasus situates the emergence of an established food-producing economy at the beginning of the sixth millennium b.c. This article reports on the 2013 season of excavations at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, western Azerbaijan, currently one of the oldest sites providing evidence of early agriculture, which represents the earliest stage of the Shomutepe-Shulaveri culture. Excavations yielded a rich archaeological record that confirmed the intensive exploitation of domesticated cereals and animals over a period ranging from ca. 5950 to 5800 cal b.c. Excavated artifact assemblages have a distinct character, differing from those of later settlements, indicating rapid cultural changes in the first half of the sixth millennium b.c. The assemblages also comprised a small number of elements reminiscent of the Pottery Neolithic traditions from the eastern wing of the Fertile …
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Vəli Baxşəli oğlu Baxşəliyev (Naxçıvan Bölməsi / Tarix, Etnoqrafiya və Arxeologiya İnstitutu)
[Veli Bahşeliyev]
Güney Kafkasya’da, Azerbaycan’da yapılan arkeolojik araştırmalar sırasında …
Güney Kafkasya’da, Azerbaycan’da yapılan arkeolojik araştırmalar sırasında Son Neolitik ve Kalkolitik Çağ kültürlerine ait çok sayıda yeni bulgular ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Nahçıvan’da, Kültepe I’de yapılan araştırmalar bu höyüğün şu anda Güney Kafkasya’nın en eski Neolitik Çağ yerleşmesi olduğunu göstermiştir. Buna karşın Kültepe I’de ve Güney Kafkasya’nın diğer yerleşmelerinde Çanak Çömleksiz Neolitik Çağ tabakası bulunmadığından bu bölgenin Neolitik Çağ kültürünün kökeni ile ilişkili çeşitli fikirler önerilmiştir. Eski Sovyet araştırmacıları Güney Kafkasya’nın tarım ve hayvancılıkla uğraşan topluluklarının Kuzey Mezopotamya’dan geldiğini öne sürmüştür. Günümüzde ise kimi araştırmacılar aynı fikre sahip olmakla birlikte kimileri de bu toplulukların yerel Mezolitik topluluklardan türedikleri görüşündedir. Kültepe I’de yapılan araştırmalar sırasında Halaf türü boyalı çanak çömleğin bulunması Mezopotamya ile ilişkilerin varlığını kanıtlamaktadır. Ancak Son Neolitik Çağ’da Azerbaycan’da etkin olan Şomutepe ve Kültepe kültürleri Kuzey Mezopotamya kültürlerinden farklı özelliklere sahiptir. Son yıllarda yapılan araştırmalar Azerbaycan’ın Neolitik Çağ kültürlerinin gelişim sürecini gözlemleme olanağı sağlamıştır. Buna göre, Azerbaycan’ın Karabağ bölgesi Son Neolitik Çağ kültürleri baskı bezemeli çanak çömlek ile karakterize edilmektedir. Bu tür kaplar Nahçıvan Tepe’nin Son Neolitik Çağ tabakası için de tipiktir. Yine araştırmalar Neolitik Çağ’ın son aşamasında Azerbaycan’ın Karabağ bölgesi ve Nahçıvan’da Neolitik Çağ kültürlerinin kendine özgü özelliklere sahip olduğunu kanıtlamaktadır. Güney Kafkasya’nın zengin hammadde yatakları …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Stratigraphy and architecture in the main excavation area of G๖ytepe(10042)
['Yoshihiro Nishiaki', 'Kazuya Shimogama', 'Farhad Guliyev', 'Fuad Hoseynov']
The excavations of G๖ytepe in 2008–2013 were conducted in three different areas to ascertain (1) the large-scale exposure of the squares across the highest part of the mound (“Upper Area”) to understand the settlement layout and structure;(2) the deep soundings at one square along the northern slope (Square 4B) to determine the principle stratigraphic sequence; and (3) the small-scale pit soundings at the mound peripheries to investigate the extension of the Neolithic settlement (Fig. 3.1). This chapter is devoted to descriptions of the primary results of the large-scale exposure. The deep and small-scale pit soundings are presented in Chapters 4 and 5. One of the most important characteristics of the G๖ytepe mound is its large size for the Neolithic sites in the Southern Caucasus. Indeed, it is the largest known to date in the Middle Kura Valley of Azerbaijan (see Narimanov 1987; Chataigner 1995; Helwing et al …
Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Stratigraphy and architecture in the main excavation area of Göytepe
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Kazuya Shimogama, Farhad Guliyev, Fuad Hoseynov]
The excavations of Göytepe in 2008–2013 were …
The excavations of Göytepe in 2008–2013 were conducted in three different areas to ascertain (1) the large-scale exposure of the squares across the highest part of the mound (“Upper Area”) to understand the settlement layout and structure;(2) the deep soundings at one square along the northern slope (Square 4B) to determine the principle stratigraphic sequence; and (3) the small-scale pit soundings at the mound peripheries to investigate the extension of the Neolithic settlement (Fig. 3.1). This chapter is devoted to descriptions of the primary results of the large-scale exposure. The deep and small-scale pit soundings are presented in Chapters 4 and 5. One of the most important characteristics of the Göytepe mound is its large size for the Neolithic sites in the Southern Caucasus. Indeed, it is the largest known to date in the Middle Kura Valley of Azerbaijan (see Narimanov 1987; Chataigner 1995; Helwing et al. 2017). Therefore, this site provides a privileged case to investigate the settlement structure through extensive excavations. The excavation squares we set up for this purpose consist of ten 10 m by 10 m squares (99A/B to 4A/B), encompassing the sounding square of 4B. Each square was subdivided into two rectangular areas of 5 m by 10 m (I and II; Fig. 3.2). The excavations proceeded with preserving
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Neolithic residential patterns in the southern Caucasus: Radiocarbon analysis of rebuilding cycles of mudbrick architecture at Göytepe, west Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki, Takayuki Omori]
Neolithization took place in the southern Caucasus …
Neolithization took place in the southern Caucasus at the beginning of the sixth millennium BC, most likely as part of the expansion of the Neolithic socioeconomy from the Middle East, where the food-production economy had been established at least a few thousand years earlier. However, local adaptation and indigenous cultural development are also likely to have played important roles in this process, by which distinct Neolithic ways of life emerged in the southern Caucasus. This study investigated one possible local aspect of the residential system, referring to archaeological evidence from Göytepe, a major Neolithic settlement of the early sixth millennium BC in Azerbaijan. Using a Bayesian analysis of 45 radiocarbon dates from different occupation levels of this 11 m thick mound, we established a high-resolution chronology of this settlement. Moreover, the analysis of the main trench dates, spanning from ca …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
The Mesolithic-Neolithic interface in the Southern Caucasus: 2016–2017 excavations at Damjili Cave, West Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Azad Zeynalov, Mansur Mansrov, Chie Akashi, Saiji Arai, Kazuya Shimogama, Farhad Guliyev]
An increasing number of field investigations in …
An increasing number of field investigations in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia have revealed that the Neolithic socio-economy in the Southern Caucasus had emerged by the early 8th millennium cal BP. Although this probably occurred during the expansion of the Southwest Asian Neolithic, the local hunter-gatherer societies might also have contributed to the establishment of the Caucasian Neolithic cultures. However, the absence of well-dated Mesolithic sites immediately preceding the earliest Neolithic has prevented this process from being discussed in detail. This paper reports the discovery of such evidence from the 2016–2017 excavations at the Damjili Cave in West Azerbaijan. Dated from the Mesolithic of the final 9th millennium cal BP, this discovery offers the first opportunity to compare a late Mesolithic cultural assemblage with the early 6th millennium Neolithic one to investigate the Mesolithic …
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Azad Əsəd oğlu Zeynalov (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Arxeoloji xidmət və yeni tikinti sahələrinin arxeoloji tədqiqi)
The Mesolithic-Neolithic interface in the Southern Caucasus: 2016–2017 excavations at Damjili Cave, West Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Azad Zeynalov, Mansur Mansrov, Chie Akashi, Saiji Arai, Kazuya Shimogama, Farhad Guliyev]
An increasing number of field investigations in …
An increasing number of field investigations in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia have revealed that the Neolithic socio-economy in the Southern Caucasus had emerged by the early 8th millennium cal BP. Although this probably occurred during the expansion of the Southwest Asian Neolithic, the local hunter-gatherer societies might also have contributed to the establishment of the Caucasian Neolithic cultures. However, the absence of well-dated Mesolithic sites immediately preceding the earliest Neolithic has prevented this process from being discussed in detail. This paper reports the discovery of such evidence from the 2016–2017 excavations at the Damjili Cave in West Azerbaijan. Dated from the Mesolithic of the final 9th millennium cal BP, this discovery offers the first opportunity to compare a late Mesolithic cultural assemblage with the early 6th millennium Neolithic one to investigate the Mesolithic …
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Azad Əsəd oğlu Zeynalov (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Arxeoloji xidmət və yeni tikinti sahələrinin arxeoloji tədqiqi)
Новый геоархеологический район на западе Азербайджана
[АА Зейналов, СА Кулаков, ИА Идрисов]
Обнаружение в последние 15-20 лет на Кавказе …
Обнаружение в последние 15-20 лет на Кавказе нескольких пунктов с находками артефактов ранних этапов развития человека привело к значительной трансформации взглядов на этот регион как области древнейшего расселения человека. В частности были выявлены артефакты раннего палеолита и следы деятельности человека в костеносных отложениях Таманского района (Щелинский и др., 2003). В настоящей работе представлены данные исследований «наиболее выразительного и богатого» по разнообразию находок сухопутной антропогеновой (плейстоценовой) фауны (Лебедева, 1978) района Кавказа и сопредельной территории–Аджинаура Азербайджана.Регион представлен низкогорными (высотой 200-500м) хребтами, сформированными протяженными антиклиналями (Геология Азербайджана, 1998) между Кавказом с севера и долиной р. Кура с юга. Интенсивная складчатость в регионе началась в неоплейстоцене (Милановский, 1968). Хребты сложены разнофациальными толщами акчагыла, апшерона, баку, также имеются континентальные отложения (галечники) бакинского и более молодого возраста. В результате последующей складчатости эти породы сильно дислоцированы и прорезаны многочисленными реками, стекающими с Кавказа на юг. Крупный участок развития подобных пород омывается рекой Кура. Эта река разрезает хр. Боздаг и отделяет от него восточную часть хр. Гараджа (Караджа). Склоны этих хребтов, равно как и лежащего южнее хребта Дуздаг, также обработаны абразией хвалынского моря и густо …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Genomic history of neolithic to bronze age Anatolia, Northern Levant, and Southern Caucasus(10045)
['Farhad Guliyev', 'Bertille Lyonnet', 'Giulio Palumbi', 'Eirini Skourtanioti', 'Yilmaz S Erdal', 'Marcella Frangipane', 'Francesca Balossi Restelli', 'K Aslıhan Yener', 'Frances Pinnock', 'Paolo Matthiae', 'Rana Özbal', 'Ulf-Dietrich Schoop', 'Tufan Akhundov', 'Emily L Hammer', 'Selin E Nugent', 'Marta Burri', 'Gunnar U Neumann', 'Sandra Penske', 'Tara Ingman', 'Murat Akar', 'Rula Shafiq', 'Stefanie Eisenmann', 'Marta D’andrea', 'Adam B Rohrlach', 'Christina Warinner', 'Choongwon Jeong', 'Philipp W Stockhammer', 'Wolfgang Haak', 'Johannes Krause']
Here, we report genome-wide data analyses from 110 ancient Near Eastern individuals spanning the Late Neolithic to Late Bronze Age, a period characterized by intense interregional interactions for the Near East. We find that 6th millennium BCE populations of North/Central Anatolia and the Southern Caucasus shared mixed ancestry on a genetic cline that formed during the Neolithic between Western Anatolia and regions in today's Southern Caucasus/Zagros. During the Late Chalcolithic and/or the Early Bronze Age, more than half of the Northern Levantine gene pool was replaced, while in the rest of Anatolia and the Southern Caucasus, we document genetic continuity with only transient gene flow. Additionally, we reveal a genetically distinct individual within the Late Bronze Age Northern Levant. Overall, our study uncovers multiple scales of population dynamics through time, from extensive admixture during …
Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Genome-wide analysis of a collective grave from Mentesh Tepe provides insight into the population structure of early neolithic population in the South Caucasus
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Laure Pecqueur, Perle Guarino-Vignon, Maël Lefeuvre, Amélie Chimènes, Aurore Monnereau, Elsa Jovenet, Céline Bon]
Despite the localisation of the southern Caucasus …
Despite the localisation of the southern Caucasus at the outskirt of the Fertile Crescent, the Neolithisation process started there only at the beginning of the sixth millennium with the Shomutepe-Shulaveri culture of yet unclear origins. We present here genomic data for three new individuals from Mentesh Tepe in Azerbaijan, dating back to the beginnings of the Shomutepe-Shulaveri culture. We evidence that two juveniles, buried embracing each other, were brothers. We show that the Mentesh Tepe Neolithic population is the product of a recent gene flow between the Anatolian farmer-related population and the Caucasus/Iranian population, demonstrating that population admixture was at the core of the development of agriculture in the South Caucasus. By comparing Bronze Age individuals from the South Caucasus with Neolithic individuals from the same region, including Mentesh Tepe, we evidence that gene …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Mouvements de populations dans le Sud-Caucase à la Protohistoire: apports de l’étude paléogénétique de Mentesh Tepe et Ovçular-tepesi
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Laure Pecqueur, Perle Guarino-Vignon, Maël Lefeuvre, Aurore Monnereau, Céline Bon, Johanne Adam, Amelie Chimenes, Catherine Marro]
1 Le Sud du Caucase se situe …
1 Le Sud du Caucase se situe à la bordure du Croissant Fertile, où le Néolithique a débuté il y a plus de 10000 ans. Pourtant, l’agriculture et l’élevage y apparaissent avec environ deux millénaires d’écart. Les données archéologiques montrent que les différentes régions du Croissant Fertile (est de l’Anatolie, nord de la Mésopotamie, Iran) ont eu un rôle important dans l’émergence des cultures néolithiques du sud du Caucase. Afin de mieux comprendre le rôle des mouvements de populations dans ce phénomène, nous avons effectué des analyses paléogénétiques sur des individus néolithiques et chalcolithiques des sites de Mentesh Tepe et d’Ovçular-tepesi. A Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaïdjan, vallée de la Kura). Les restes humains séquencés sont issus d’une sépulture de catastrophe associée à une occupation Shomu-Shulaveri, la plus ancienne culture néolithique dans la région; les restes humains séquencés provenant d’Ovçulartepesi (Azerbaïdjan, Nakhitchevan) datent quant à eux du Chalcolithique. Via l’étude de l’ADN ancien retrouvé dans ces restes humains, nous avons pu montrer que la diffusion du Néolithique implique une migration de populations proches de celles retrouvées à l’est de l’Anatolie et un métissage avec des populations locales ou provenant du Zagros. La proximité génétique entre les deux sites, renforce l’hypothèse d’une continuité populationnelle au cours de la Proto-histoire, même si les individus d’Ovçular-tepesi ont bénéficié d’un flux de gènes plus important provenant de groupes apparentés à ceux du Levant. Notre étude paléogénétique renforce le modèle d’une Néolithisation du
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Ancient Kura 2010–2011: the first two seasons of joint field work in the southern Caucasus(10046)
['Farhad Guliyev', 'Bertille Lyonnet', 'Joerg Fassbinder', 'F Becker', 'Laurence Astruc', 'Svend Hansen', 'Guram Mirtskhulava', 'Barbara Helwing', 'Gaëlle Bruley-Chabot', 'Michel Fontugne', 'A Decaix', 'Tevekkul Aliyev', 'K Bastert-Lamprichs', 'W Bebermeier', 'N Benecke', 'L Bouquet', 'A Courcier', 'MB D’anna', 'F Geitel', 'A Goren', 'C Hamon', 'J Koch', 'G Le Dosseur', 'A Lincot', 'R Link', 'R Neef', 'D Neumann', 'V Ollivier', 'P Raymond', 'A Ricci', 'A Samzun', 'S Schorr', 'Frank Schlütz', 'J Shillito', 'M Ullrich', 'J Wahl']
Ancient Kura 2010–2011: The first two seasons of joint field work in the Southern Caucasus -
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaijan) during the Kura-Araxes period
[Bertille Lyonnet, Guliyev Farhad, Laurence Bouquet, Laure Pecqueur, Poulmarc'H Modwene, Pascal Raymond, Anaick Samzun]
Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaijan) during the Kura-Araxes period …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Un kourgane de la phase Martkopi à Mentesh Tepe (période des Premiers Kourganes, Bronze ancien).
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Laure Pecqueur, Poulmarc'H Modwene, E Muradova, Alexia Decaix, Camille Ringenbach, Estelle Ottenwelter]
Un kourgane de la phase Martkopi à …
Un kourgane de la phase Martkopi à Mentesh Tepe (période des Premiers Kourganes, Bronze
ancien). - Archive ouverte HAL Accéder directement au contenu Documentation FR Français
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Menteştepe qedim yaşayiş yerinde arxeoloji tedqiqatlar (Tovuz rayonu)
[Farhad Guliyev, Emmanuel Baudouin, Bertille Lyonnet, Laurence Bouquet, Laure Pecqueur, Poulmarc'H Modwene, Pascal Raymond, Anaick Samzun, Caroline Hamon, Gaëlle Bruley-Chabot, A Decaix]
Menteştepe qedim yaşayiş yerinde arxeoloji tedqiqatlar (Tovuz …
Menteştepe qedim yaşayiş yerinde arxeoloji tedqiqatlar (Tovuz rayonu) - Archive ouverte HAL
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
The 2017 investigations at Kiçik Tepe (Tovuz, Azerbaijan). New data on the neolithic and chalcolithic periods in the Kura river valley.
[Bertille Lyonnet, Guliyev Farhad, Poulmarc'H Modwene, Giulio Palumbi, E Muradova, L Cinque, Joerg Fassbinder, M Schleibecker, F Becker, Sébastien Gondet]
The 2017 investigations at Kiçik Tepe (Tovuz, …
The 2017 investigations at Kiçik Tepe (Tovuz, Azerbaijan). New data on the neolithic and
chalcolithic periods in the Kura river valley. - Archive ouverte HAL Accéder directement au
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Stratégies de subsistance entre les 6ème et 3ème millénaires à Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaïdjan): Entre environnement et social
[Bertille Lyonnet, Guliyev Farhad, Laure Pecqueur, Poulmarc'H Modwene, Estelle Herrscher, Norbert Bennecke]
Stratégies de subsistance entre les 6ème et …
Stratégies de subsistance entre les 6ème et 3ème millénaires à Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaïdjan) :
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Chronological contexts of the earliest pottery Neolithic in the South Caucasus: radiocarbon dates for Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, Azerbaijan(10047)
['Yoshihiro Nishiaki', 'Farhad Guliyev', 'Seiji Kadowaki']
Research on the earliest Neolithic in the South Caucasus is still in its early stages. Establishing a solid chronological framework will help determine the timing of the emergence and subsequent development of regional Neolithic societies. This article reports on 46 radiocarbon dates obtained from the two recently excavated Early Pottery Neolithic sites of Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, the oldest farming villages known to date in West Azerbaijan. Comparing the dates from other related sites demonstrates that several settlements representing the earliest Pottery Neolithic emerged almost simultaneously at the beginning of the sixth millennium B.C.E. in the northern and southern foothills of the Lesser Caucasus Mountains. The lack of evidence for plant cultivation or animal husbandry at earlier sites suggests a foreign origin for agricultural economies in the South Caucasus. However, cultural items characterizing …
Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Investigating cultural and socioeconomic change at the beginning of the Pottery Neolithic in the southern Caucasus: the 2013 excavations at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Chie Akashi, Saiji Arai, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki, Valeh Alakbarov, Takehiro Miki, Shahin Salimbayov]
Recent research on the Neolithic period of …
Recent research on the Neolithic period of the southern Caucasus situates the emergence of an established food-producing economy at the beginning of the sixth millennium b.c. This article reports on the 2013 season of excavations at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, western Azerbaijan, currently one of the oldest sites providing evidence of early agriculture, which represents the earliest stage of the Shomutepe-Shulaveri culture. Excavations yielded a rich archaeological record that confirmed the intensive exploitation of domesticated cereals and animals over a period ranging from ca. 5950 to 5800 cal b.c. Excavated artifact assemblages have a distinct character, differing from those of later settlements, indicating rapid cultural changes in the first half of the sixth millennium b.c. The assemblages also comprised a small number of elements reminiscent of the Pottery Neolithic traditions from the eastern wing of the Fertile …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, the Shomutepe Culture, and the Neolithic Southern Caucasus
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev]
The preceding chapters have described the results …
The preceding chapters have described the results of our research at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, an early 6th millennium BC mound in the Middle Kura Valley, West Azerbaijan. The excavations between 2012 and 2015 demonstrated that this Neolithic site was one of the earliest farming villages known in the region and even in the South Caucasian Neolithic. Remarkably, its subsistence records revealed a heavy reliance on plant cultivation and animal husbandry in daily life (Chapters 9 and 10). In other words, they indicate the existence of a full-fledged farming society at the very beginning of the Neolithic period in the Southern Caucasus.This finding suggests the need for research on a long-debated issue on the origin (s) of the Southern Caucasian Neolithic communities (Nishiaki 2021). Did they emerge as a result of indigenous evolution of the local hunter-gatherers’ socio-economies, diffusion of the farming societies developed elsewhere notably in the Fertile Crescent of Southwest Asia, a combination of these, or another reason entirely? However, the available datasets have had serious deficiencies with regard to answering this important question. First, the cultural sequences of Northeast Anatolia and Northwest Iran situated between the Southern Caucasus and Southwest Asia for the key period of the late 7th and early 6th millennia BC have not been established because of a lack of relevant investigations in recent years. Accordingly, our current knowledge is based on field data obtained before the introduction of modern research strategies, such as those from Tilkitepe in Turkey (Korfman 1982) and Haji Firuz Tepe of Iran (Voigt 1983). Second …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Neolithic residential patterns in the southern Caucasus: Radiocarbon analysis of rebuilding cycles of mudbrick architecture at Göytepe, west Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki, Takayuki Omori]
Neolithization took place in the southern Caucasus …
Neolithization took place in the southern Caucasus at the beginning of the sixth millennium BC, most likely as part of the expansion of the Neolithic socioeconomy from the Middle East, where the food-production economy had been established at least a few thousand years earlier. However, local adaptation and indigenous cultural development are also likely to have played important roles in this process, by which distinct Neolithic ways of life emerged in the southern Caucasus. This study investigated one possible local aspect of the residential system, referring to archaeological evidence from Göytepe, a major Neolithic settlement of the early sixth millennium BC in Azerbaijan. Using a Bayesian analysis of 45 radiocarbon dates from different occupation levels of this 11 m thick mound, we established a high-resolution chronology of this settlement. Moreover, the analysis of the main trench dates, spanning from ca …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Neolithisation processes of the South Caucasus: as viewed from macro-botanical analyses at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, West Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Chie Akashi, Farhad Guliyev, Kenichi Tanno]
We examined macro-botanical remains from two Neolithic …
We examined macro-botanical remains from two Neolithic sites in West Azerbaijan, aiming to reconstruct how the first food-producing economy of the South Caucasus was established in the context of the Shomutepe-Shulaveri culture. Göytepe (ca. 5650-5460 cal. BC), representing the later phase of this culture, revealed a crop assemblage characterised by the common use of free-threshing cereals, comparable to those of the archaeobotanical assemblages known from other Shomutepe-Shulaveri sites. A distinct picture was revealed at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, one of the oldest known Shomutepe-Shulaveri settlements in the region. In this site dated from the first quarter of the 6th millennium BC (ca. 5950-5800 cal. BC), the predominance of hulled cereals and scarcity of naked cereals were observed. This cereal assemblage represents the earliest stage of the South Caucasian Neolithic economy, and the marked …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Geoarchaeological and palaeobotanical evidence for prehistoric cereal storage in the southern Caucasus: the Neolithic settlement of Göytepe (mid 8th millennium BP)(10048)
['Yoshihiro Nishiaki', 'Chie Akashi', 'Farhad Guliyev', 'Seiji Kadowaki', 'Rosa M Albert', 'Lisa Maher', 'Marta Portillo']
This paper presents direct evidence for cereal storage by Neolithic farmers in west Asia. Storage features analyzed this study are circular clay bins that frequently occur at Neolithic settlements (8th millennium cal. BP) in the southern Caucasus. We examined contexts and uses of clay bin features at the Neolithic settlement of Göytepe (Azerbaijan). We analyzed biogenic microfossil evidence (primarily from phytoliths and dung spherulites) and the sediments of the clay bins through micromorphology, in combination with their associated charred macrobotanical remains. While phytoliths and charred botanical remains indicate direct remnants of stored plants, mainly chaffs, micromorphology and the analyses of faecal spherulites allow us to examine depositional and diagenetic processes of the archaeological sediments inside and outside these features. As a result, one of the clay bins was found to retain deposits at its …
Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Chronological contexts of the earliest pottery Neolithic in the South Caucasus: radiocarbon dates for Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki]
Research on the earliest Neolithic in the …
Research on the earliest Neolithic in the South Caucasus is still in its early stages. Establishing a solid chronological framework will help determine the timing of the emergence and subsequent development of regional Neolithic societies. This article reports on 46 radiocarbon dates obtained from the two recently excavated Early Pottery Neolithic sites of Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, the oldest farming villages known to date in West Azerbaijan. Comparing the dates from other related sites demonstrates that several settlements representing the earliest Pottery Neolithic emerged almost simultaneously at the beginning of the sixth millennium B.C.E. in the northern and southern foothills of the Lesser Caucasus Mountains. The lack of evidence for plant cultivation or animal husbandry at earlier sites suggests a foreign origin for agricultural economies in the South Caucasus. However, cultural items characterizing …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Neolithisation processes of the South Caucasus: as viewed from macro-botanical analyses at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, West Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Chie Akashi, Farhad Guliyev, Kenichi Tanno]
We examined macro-botanical remains from two Neolithic …
We examined macro-botanical remains from two Neolithic sites in West Azerbaijan, aiming to reconstruct how the first food-producing economy of the South Caucasus was established in the context of the Shomutepe-Shulaveri culture. Göytepe (ca. 5650-5460 cal. BC), representing the later phase of this culture, revealed a crop assemblage characterised by the common use of free-threshing cereals, comparable to those of the archaeobotanical assemblages known from other Shomutepe-Shulaveri sites. A distinct picture was revealed at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, one of the oldest known Shomutepe-Shulaveri settlements in the region. In this site dated from the first quarter of the 6th millennium BC (ca. 5950-5800 cal. BC), the predominance of hulled cereals and scarcity of naked cereals were observed. This cereal assemblage represents the earliest stage of the South Caucasian Neolithic economy, and the marked …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Mud-bricks in Neolithic architecture at Göytepe
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev, Emmanuel Baudouin]
6.1 Introduction circular semi-subterranean buildings reminiscent of …
6.1 Introduction circular semi-subterranean buildings reminiscent of the domestic structures used by incipient farmers of the Fertile Crescent (Baudouin 2019). These changes in architectural style are likely related to other socio-economic changes that occurred during the formative period of the Neolithic group in the region. The aim of this chapter is to provide new data on the architectural development of the Shomutepe culture of the Middle Kura Valley, namely regarding the production of mud-bricks at Göytepe. Based on stratigraphic data, we examine how mud-brick manufacturing technology might have developed during the Neolithic period in Göytepe.An increasing amount of evidence indicates that the Neolithic cultures of the South Caucasus underwent rapid cultural evolution in the early 6th millennium BC soon after the emergence of Neolithic society. Such evidence attests to autonomous development, regardless of whether Neolithic culture was introduced from southwest Asia (Nishiaki et al. 2019). One of the best examples of this cultural evolution is the production and use of pottery. Although the material culture of Fertile Crescent communities in southwest Asia around 6000 BC was characterized by the proliferation of pottery, the earliest southern Caucasus Neolithic sites do not always yield a comparably large amount of pottery. In the Middle Kura Valley of West Azerbaijan, the substantial production of pottery began only a few centuries after the introduction of the Neolithic economy (Nishiaki et al. 2015a; cf. Marro et al. 2019). A local development can also be seen in architecture. Circular buildings were prevalent in the Neolithic cultures …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Agricultural Practices at Mentesh Tepe (Kura Valley, Azerbaijan) during the Neolithic, Chalcolithic and Bronze Age: An Overview from Sickle Elements and Botanical Remains
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Alexia Decaix, Laurence Astruc, Denis Guilbeau]
The Neolithic process took place in the …
The Neolithic process took place in the South Caucasus between the very end of the 7th and the early 6th millennium BCE, at least two millennia after it had already taken place in neighboring Anatolia and Iran. Agriculture appeared at that time, and was the main basis of the economy, together with herding. Cereals, mainly barley and different kinds of wheats, were the dominant cultivar. Mentesh Tepe, one of the rare multi-period settlements of the region, allows us to witness the development of ancient agricultural practices, since Neolithic, Chalcolithic and Bronze Age occupations have been identified there. The site is located in Azerbaijan in the vicinity of the Zeyem Cay, a tributary of the Kura River, some 10 km from the foothills of the Lesser Caucasus. We present here data originating from the analyses of botanical remains and techno-functional lithic tools studies. We have thus been able to identify trends and changes through time affecting cultivation and harvesting techniques. These are the result of economic and socio-cultural changes and reflect both the organization of communities and the technical skills of local inhabitants
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Mentesh Tepe, an early settlement of the Shomu-Shulaveri Culture in Azerbaijan(10049)
['Farhad Guliyev', 'Emmanuel Baudouin', 'Bertille Lyonnet', 'Laurence Bouquet', 'Laure Pecqueur', 'Pascal Raymond', 'Anaick Samzun', 'Elsa Jovenet', 'Laurence Astruc', 'Antoine Courcier', 'Denis Guilbeau', 'Caroline Hamon', 'Gaëlle Bruley-Chabot', 'Michel Fontugne', 'Emeline Degorre', 'Gaëlle Le Dosseur', 'Norbert Benecke', "Modwene Poulmarc'h"]
Excavations at Mentesh Tepe, western Azerbaijan, have unearthed Neolithic levels dated to an early stage of the Shomu-Shulaveri Culture, with a specific material culture and several inhumations among which a multiple burial. At that stage, already a full domestication of plants and animals is evident. Many questions have been raised concerning the origins of this culture, and its end is also still obscure. Relations with societies in the north-Mesopotamian area have again recently been evidenced at its beginnings. Mentesh Tepe, with its exceptional succession of occupations from the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age, could help providing some clues for the links between the Neolithic and the Chalcolithic periods. The site is presented here under different points of views (architecture, burials, material culture) but in a preliminary stage since many studies are still in progress. Questions are raised about the climate …
Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Neolithic Chipped Stone Industry of Mentesh Tepe (Middle Kura Valley, Azerbaijan) Technological Markers and Relations to North-Eastern Anatolia
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Laurence Astruc, Bernard Gratuze, Denis Guilbeau, Christine Chataigner, Olivier Barge]
Neolithic phases at Mentesh Tepe (Middle Kura …
Neolithic phases at Mentesh Tepe (Middle Kura Valley, Azerbaijan) date to the first half of the 6 th millennium BCE. This occupation with its peculiar architecture, pottery, lithic industry and other archaeological features is related to the Shomutepe-Shulaveri Culture (hereafter SSC). In this paper, we describe the Neolithic lithic industry of Mentesh, paying attention to the origins of raw materials, technology and typology. Obsidian procurement, least cost path analysis, technology and typology are combined to better understand the process of exploitation of the rocks. Employing these methodologies, we identify technical markers that are compared to other assemblages. Obsidian came from eight distinct sources (in NorthEastern Anatolia, Armenia and Georgia), sometimes very distant from one another. We wish to emphasize the relation between the SSC sites of the Middle Kura Valley and NorthEastern Anatolia. Moreover, whatever the source of the raw material, a great homogeneity in both technology and typology is noticed.
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Agricultural Practices at Mentesh Tepe (Kura Valley, Azerbaijan) during the Neolithic, Chalcolithic and Bronze Age: An Overview from Sickle Elements and Botanical Remains
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Alexia Decaix, Laurence Astruc, Denis Guilbeau]
The Neolithic process took place in the …
The Neolithic process took place in the South Caucasus between the very end of the 7th and the early 6th millennium BCE, at least two millennia after it had already taken place in neighboring Anatolia and Iran. Agriculture appeared at that time, and was the main basis of the economy, together with herding. Cereals, mainly barley and different kinds of wheats, were the dominant cultivar. Mentesh Tepe, one of the rare multi-period settlements of the region, allows us to witness the development of ancient agricultural practices, since Neolithic, Chalcolithic and Bronze Age occupations have been identified there. The site is located in Azerbaijan in the vicinity of the Zeyem Cay, a tributary of the Kura River, some 10 km from the foothills of the Lesser Caucasus. We present here data originating from the analyses of botanical remains and techno-functional lithic tools studies. We have thus been able to identify trends and changes through time affecting cultivation and harvesting techniques. These are the result of economic and socio-cultural changes and reflect both the organization of communities and the technical skills of local inhabitants
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Excavations at the Neolithic settlement of Göytepe, the middle Kura Valley, Azerbaijan, 2008–2009
[FARHAD Guliyev, YOSHIHIRO Nishiaki]
One of the main research areas of …
One of the main research areas of modern archaeology is the study of the formation of sedentary cultures with the earliest forms of subsistence economy based on agriculture and stockbreeding. During this process, termed the ‘Neolithic Revolution’a number of features develop that are characteristic for the regions of the Near East, Southwest Asia and Caucasus. Research into the Neolithic in Azerbaijan began with the excavations at Kultepe I in 1951 near the city of Nakhchivan. Subsequent research has since resulted in the discovery of about 150 Neolithic and Chalcolithic settlements in Azerbaijan. One of the largest of these is the site of Goytepe, located in the Ganja-Gazakh region, along the middle reaches of the Kura River. In 2008-2009, the Expedition of Neolithic and Chalcolithic studies of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, conducted archaeological excavations at this site in collaboration with a Japanese mission from the University of Tokyo. The major objective is to shed new light on Neolithisation processes in the South Caucasus. More speciically, the research aims to redeine the type assemblage of the Shomutepe culture, which represents the oldest fullyledged Neolithic phase recognised in Azerbaijan, in detail and establish its chronological framework by conducting scientiic excavations that employ up-to-date ield techniques. This paper presents an outline of the preliminary results from the irst two excavation seasons. The excavations reveal thatGöytepe was a typical Shomutepe culture settlement, occupied during the early to middle parts of the 6th millennium cal. BC. The well-preserved architectural remains and rich …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Genome-wide analysis of a collective grave from Mentesh Tepe provides insight into the population structure of early neolithic population in the South Caucasus
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Laure Pecqueur, Perle Guarino-Vignon, Maël Lefeuvre, Amélie Chimènes, Aurore Monnereau, Elsa Jovenet, Céline Bon]
Despite the localisation of the southern Caucasus …
Despite the localisation of the southern Caucasus at the outskirt of the Fertile Crescent, the Neolithisation process started there only at the beginning of the sixth millennium with the Shomutepe-Shulaveri culture of yet unclear origins. We present here genomic data for three new individuals from Mentesh Tepe in Azerbaijan, dating back to the beginnings of the Shomutepe-Shulaveri culture. We evidence that two juveniles, buried embracing each other, were brothers. We show that the Mentesh Tepe Neolithic population is the product of a recent gene flow between the Anatolian farmer-related population and the Caucasus/Iranian population, demonstrating that population admixture was at the core of the development of agriculture in the South Caucasus. By comparing Bronze Age individuals from the South Caucasus with Neolithic individuals from the same region, including Mentesh Tepe, we evidence that gene …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Mouvements de populations dans le Sud-Caucase à la Protohistoire: apports de l’étude paléogénétique de Mentesh Tepe et Ovçular-tepesi
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Laure Pecqueur, Perle Guarino-Vignon, Maël Lefeuvre, Aurore Monnereau, Céline Bon, Johanne Adam, Amelie Chimenes, Catherine Marro]
1 Le Sud du Caucase se situe …
1 Le Sud du Caucase se situe à la bordure du Croissant Fertile, où le Néolithique a débuté il y a plus de 10000 ans. Pourtant, l’agriculture et l’élevage y apparaissent avec environ deux millénaires d’écart. Les données archéologiques montrent que les différentes régions du Croissant Fertile (est de l’Anatolie, nord de la Mésopotamie, Iran) ont eu un rôle important dans l’émergence des cultures néolithiques du sud du Caucase. Afin de mieux comprendre le rôle des mouvements de populations dans ce phénomène, nous avons effectué des analyses paléogénétiques sur des individus néolithiques et chalcolithiques des sites de Mentesh Tepe et d’Ovçular-tepesi. A Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaïdjan, vallée de la Kura). Les restes humains séquencés sont issus d’une sépulture de catastrophe associée à une occupation Shomu-Shulaveri, la plus ancienne culture néolithique dans la région; les restes humains séquencés provenant d’Ovçulartepesi (Azerbaïdjan, Nakhitchevan) datent quant à eux du Chalcolithique. Via l’étude de l’ADN ancien retrouvé dans ces restes humains, nous avons pu montrer que la diffusion du Néolithique implique une migration de populations proches de celles retrouvées à l’est de l’Anatolie et un métissage avec des populations locales ou provenant du Zagros. La proximité génétique entre les deux sites, renforce l’hypothèse d’une continuité populationnelle au cours de la Proto-histoire, même si les individus d’Ovçular-tepesi ont bénéficié d’un flux de gènes plus important provenant de groupes apparentés à ceux du Levant. Notre étude paléogénétique renforce le modèle d’une Néolithisation du
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Investigating cultural and socioeconomic change at the beginning of the Pottery Neolithic in the southern Caucasus: the 2013 excavations at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, Azerbaijan(10050)
['Yoshihiro Nishiaki', 'Chie Akashi', 'Saiji Arai', 'Farhad Guliyev', 'Seiji Kadowaki', 'Valeh Alakbarov', 'Takehiro Miki', 'Shahin Salimbayov']
Recent research on the Neolithic period of the southern Caucasus situates the emergence of an established food-producing economy at the beginning of the sixth millennium b.c. This article reports on the 2013 season of excavations at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, western Azerbaijan, currently one of the oldest sites providing evidence of early agriculture, which represents the earliest stage of the Shomutepe-Shulaveri culture. Excavations yielded a rich archaeological record that confirmed the intensive exploitation of domesticated cereals and animals over a period ranging from ca. 5950 to 5800 cal b.c. Excavated artifact assemblages have a distinct character, differing from those of later settlements, indicating rapid cultural changes in the first half of the sixth millennium b.c. The assemblages also comprised a small number of elements reminiscent of the Pottery Neolithic traditions from the eastern wing of the Fertile …
Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Neolithisation processes of the South Caucasus: as viewed from macro-botanical analyses at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, West Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Chie Akashi, Farhad Guliyev, Kenichi Tanno]
We examined macro-botanical remains from two Neolithic …
We examined macro-botanical remains from two Neolithic sites in West Azerbaijan, aiming to reconstruct how the first food-producing economy of the South Caucasus was established in the context of the Shomutepe-Shulaveri culture. Göytepe (ca. 5650-5460 cal. BC), representing the later phase of this culture, revealed a crop assemblage characterised by the common use of free-threshing cereals, comparable to those of the archaeobotanical assemblages known from other Shomutepe-Shulaveri sites. A distinct picture was revealed at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, one of the oldest known Shomutepe-Shulaveri settlements in the region. In this site dated from the first quarter of the 6th millennium BC (ca. 5950-5800 cal. BC), the predominance of hulled cereals and scarcity of naked cereals were observed. This cereal assemblage represents the earliest stage of the South Caucasian Neolithic economy, and the marked …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
The origins of food production in the southern Caucasus: excavations at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki]
Over the past decade, great advances have …
Over the past decade, great advances have been made in research on Neolithisation processes in the southern Caucasus. One such achievement involves the dating of the emergence of a full-fledged, food-producing economy, which is now assigned to the beginning of the sixth millennium BC (Nishiaki et al. 2015a). The southern Caucasian communities were situated directly to the north of the Fertile Crescent, where a foodproducing economy emerged as early as the tenth millennium BC; the apparently late adoption of such an economy in the neighbouring southern Caucasus poses intriguing questions as to the environmental and social contexts that led to this great cultural change.The introduction of a food-producing economy in this region is associated with the Shomutepe-Shulaveri culture (Pottery Neolithic; Narimanov 1987). Although a number of settlements of this culture have been discovered since the 1960s, the absence of a rigorous chronological framework has been an obstacle to the determination of the contexts in which it emerged and developed. A key site through which to investigate this issue is Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, located in the Middle Kura Valley, west Azerbaijan (Figure 1).
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Chronological contexts of the earliest pottery Neolithic in the South Caucasus: radiocarbon dates for Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki]
Research on the earliest Neolithic in the …
Research on the earliest Neolithic in the South Caucasus is still in its early stages. Establishing a solid chronological framework will help determine the timing of the emergence and subsequent development of regional Neolithic societies. This article reports on 46 radiocarbon dates obtained from the two recently excavated Early Pottery Neolithic sites of Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, the oldest farming villages known to date in West Azerbaijan. Comparing the dates from other related sites demonstrates that several settlements representing the earliest Pottery Neolithic emerged almost simultaneously at the beginning of the sixth millennium B.C.E. in the northern and southern foothills of the Lesser Caucasus Mountains. The lack of evidence for plant cultivation or animal husbandry at earlier sites suggests a foreign origin for agricultural economies in the South Caucasus. However, cultural items characterizing …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, the Shomutepe Culture, and the Neolithic Southern Caucasus
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev]
The preceding chapters have described the results …
The preceding chapters have described the results of our research at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, an early 6th millennium BC mound in the Middle Kura Valley, West Azerbaijan. The excavations between 2012 and 2015 demonstrated that this Neolithic site was one of the earliest farming villages known in the region and even in the South Caucasian Neolithic. Remarkably, its subsistence records revealed a heavy reliance on plant cultivation and animal husbandry in daily life (Chapters 9 and 10). In other words, they indicate the existence of a full-fledged farming society at the very beginning of the Neolithic period in the Southern Caucasus.This finding suggests the need for research on a long-debated issue on the origin (s) of the Southern Caucasian Neolithic communities (Nishiaki 2021). Did they emerge as a result of indigenous evolution of the local hunter-gatherers’ socio-economies, diffusion of the farming societies developed elsewhere notably in the Fertile Crescent of Southwest Asia, a combination of these, or another reason entirely? However, the available datasets have had serious deficiencies with regard to answering this important question. First, the cultural sequences of Northeast Anatolia and Northwest Iran situated between the Southern Caucasus and Southwest Asia for the key period of the late 7th and early 6th millennia BC have not been established because of a lack of relevant investigations in recent years. Accordingly, our current knowledge is based on field data obtained before the introduction of modern research strategies, such as those from Tilkitepe in Turkey (Korfman 1982) and Haji Firuz Tepe of Iran (Voigt 1983). Second …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
The Mesolithic-Neolithic interface in the Southern Caucasus: 2016–2017 excavations at Damjili Cave, West Azerbaijan(10051)
['Yoshihiro Nishiaki', 'Azad Zeynalov', 'Mansur Mansrov', 'Chie Akashi', 'Saiji Arai', 'Kazuya Shimogama', 'Farhad Guliyev']
An increasing number of field investigations in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia have revealed that the Neolithic socio-economy in the Southern Caucasus had emerged by the early 8th millennium cal BP. Although this probably occurred during the expansion of the Southwest Asian Neolithic, the local hunter-gatherer societies might also have contributed to the establishment of the Caucasian Neolithic cultures. However, the absence of well-dated Mesolithic sites immediately preceding the earliest Neolithic has prevented this process from being discussed in detail. This paper reports the discovery of such evidence from the 2016–2017 excavations at the Damjili Cave in West Azerbaijan. Dated from the Mesolithic of the final 9th millennium cal BP, this discovery offers the first opportunity to compare a late Mesolithic cultural assemblage with the early 6th millennium Neolithic one to investigate the Mesolithic …
Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Radiocarbon Chronology of the Mesolithic-Neolithic Sequence at Damjili Cave, Azerbaijan, Southern Caucasus
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Azad Zeynalov, Farhad Guliyev, Mansur Munsrov]
Current research indicates that full-fledged Neolithic societies …
Current research indicates that full-fledged Neolithic societies emerged in the Southern Caucasus in the early sixth millennium BC, most likely through interaction with and/or the immigration of the Neolithic societies of Southwest Asia. However, the absence of late seventh millennium BC excavated sites has prevented us from being able to interpret the processes in relation to earlier indigenous foraging societies. The 2016–2019 excavations at Damjili Cave, west Azerbaijan, revealed a stratified cultural sequence of the key Mesolithic-to-Neolithic transition period for the first time. Its radiocarbon chronology identified a rather abrupt emergence of the Neolithic economy at around 6000 cal BC, at least in the study region, urging a reconsideration of the long-standing claim that some other form of earlier Neolithic society had existed before this. At the same time, the stratigraphic analysis of cultural remains revealed …
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Azad Əsəd oğlu Zeynalov (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Arxeoloji xidmət və yeni tikinti sahələrinin arxeoloji tədqiqi)
Radiocarbon Chronology of the Mesolithic-Neolithic Sequence at Damjili Cave, Azerbaijan, Southern Caucasus
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Azad Zeynalov, Farhad Guliyev, Mansur Munsrov]
Current research indicates that full-fledged Neolithic societies …
Current research indicates that full-fledged Neolithic societies emerged in the Southern Caucasus in the early sixth millennium BC, most likely through interaction with and/or the immigration of the Neolithic societies of Southwest Asia. However, the absence of late seventh millennium BC excavated sites has prevented us from being able to interpret the processes in relation to earlier indigenous foraging societies. The 2016–2019 excavations at Damjili Cave, west Azerbaijan, revealed a stratified cultural sequence of the key Mesolithic-to-Neolithic transition period for the first time. Its radiocarbon chronology identified a rather abrupt emergence of the Neolithic economy at around 6000 cal BC, at least in the study region, urging a reconsideration of the long-standing claim that some other form of earlier Neolithic society had existed before this. At the same time, the stratigraphic analysis of cultural remains revealed …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Neolithic residential patterns in the southern Caucasus: Radiocarbon analysis of rebuilding cycles of mudbrick architecture at Göytepe, west Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki, Takayuki Omori]
Neolithization took place in the southern Caucasus …
Neolithization took place in the southern Caucasus at the beginning of the sixth millennium BC, most likely as part of the expansion of the Neolithic socioeconomy from the Middle East, where the food-production economy had been established at least a few thousand years earlier. However, local adaptation and indigenous cultural development are also likely to have played important roles in this process, by which distinct Neolithic ways of life emerged in the southern Caucasus. This study investigated one possible local aspect of the residential system, referring to archaeological evidence from Göytepe, a major Neolithic settlement of the early sixth millennium BC in Azerbaijan. Using a Bayesian analysis of 45 radiocarbon dates from different occupation levels of this 11 m thick mound, we established a high-resolution chronology of this settlement. Moreover, the analysis of the main trench dates, spanning from ca …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Neolithic residential patterns in the southern Caucasus: Radiocarbon analysis of rebuilding cycles of mudbrick architecture at Göytepe, west Azerbaijan(10052)
['Yoshihiro Nishiaki', 'Farhad Guliyev', 'Seiji Kadowaki', 'Takayuki Omori']
Neolithization took place in the southern Caucasus at the beginning of the sixth millennium BC, most likely as part of the expansion of the Neolithic socioeconomy from the Middle East, where the food-production economy had been established at least a few thousand years earlier. However, local adaptation and indigenous cultural development are also likely to have played important roles in this process, by which distinct Neolithic ways of life emerged in the southern Caucasus. This study investigated one possible local aspect of the residential system, referring to archaeological evidence from Göytepe, a major Neolithic settlement of the early sixth millennium BC in Azerbaijan. Using a Bayesian analysis of 45 radiocarbon dates from different occupation levels of this 11 m thick mound, we established a high-resolution chronology of this settlement. Moreover, the analysis of the main trench dates, spanning from ca …
Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Chronological contexts of the earliest pottery Neolithic in the South Caucasus: radiocarbon dates for Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki]
Research on the earliest Neolithic in the …
Research on the earliest Neolithic in the South Caucasus is still in its early stages. Establishing a solid chronological framework will help determine the timing of the emergence and subsequent development of regional Neolithic societies. This article reports on 46 radiocarbon dates obtained from the two recently excavated Early Pottery Neolithic sites of Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, the oldest farming villages known to date in West Azerbaijan. Comparing the dates from other related sites demonstrates that several settlements representing the earliest Pottery Neolithic emerged almost simultaneously at the beginning of the sixth millennium B.C.E. in the northern and southern foothills of the Lesser Caucasus Mountains. The lack of evidence for plant cultivation or animal husbandry at earlier sites suggests a foreign origin for agricultural economies in the South Caucasus. However, cultural items characterizing …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Radiocarbon Chronology of the Mesolithic-Neolithic Sequence at Damjili Cave, Azerbaijan, Southern Caucasus
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Azad Zeynalov, Farhad Guliyev, Mansur Munsrov]
Current research indicates that full-fledged Neolithic societies …
Current research indicates that full-fledged Neolithic societies emerged in the Southern Caucasus in the early sixth millennium BC, most likely through interaction with and/or the immigration of the Neolithic societies of Southwest Asia. However, the absence of late seventh millennium BC excavated sites has prevented us from being able to interpret the processes in relation to earlier indigenous foraging societies. The 2016–2019 excavations at Damjili Cave, west Azerbaijan, revealed a stratified cultural sequence of the key Mesolithic-to-Neolithic transition period for the first time. Its radiocarbon chronology identified a rather abrupt emergence of the Neolithic economy at around 6000 cal BC, at least in the study region, urging a reconsideration of the long-standing claim that some other form of earlier Neolithic society had existed before this. At the same time, the stratigraphic analysis of cultural remains revealed …
Daha çox
Azad Əsəd oğlu Zeynalov (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Arxeoloji xidmət və yeni tikinti sahələrinin arxeoloji tədqiqi)
Radiocarbon Chronology of the Mesolithic-Neolithic Sequence at Damjili Cave, Azerbaijan, Southern Caucasus
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Azad Zeynalov, Farhad Guliyev, Mansur Munsrov]
Current research indicates that full-fledged Neolithic societies …
Current research indicates that full-fledged Neolithic societies emerged in the Southern Caucasus in the early sixth millennium BC, most likely through interaction with and/or the immigration of the Neolithic societies of Southwest Asia. However, the absence of late seventh millennium BC excavated sites has prevented us from being able to interpret the processes in relation to earlier indigenous foraging societies. The 2016–2019 excavations at Damjili Cave, west Azerbaijan, revealed a stratified cultural sequence of the key Mesolithic-to-Neolithic transition period for the first time. Its radiocarbon chronology identified a rather abrupt emergence of the Neolithic economy at around 6000 cal BC, at least in the study region, urging a reconsideration of the long-standing claim that some other form of earlier Neolithic society had existed before this. At the same time, the stratigraphic analysis of cultural remains revealed …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, the Shomutepe Culture, and the Neolithic Southern Caucasus
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev]
The preceding chapters have described the results …
The preceding chapters have described the results of our research at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, an early 6th millennium BC mound in the Middle Kura Valley, West Azerbaijan. The excavations between 2012 and 2015 demonstrated that this Neolithic site was one of the earliest farming villages known in the region and even in the South Caucasian Neolithic. Remarkably, its subsistence records revealed a heavy reliance on plant cultivation and animal husbandry in daily life (Chapters 9 and 10). In other words, they indicate the existence of a full-fledged farming society at the very beginning of the Neolithic period in the Southern Caucasus.This finding suggests the need for research on a long-debated issue on the origin (s) of the Southern Caucasian Neolithic communities (Nishiaki 2021). Did they emerge as a result of indigenous evolution of the local hunter-gatherers’ socio-economies, diffusion of the farming societies developed elsewhere notably in the Fertile Crescent of Southwest Asia, a combination of these, or another reason entirely? However, the available datasets have had serious deficiencies with regard to answering this important question. First, the cultural sequences of Northeast Anatolia and Northwest Iran situated between the Southern Caucasus and Southwest Asia for the key period of the late 7th and early 6th millennia BC have not been established because of a lack of relevant investigations in recent years. Accordingly, our current knowledge is based on field data obtained before the introduction of modern research strategies, such as those from Tilkitepe in Turkey (Korfman 1982) and Haji Firuz Tepe of Iran (Voigt 1983). Second …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Excavations at the Neolithic settlement of Göytepe, the middle Kura Valley, Azerbaijan, 2008–2009(10053)
['FARHAD Guliyev', 'YOSHIHIRO Nishiaki']
One of the main research areas of modern archaeology is the study of the formation of sedentary cultures with the earliest forms of subsistence economy based on agriculture and stockbreeding. During this process, termed the ‘Neolithic Revolution’a number of features develop that are characteristic for the regions of the Near East, Southwest Asia and Caucasus. Research into the Neolithic in Azerbaijan began with the excavations at Kultepe I in 1951 near the city of Nakhchivan. Subsequent research has since resulted in the discovery of about 150 Neolithic and Chalcolithic settlements in Azerbaijan. One of the largest of these is the site of Goytepe, located in the Ganja-Gazakh region, along the middle reaches of the Kura River. In 2008-2009, the Expedition of Neolithic and Chalcolithic studies of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, conducted archaeological excavations at this site in collaboration with a Japanese mission from the University of Tokyo. The major objective is to shed new light on Neolithisation processes in the South Caucasus. More speciically, the research aims to redeine the type assemblage of the Shomutepe culture, which represents the oldest fullyledged Neolithic phase recognised in Azerbaijan, in detail and establish its chronological framework by conducting scientiic excavations that employ up-to-date ield techniques. This paper presents an outline of the preliminary results from the irst two excavation seasons. The excavations reveal thatGöytepe was a typical Shomutepe culture settlement, occupied during the early to middle parts of the 6th millennium cal. BC. The well-preserved architectural remains and rich …
Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe: excavations of the earliest pottery Neolithic occupations on the middle Kura, Azerbaijan, 2012
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Chie Akashi, Saiji Arai, Kazuya Shimogama, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki, Yui Arimatsu, Yuichi Hayakawa, Takehiro Miki, Shahin Salimbeyov]
In order to understand the origin and …
In order to understand the origin and developments of Neolithic farming communities in the southern Caucasus, research of the Somutepe or Somutepe-Sulaveri culture is essential. This Pottery Neolithic entity is represented by numerous mound sites located primarily in the Middle Kura Valley and is known as the region’s oldest Neolithic entity since its initial discovery in the 1960s. 1 Although a few archaeological sites reportedly date from an earlier Neolithic or Mesolithic period, none have been properly documented and published using modern standards. 2 Well-documented earlier Neolithic sites do exist in the Black Sea basin to the west. 3 However, they are distributed rather far from the Middle Kura and their relationship with the Neolithic entities of concern here remains undemonstrated. Accordingly, the Somutepe-Sulaveri culture is regarded as the oldest Neolithic entity with the best evidence to date of an economy based on food production. Research of its origin directly contributes to clarifying the origin of Neolithic farming communities in the region.The Azerbaijan-Japan joint archaeological mission to the Tovuz region, Middle Kura, aims to shed new light on this issue through intensive fieldwork at related archaeological sites (Fig. 1). The main focus thus far has been the excavation of Göytepe, one of the largest Somutepe-Sulaveri settlements in the region. 4 At the same time, efforts have also focused on locating Neolithic sites predating the So-mutepe-Sulaveri sites. During the 2011 survey in the Göytepe vicinity, one such possible site was discovered. This site is Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, situated approximately 1 km northwest of Göytepe …
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Vəli Baxşəli oğlu Baxşəliyev (Naxçıvan Bölməsi / Tarix, Etnoqrafiya və Arxeologiya İnstitutu)
Archaeological excavations at the settlement of Kultepe I
[Veli B Bakhshaliyev]
Different opinions were expressed about the formation …
Different opinions were expressed about the formation of the Neolithic in the South Caucasus: some researchers believe that the Neolithic of the South Caucasus originated on local soil, others assume that it was brought there from outside. To clarify the issue the French-Azerbaijani expedition resumed archaeological excavations at the settlement of Kultepe I in 2012-2018. New data have been partially presented in some articles, but have not been published in full. Comparison of archaeological materials obtained during the Soviet period (excavations by O.A. Abibullayev) with the results of the last decade makes it possible to conclude that the Kultepe culture was formed on the local soil in close contact with neighbouring Middle Eastern regions.
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Mentesh Tepe, an early settlement of the Shomu-Shulaveri Culture in Azerbaijan
[Farhad Guliyev, Emmanuel Baudouin, Bertille Lyonnet, Laurence Bouquet, Laure Pecqueur, Pascal Raymond, Anaick Samzun, Elsa Jovenet, Laurence Astruc, Antoine Courcier, Denis Guilbeau, Caroline Hamon, Gaëlle Bruley-Chabot, Michel Fontugne, Emeline Degorre, Gaëlle Le Dosseur, Norbert Benecke, Modwene Poulmarc'h]
Excavations at Mentesh Tepe, western Azerbaijan, have …
Excavations at Mentesh Tepe, western Azerbaijan, have unearthed Neolithic levels dated to an early stage of the Shomu-Shulaveri Culture, with a specific material culture and several inhumations among which a multiple burial. At that stage, already a full domestication of plants and animals is evident. Many questions have been raised concerning the origins of this culture, and its end is also still obscure. Relations with societies in the north-Mesopotamian area have again recently been evidenced at its beginnings. Mentesh Tepe, with its exceptional succession of occupations from the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age, could help providing some clues for the links between the Neolithic and the Chalcolithic periods. The site is presented here under different points of views (architecture, burials, material culture) but in a preliminary stage since many studies are still in progress. Questions are raised about the climate …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, the Shomutepe Culture, and the Neolithic Southern Caucasus
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev]
The preceding chapters have described the results …
The preceding chapters have described the results of our research at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, an early 6th millennium BC mound in the Middle Kura Valley, West Azerbaijan. The excavations between 2012 and 2015 demonstrated that this Neolithic site was one of the earliest farming villages known in the region and even in the South Caucasian Neolithic. Remarkably, its subsistence records revealed a heavy reliance on plant cultivation and animal husbandry in daily life (Chapters 9 and 10). In other words, they indicate the existence of a full-fledged farming society at the very beginning of the Neolithic period in the Southern Caucasus.This finding suggests the need for research on a long-debated issue on the origin (s) of the Southern Caucasian Neolithic communities (Nishiaki 2021). Did they emerge as a result of indigenous evolution of the local hunter-gatherers’ socio-economies, diffusion of the farming societies developed elsewhere notably in the Fertile Crescent of Southwest Asia, a combination of these, or another reason entirely? However, the available datasets have had serious deficiencies with regard to answering this important question. First, the cultural sequences of Northeast Anatolia and Northwest Iran situated between the Southern Caucasus and Southwest Asia for the key period of the late 7th and early 6th millennia BC have not been established because of a lack of relevant investigations in recent years. Accordingly, our current knowledge is based on field data obtained before the introduction of modern research strategies, such as those from Tilkitepe in Turkey (Korfman 1982) and Haji Firuz Tepe of Iran (Voigt 1983). Second …
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Vəli Baxşəli oğlu Baxşəliyev (Naxçıvan Bölməsi / Tarix, Etnoqrafiya və Arxeologiya İnstitutu)
[Veli Bahşeliyev]
Güney Kafkasya’da, Azerbaycan’da yapılan arkeolojik araştırmalar sırasında …
Güney Kafkasya’da, Azerbaycan’da yapılan arkeolojik araştırmalar sırasında Son Neolitik ve Kalkolitik Çağ kültürlerine ait çok sayıda yeni bulgular ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Nahçıvan’da, Kültepe I’de yapılan araştırmalar bu höyüğün şu anda Güney Kafkasya’nın en eski Neolitik Çağ yerleşmesi olduğunu göstermiştir. Buna karşın Kültepe I’de ve Güney Kafkasya’nın diğer yerleşmelerinde Çanak Çömleksiz Neolitik Çağ tabakası bulunmadığından bu bölgenin Neolitik Çağ kültürünün kökeni ile ilişkili çeşitli fikirler önerilmiştir. Eski Sovyet araştırmacıları Güney Kafkasya’nın tarım ve hayvancılıkla uğraşan topluluklarının Kuzey Mezopotamya’dan geldiğini öne sürmüştür. Günümüzde ise kimi araştırmacılar aynı fikre sahip olmakla birlikte kimileri de bu toplulukların yerel Mezolitik topluluklardan türedikleri görüşündedir. Kültepe I’de yapılan araştırmalar sırasında Halaf türü boyalı çanak çömleğin bulunması Mezopotamya ile ilişkilerin varlığını kanıtlamaktadır. Ancak Son Neolitik Çağ’da Azerbaycan’da etkin olan Şomutepe ve Kültepe kültürleri Kuzey Mezopotamya kültürlerinden farklı özelliklere sahiptir. Son yıllarda yapılan araştırmalar Azerbaycan’ın Neolitik Çağ kültürlerinin gelişim sürecini gözlemleme olanağı sağlamıştır. Buna göre, Azerbaycan’ın Karabağ bölgesi Son Neolitik Çağ kültürleri baskı bezemeli çanak çömlek ile karakterize edilmektedir. Bu tür kaplar Nahçıvan Tepe’nin Son Neolitik Çağ tabakası için de tipiktir. Yine araştırmalar Neolitik Çağ’ın son aşamasında Azerbaycan’ın Karabağ bölgesi ve Nahçıvan’da Neolitik Çağ kültürlerinin kendine özgü özelliklere sahip olduğunu kanıtlamaktadır. Güney Kafkasya’nın zengin hammadde yatakları …
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Vəli Baxşəli oğlu Baxşəliyev (Naxçıvan Bölməsi / Tarix, Etnoqrafiya və Arxeologiya İnstitutu)
Новые материалы неолита и энеолита из Нахчывана
[ВБ Бахшалиев]
Исследование неолитических памятников Нахчывана началось в 50-х …
Исследование неолитических памятников Нахчывана началось в 50-х годах XX столетия. Однако, до последнего времени поселение Кюльтепе I являлось единственным памятником этого периода на территории Нахчывана. Материалы нижних неолитических горизонтов поселения Кюльтепе I мало опубликованы. Исследованиями 2013 года на памятниках в окрестностях поселения Кюльтепе I были найдены новые материалы эпох неолита и энеолита. На одном из них, поселении Шорсу, был заложен раскоп, где были выявлены в плане четырехугольные помещения, орудия из камня и керамические изделия. Керамика поселения Шорсу перекликается с аналогичными материалами памятников эпохи позднего неолита Кавказа, в том числе и Азербайджана. Большинство керамических изделий поселения Шорсу находит аналогии в материалах позднего неолита …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Vegetation and plant exploitation at Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaijan), 6th–3rd millennium BC initial results of the archaeobotanical study(10055)
['Farhad Guliyev', 'Bertille Lyonnet', 'Alexia Decaix', 'Erwan Messager', 'Margareta Tengberg', 'Reinder Neef']
The study of several types of botanical remains from the site of Mentesh Tepe, Azerbaijan, has provided the first data on the vegetation cover and the exploitation and use of plant resources from the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age in this part of the Kura River Basin. Riparian woodlands constitute the main fuel source throughout the occupational sequence. However, wood was also exploited in relatively open woodlands characterised by the presence of a dozen shrub and tree species, among them oak, hornbeam, buckthorn, wayfaring-tree, maple and lime. Most seed and fruit remains correspond either to crops, such as cereals (barley, wheat) and pulses (lentil, grass pea), or to weeds and ruderal plants. The analysis of phytoliths shows that cereals were treated (de-husked) on-site. Very few fruits were found in the botanical record.
Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Agricultural Practices at Mentesh Tepe (Kura Valley, Azerbaijan) during the Neolithic, Chalcolithic and Bronze Age: An Overview from Sickle Elements and Botanical Remains
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Alexia Decaix, Laurence Astruc, Denis Guilbeau]
The Neolithic process took place in the …
The Neolithic process took place in the South Caucasus between the very end of the 7th and the early 6th millennium BCE, at least two millennia after it had already taken place in neighboring Anatolia and Iran. Agriculture appeared at that time, and was the main basis of the economy, together with herding. Cereals, mainly barley and different kinds of wheats, were the dominant cultivar. Mentesh Tepe, one of the rare multi-period settlements of the region, allows us to witness the development of ancient agricultural practices, since Neolithic, Chalcolithic and Bronze Age occupations have been identified there. The site is located in Azerbaijan in the vicinity of the Zeyem Cay, a tributary of the Kura River, some 10 km from the foothills of the Lesser Caucasus. We present here data originating from the analyses of botanical remains and techno-functional lithic tools studies. We have thus been able to identify trends and changes through time affecting cultivation and harvesting techniques. These are the result of economic and socio-cultural changes and reflect both the organization of communities and the technical skills of local inhabitants
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Emergence and intensification of dairying in the Caucasus and Eurasian steppes(10056)
['Farhad Guliyev', 'Bertille Lyonnet', 'Svend Hansen', 'Selin E Nugent', 'Christina Warinner', 'Wolfgang Haak', 'Johannes Krause', 'Ashley Scott', 'Sabine Reinhold', 'Taylor Hermes', 'Alexey A Kalmykov', 'Andrey Belinskiy', 'Alexandra Buzhilova', 'Natalia Berezina', 'Anatoliy R Kantorovich', 'Vladimir E Maslov', 'Parviz Gasimov', 'Bakhtiyar Jalilov', 'Jeyhun Eminli', 'Emil Iskandarov', 'Emily Hammer', 'Richard Hagan', 'Kerttu Majander', 'Päivi Onkamo', 'Kerkko Nordqvist', 'Natalia Shishlina', 'Elena Kaverzneva', 'Arkadiy I Korolev', 'Aleksandr A Khokhlov', 'Roman V Smolyaninov', 'Svetlana V Sharapova', 'Rüdiger Krause', 'Marina Karapetian', 'Eliza Stolarczyk']
Archaeological and archaeogenetic evidence points to the Pontic–Caspian steppe zone between the Caucasus and the Black Sea as the crucible from which the earliest steppe pastoralist societies arose and spread, ultimately influencing populations from Europe to Inner Asia. However, little is known about their economic foundations and the factors that may have contributed to their extensive mobility. Here, we investigate dietary proteins within the dental calculus proteomes of 45 individuals spanning the Neolithic to Greco-Roman periods in the Pontic–Caspian Steppe and neighbouring South Caucasus, Oka–Volga–Don and East Urals regions. We find that sheep dairying accompanies the earliest forms of Eneolithic pastoralism in the North Caucasus. During the fourth millennium bc, Maykop and early Yamnaya populations also focused dairying exclusively on sheep while reserving cattle for traction and other …
Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Investigating early husbandry strategies in the southern Caucasus: intra-tooth sequential carbon and oxygen isotope analysis of Neolithic goats, sheep, and cattle from Göytepe …
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Saiji Arai, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki, Masato Hirose, Yuichi I Naito]
The beginning of agriculture marks major changes …
The beginning of agriculture marks major changes in food acquisition technology in human history. In the southern Caucasus, agricultural villages emerged around 6000 cal. BC, 2000 to 3000 years later than in the Fertile Crescent despite their geographical closeness to each other. This study aims to provide isotopic evidence indicative of animal herding strategies in the early farming communities in the southern Caucasus. To analyze intra-individual sequential carbon and oxygen isotope variations, we used tooth enamel of five goats, four sheep, and three cattle from the Neolithic settlements, Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe (Azerbaijan). The analyses also included reference samples of modern domestic goat and sheep that are known to have grazed in the vicinity of the sites. As a result, the sequential carbon and oxygen isotope variations of the modern goat and sheep samples showed large amplitude and a …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe: excavations of the earliest pottery Neolithic occupations on the middle Kura, Azerbaijan, 2012(10058)
['Yoshihiro Nishiaki', 'Chie Akashi', 'Saiji Arai', 'Kazuya Shimogama', 'Farhad Guliyev', 'Seiji Kadowaki', 'Yui Arimatsu', 'Yuichi Hayakawa', 'Takehiro Miki', 'Shahin Salimbeyov']
In order to understand the origin and developments of Neolithic farming communities in the southern Caucasus, research of the Somutepe or Somutepe-Sulaveri culture is essential. This Pottery Neolithic entity is represented by numerous mound sites located primarily in the Middle Kura Valley and is known as the region’s oldest Neolithic entity since its initial discovery in the 1960s. 1 Although a few archaeological sites reportedly date from an earlier Neolithic or Mesolithic period, none have been properly documented and published using modern standards. 2 Well-documented earlier Neolithic sites do exist in the Black Sea basin to the west. 3 However, they are distributed rather far from the Middle Kura and their relationship with the Neolithic entities of concern here remains undemonstrated. Accordingly, the Somutepe-Sulaveri culture is regarded as the oldest Neolithic entity with the best evidence to date of an economy based on food production. Research of its origin directly contributes to clarifying the origin of Neolithic farming communities in the region.The Azerbaijan-Japan joint archaeological mission to the Tovuz region, Middle Kura, aims to shed new light on this issue through intensive fieldwork at related archaeological sites (Fig. 1). The main focus thus far has been the excavation of Göytepe, one of the largest Somutepe-Sulaveri settlements in the region. 4 At the same time, efforts have also focused on locating Neolithic sites predating the So-mutepe-Sulaveri sites. During the 2011 survey in the Göytepe vicinity, one such possible site was discovered. This site is Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, situated approximately 1 km northwest of Göytepe …
Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Excavations at the Neolithic settlement of Göytepe, the middle Kura Valley, Azerbaijan, 2008–2009
[FARHAD Guliyev, YOSHIHIRO Nishiaki]
One of the main research areas of …
One of the main research areas of modern archaeology is the study of the formation of sedentary cultures with the earliest forms of subsistence economy based on agriculture and stockbreeding. During this process, termed the ‘Neolithic Revolution’a number of features develop that are characteristic for the regions of the Near East, Southwest Asia and Caucasus. Research into the Neolithic in Azerbaijan began with the excavations at Kultepe I in 1951 near the city of Nakhchivan. Subsequent research has since resulted in the discovery of about 150 Neolithic and Chalcolithic settlements in Azerbaijan. One of the largest of these is the site of Goytepe, located in the Ganja-Gazakh region, along the middle reaches of the Kura River. In 2008-2009, the Expedition of Neolithic and Chalcolithic studies of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, conducted archaeological excavations at this site in collaboration with a Japanese mission from the University of Tokyo. The major objective is to shed new light on Neolithisation processes in the South Caucasus. More speciically, the research aims to redeine the type assemblage of the Shomutepe culture, which represents the oldest fullyledged Neolithic phase recognised in Azerbaijan, in detail and establish its chronological framework by conducting scientiic excavations that employ up-to-date ield techniques. This paper presents an outline of the preliminary results from the irst two excavation seasons. The excavations reveal thatGöytepe was a typical Shomutepe culture settlement, occupied during the early to middle parts of the 6th millennium cal. BC. The well-preserved architectural remains and rich …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Chronological contexts of the earliest pottery Neolithic in the South Caucasus: radiocarbon dates for Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki]
Research on the earliest Neolithic in the …
Research on the earliest Neolithic in the South Caucasus is still in its early stages. Establishing a solid chronological framework will help determine the timing of the emergence and subsequent development of regional Neolithic societies. This article reports on 46 radiocarbon dates obtained from the two recently excavated Early Pottery Neolithic sites of Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, the oldest farming villages known to date in West Azerbaijan. Comparing the dates from other related sites demonstrates that several settlements representing the earliest Pottery Neolithic emerged almost simultaneously at the beginning of the sixth millennium B.C.E. in the northern and southern foothills of the Lesser Caucasus Mountains. The lack of evidence for plant cultivation or animal husbandry at earlier sites suggests a foreign origin for agricultural economies in the South Caucasus. However, cultural items characterizing …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Mud-bricks in Neolithic architecture at Göytepe
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev, Emmanuel Baudouin]
6.1 Introduction circular semi-subterranean buildings reminiscent of …
6.1 Introduction circular semi-subterranean buildings reminiscent of the domestic structures used by incipient farmers of the Fertile Crescent (Baudouin 2019). These changes in architectural style are likely related to other socio-economic changes that occurred during the formative period of the Neolithic group in the region. The aim of this chapter is to provide new data on the architectural development of the Shomutepe culture of the Middle Kura Valley, namely regarding the production of mud-bricks at Göytepe. Based on stratigraphic data, we examine how mud-brick manufacturing technology might have developed during the Neolithic period in Göytepe.An increasing amount of evidence indicates that the Neolithic cultures of the South Caucasus underwent rapid cultural evolution in the early 6th millennium BC soon after the emergence of Neolithic society. Such evidence attests to autonomous development, regardless of whether Neolithic culture was introduced from southwest Asia (Nishiaki et al. 2019). One of the best examples of this cultural evolution is the production and use of pottery. Although the material culture of Fertile Crescent communities in southwest Asia around 6000 BC was characterized by the proliferation of pottery, the earliest southern Caucasus Neolithic sites do not always yield a comparably large amount of pottery. In the Middle Kura Valley of West Azerbaijan, the substantial production of pottery began only a few centuries after the introduction of the Neolithic economy (Nishiaki et al. 2015a; cf. Marro et al. 2019). A local development can also be seen in architecture. Circular buildings were prevalent in the Neolithic cultures …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, the Shomutepe Culture, and the Neolithic Southern Caucasus
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev]
The preceding chapters have described the results …
The preceding chapters have described the results of our research at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, an early 6th millennium BC mound in the Middle Kura Valley, West Azerbaijan. The excavations between 2012 and 2015 demonstrated that this Neolithic site was one of the earliest farming villages known in the region and even in the South Caucasian Neolithic. Remarkably, its subsistence records revealed a heavy reliance on plant cultivation and animal husbandry in daily life (Chapters 9 and 10). In other words, they indicate the existence of a full-fledged farming society at the very beginning of the Neolithic period in the Southern Caucasus.This finding suggests the need for research on a long-debated issue on the origin (s) of the Southern Caucasian Neolithic communities (Nishiaki 2021). Did they emerge as a result of indigenous evolution of the local hunter-gatherers’ socio-economies, diffusion of the farming societies developed elsewhere notably in the Fertile Crescent of Southwest Asia, a combination of these, or another reason entirely? However, the available datasets have had serious deficiencies with regard to answering this important question. First, the cultural sequences of Northeast Anatolia and Northwest Iran situated between the Southern Caucasus and Southwest Asia for the key period of the late 7th and early 6th millennia BC have not been established because of a lack of relevant investigations in recent years. Accordingly, our current knowledge is based on field data obtained before the introduction of modern research strategies, such as those from Tilkitepe in Turkey (Korfman 1982) and Haji Firuz Tepe of Iran (Voigt 1983). Second …
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Vəli Baxşəli oğlu Baxşəliyev (Naxçıvan Bölməsi / Tarix, Etnoqrafiya və Arxeologiya İnstitutu)
[Veli Bahşeliyev]
Güney Kafkasya’da, Azerbaycan’da yapılan arkeolojik araştırmalar sırasında …
Güney Kafkasya’da, Azerbaycan’da yapılan arkeolojik araştırmalar sırasında Son Neolitik ve Kalkolitik Çağ kültürlerine ait çok sayıda yeni bulgular ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Nahçıvan’da, Kültepe I’de yapılan araştırmalar bu höyüğün şu anda Güney Kafkasya’nın en eski Neolitik Çağ yerleşmesi olduğunu göstermiştir. Buna karşın Kültepe I’de ve Güney Kafkasya’nın diğer yerleşmelerinde Çanak Çömleksiz Neolitik Çağ tabakası bulunmadığından bu bölgenin Neolitik Çağ kültürünün kökeni ile ilişkili çeşitli fikirler önerilmiştir. Eski Sovyet araştırmacıları Güney Kafkasya’nın tarım ve hayvancılıkla uğraşan topluluklarının Kuzey Mezopotamya’dan geldiğini öne sürmüştür. Günümüzde ise kimi araştırmacılar aynı fikre sahip olmakla birlikte kimileri de bu toplulukların yerel Mezolitik topluluklardan türedikleri görüşündedir. Kültepe I’de yapılan araştırmalar sırasında Halaf türü boyalı çanak çömleğin bulunması Mezopotamya ile ilişkilerin varlığını kanıtlamaktadır. Ancak Son Neolitik Çağ’da Azerbaycan’da etkin olan Şomutepe ve Kültepe kültürleri Kuzey Mezopotamya kültürlerinden farklı özelliklere sahiptir. Son yıllarda yapılan araştırmalar Azerbaycan’ın Neolitik Çağ kültürlerinin gelişim sürecini gözlemleme olanağı sağlamıştır. Buna göre, Azerbaycan’ın Karabağ bölgesi Son Neolitik Çağ kültürleri baskı bezemeli çanak çömlek ile karakterize edilmektedir. Bu tür kaplar Nahçıvan Tepe’nin Son Neolitik Çağ tabakası için de tipiktir. Yine araştırmalar Neolitik Çağ’ın son aşamasında Azerbaycan’ın Karabağ bölgesi ve Nahçıvan’da Neolitik Çağ kültürlerinin kendine özgü özelliklere sahip olduğunu kanıtlamaktadır. Güney Kafkasya’nın zengin hammadde yatakları …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Mitochondrial DNA analysis of ancient domestic goats in the Southern Caucasus: a preliminary result from Neolithic settlements at Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe(10060)
['Yoshihiro Nishiaki', 'Saiji Arai', 'Farhad Guliyev', 'Seiji Kadowaki', 'Keiko Ohnishi']
This study presents preliminary results of mitochondrial DNA analyses of modern and ancient domestic goats in the southern Caucasus in order to examine their phylogenetic relationship with modern and ancient goats. For this purpose, seven ancient samples were obtained from two early agricultural villages in west Azerbaijan (Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı tepe, dated to ca. 6000–5500 cal bc, the Pottery Neolithic period), in addition to five modern goat samples in the same region. In the study, mitochondrial DNA segments of the control region (216 bp for the Neolithic samples and 481 bp for the modern samples) were amplified, and phylogenetic analyses were performed using previously published reference DNA sequences. As a result, all the haplotypes found in this study were grouped in the haplogroup A of goats. The finding of the haplogroup A among domestic goats in the southern Caucasus in the …
Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Investigating early husbandry strategies in the southern Caucasus: intra-tooth sequential carbon and oxygen isotope analysis of Neolithic goats, sheep, and cattle from Göytepe …
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Saiji Arai, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki, Masato Hirose, Yuichi I Naito]
The beginning of agriculture marks major changes …
The beginning of agriculture marks major changes in food acquisition technology in human history. In the southern Caucasus, agricultural villages emerged around 6000 cal. BC, 2000 to 3000 years later than in the Fertile Crescent despite their geographical closeness to each other. This study aims to provide isotopic evidence indicative of animal herding strategies in the early farming communities in the southern Caucasus. To analyze intra-individual sequential carbon and oxygen isotope variations, we used tooth enamel of five goats, four sheep, and three cattle from the Neolithic settlements, Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe (Azerbaijan). The analyses also included reference samples of modern domestic goat and sheep that are known to have grazed in the vicinity of the sites. As a result, the sequential carbon and oxygen isotope variations of the modern goat and sheep samples showed large amplitude and a …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Obsidian provenance analyses at Göytepe, Azerbaijan: Implications for understanding Neolithic socioeconomies in the southern Caucasus(10061)
['F Guliyev', 'Y Nishiaki', 'O Maeda', 'T Kannari', 'M Nagai', 'E Healey', 'S Campbell']
This study presents a provenance analysis of the Neolithic obsidian assemblages from the early to mid‐sixth millennium bc settlement at Göytepe, Azerbaijan. The study is unique in that (1) it involves a complete, non‐selected obsidian assemblage (901 artefacts) from one particular area of the site; (2) the material is derived from a well‐stratified sequence of 10 securely radiocarbon‐dated architectural levels; and (3) the use of an extraordinarily wide range of sources (more than 20) was identified by provenance analysis using energy‐dispersive X‐ray fluorescence. The results reveal a previously unknown diachronic change in obsidian use in the region, suggesting the occurrence of significant socioeconomic changes during the Late Neolithic of the southern Caucasus.
Azad Əsəd oğlu Zeynalov (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Arxeoloji xidmət və yeni tikinti sahələrinin arxeoloji tədqiqi)
Geological and geochemical characterization of the Kelbadjar (Kechaldag) obsidian source in Azerbaijan, Lesser Caucasus
[Rashid A Fataliyev, Michael D Glascock, Yaroslav V Kuzmin, Azad A Zeynalov]
In this paper, the geological and geochemical …
In this paper, the geological and geochemical characterizations of the Kechaldag (a.k.a. Kelbadzhar and Kelbadjar) obsidian source in southwestern Azerbaijan are presented. Samples were collected from primary outcrops, and analyzed by XRF at the University of Missouri Research Reactor. The contents of 12 elements were measured. This allowed us to obtain for the first time a comprehensive geochemical signature of the Kechaldag obsidian source that was less known previously. On the Rb. vs. Sr bivariate plot, Kechaldag is clearly separated from the neighboring Syunik group and other sources of the Lesser Caucasus. The data generated by us can be used for in-depth study of obsidian exploitation in the Paleolithic, Neolithic, and Bronze Age of the Lesser Caucasus and neighboring regions.
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Neolithic Chipped Stone Industry of Mentesh Tepe (Middle Kura Valley, Azerbaijan) Technological Markers and Relations to North-Eastern Anatolia
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Laurence Astruc, Bernard Gratuze, Denis Guilbeau, Christine Chataigner, Olivier Barge]
Neolithic phases at Mentesh Tepe (Middle Kura …
Neolithic phases at Mentesh Tepe (Middle Kura Valley, Azerbaijan) date to the first half of the 6 th millennium BCE. This occupation with its peculiar architecture, pottery, lithic industry and other archaeological features is related to the Shomutepe-Shulaveri Culture (hereafter SSC). In this paper, we describe the Neolithic lithic industry of Mentesh, paying attention to the origins of raw materials, technology and typology. Obsidian procurement, least cost path analysis, technology and typology are combined to better understand the process of exploitation of the rocks. Employing these methodologies, we identify technical markers that are compared to other assemblages. Obsidian came from eight distinct sources (in NorthEastern Anatolia, Armenia and Georgia), sometimes very distant from one another. We wish to emphasize the relation between the SSC sites of the Middle Kura Valley and NorthEastern Anatolia. Moreover, whatever the source of the raw material, a great homogeneity in both technology and typology is noticed.
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
The use of natural resources at Mentesh Tepe during the Late Chalcolithic period and the Early Bronze Age
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Laurence Astruc, Antoine Courcier, Bernard Gratuze, Denis Guilbeau, Moritz Jansen, Sonia Ostaptchouk]
This article gives the results of the …
This article gives the results of the analyses made by several specialists on some of the raw materials (metal, obsidian and semi-precious stones) found at Mentesh Tepe (Middle Kura Valley, Azerbaijan) during the Late Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age periods. They show that the procurement zone extends between 30 to 300 km away from the site. The copper and arsenic sources used during the Late Chalcolithic period are confined to the volcanogenic massif sulfide deposits (VMS) in the Lesser Caucasus to the south of Mentesh Tepe. Questions are still raised on their origins during the Early Bronze Age, with gold and tin during the same period yet of unknown provenance. Obsidian analyses show that various sources were used, some being very far (actual Turkey). Gegham, in Armenia, was by far the most important one during the Late Chalcolithic period, while Chikiani, in Georgia, has possibly played this role during the EBA. Finally, the raw material used for the beads come from ophiolitic series and volcanic contexts in the Lesser Caucasus, at a short distance from Mentesh Tepe.Cet article présente les résultats d’analyses faites par plusieurs spécialistes sur une partie des matières premières (métal, obsidienne et pierres semi-précieuses) trouvées à Mentesh Tepe (moyenne vallée de la Kura, Azerbaïdjan) et datant des périodes du Chalcolithique récent et du début de l’âge du Bronze. Ils montrent que la zone d’approvisionnement se situe à une distance de 30 à 300 km du site. Les sources de cuivre et d’arsenic utilisées pendant le Chalcolithique récent se trouvent dans les «gisements de sulfures massifs volcanogènes»(VMS) qui s …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Neolithic residential patterns in the southern Caucasus: Radiocarbon analysis of rebuilding cycles of mudbrick architecture at Göytepe, west Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki, Takayuki Omori]
Neolithization took place in the southern Caucasus …
Neolithization took place in the southern Caucasus at the beginning of the sixth millennium BC, most likely as part of the expansion of the Neolithic socioeconomy from the Middle East, where the food-production economy had been established at least a few thousand years earlier. However, local adaptation and indigenous cultural development are also likely to have played important roles in this process, by which distinct Neolithic ways of life emerged in the southern Caucasus. This study investigated one possible local aspect of the residential system, referring to archaeological evidence from Göytepe, a major Neolithic settlement of the early sixth millennium BC in Azerbaijan. Using a Bayesian analysis of 45 radiocarbon dates from different occupation levels of this 11 m thick mound, we established a high-resolution chronology of this settlement. Moreover, the analysis of the main trench dates, spanning from ca …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
New data and perspectives on the early stages of the Neolithic in the Middle Kura River Valley (South Caucasus). The 2017–2019 excavations at Kiçik Tepe, Western Azerbaijan(10063)
['Farhad Guliyev', 'Emmanuel Baudouin', 'Giulio Palumbi', 'Alexia Decaix', 'Laurence Astruc', 'Bernard Gratuze', 'Rémi Berthon', 'Caroline Hamon', "Maria Bianca d'Anna", 'Valeh Alakbarov', "Modwene Poulmarc'h", 'Andrea Ricci']
The factors and dynamics that initiated the Neolithisation process in the South Caucasus between the very end of the 7th and the beginning of the 6th millennium BCE are still unclear and hotly debated. It is within this framework that the excavations at Kiçik Tepe, in the middle Kura river valley of Western Azerbaijan, aim to offer new data and new perspectives on the complex interplay of environmental, social and cultural factors that contributed to this process. Excavations at Kiçik Tepe uncovered two main phases of occupation consisting of circular buildings dating to the first centuries of the 6th millennium. Architectural remains allowed us to highlight an evolutionary architectural trajectory hinting at social and productive changes in the role and structure of the households. The subsistence strategies that rely on species domesticated elsewhere show at once a series of specificities highlighting adaptation to the local …
Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Neolithic residential patterns in the southern Caucasus: Radiocarbon analysis of rebuilding cycles of mudbrick architecture at Göytepe, west Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki, Takayuki Omori]
Neolithization took place in the southern Caucasus …
Neolithization took place in the southern Caucasus at the beginning of the sixth millennium BC, most likely as part of the expansion of the Neolithic socioeconomy from the Middle East, where the food-production economy had been established at least a few thousand years earlier. However, local adaptation and indigenous cultural development are also likely to have played important roles in this process, by which distinct Neolithic ways of life emerged in the southern Caucasus. This study investigated one possible local aspect of the residential system, referring to archaeological evidence from Göytepe, a major Neolithic settlement of the early sixth millennium BC in Azerbaijan. Using a Bayesian analysis of 45 radiocarbon dates from different occupation levels of this 11 m thick mound, we established a high-resolution chronology of this settlement. Moreover, the analysis of the main trench dates, spanning from ca …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Investigating cultural and socioeconomic change at the beginning of the Pottery Neolithic in the southern Caucasus: the 2013 excavations at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Chie Akashi, Saiji Arai, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki, Valeh Alakbarov, Takehiro Miki, Shahin Salimbayov]
Recent research on the Neolithic period of …
Recent research on the Neolithic period of the southern Caucasus situates the emergence of an established food-producing economy at the beginning of the sixth millennium b.c. This article reports on the 2013 season of excavations at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, western Azerbaijan, currently one of the oldest sites providing evidence of early agriculture, which represents the earliest stage of the Shomutepe-Shulaveri culture. Excavations yielded a rich archaeological record that confirmed the intensive exploitation of domesticated cereals and animals over a period ranging from ca. 5950 to 5800 cal b.c. Excavated artifact assemblages have a distinct character, differing from those of later settlements, indicating rapid cultural changes in the first half of the sixth millennium b.c. The assemblages also comprised a small number of elements reminiscent of the Pottery Neolithic traditions from the eastern wing of the Fertile …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Agricultural Practices at Mentesh Tepe (Kura Valley, Azerbaijan) during the Neolithic, Chalcolithic and Bronze Age: An Overview from Sickle Elements and Botanical Remains
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Alexia Decaix, Laurence Astruc, Denis Guilbeau]
The Neolithic process took place in the …
The Neolithic process took place in the South Caucasus between the very end of the 7th and the early 6th millennium BCE, at least two millennia after it had already taken place in neighboring Anatolia and Iran. Agriculture appeared at that time, and was the main basis of the economy, together with herding. Cereals, mainly barley and different kinds of wheats, were the dominant cultivar. Mentesh Tepe, one of the rare multi-period settlements of the region, allows us to witness the development of ancient agricultural practices, since Neolithic, Chalcolithic and Bronze Age occupations have been identified there. The site is located in Azerbaijan in the vicinity of the Zeyem Cay, a tributary of the Kura River, some 10 km from the foothills of the Lesser Caucasus. We present here data originating from the analyses of botanical remains and techno-functional lithic tools studies. We have thus been able to identify trends and changes through time affecting cultivation and harvesting techniques. These are the result of economic and socio-cultural changes and reflect both the organization of communities and the technical skills of local inhabitants
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
The origins of food production in the southern Caucasus: excavations at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki]
Over the past decade, great advances have …
Over the past decade, great advances have been made in research on Neolithisation processes in the southern Caucasus. One such achievement involves the dating of the emergence of a full-fledged, food-producing economy, which is now assigned to the beginning of the sixth millennium BC (Nishiaki et al. 2015a). The southern Caucasian communities were situated directly to the north of the Fertile Crescent, where a foodproducing economy emerged as early as the tenth millennium BC; the apparently late adoption of such an economy in the neighbouring southern Caucasus poses intriguing questions as to the environmental and social contexts that led to this great cultural change.The introduction of a food-producing economy in this region is associated with the Shomutepe-Shulaveri culture (Pottery Neolithic; Narimanov 1987). Although a number of settlements of this culture have been discovered since the 1960s, the absence of a rigorous chronological framework has been an obstacle to the determination of the contexts in which it emerged and developed. A key site through which to investigate this issue is Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, located in the Middle Kura Valley, west Azerbaijan (Figure 1).
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Dietary inferences through stable isotope analysis at the Neolithic and Bronze Age in the southern Caucasus (sixth to first millenium BC, Azerbaijan): From environmental …(10066)
['Farhad Guliyev', 'Bertille Lyonnet', 'Laure Pecqueur', 'Elsa Jovenet', 'Alexia Decaix', 'Estelle Herrscher', 'Norbert Benecke', "Modwene Poulmarc'h", 'Guy André']
Objectives Subsistence strategies are of great interest for understanding how prehistoric societies adapted to their environment. This is particularly the case for the southern Caucasus where relationships have been shown with the northern Caucasus and Mesopotamia since the Neolithic and where societies are alternately described as sedentary and mobile. This article aims, for the first time, to characterize human diets and their evolution using biochemical markers, from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age (sixth‐first millenium BC), at Mentesh Tepe, a site in the middle Kura valley in Azerbaijan. Materials and Methods The data set belongs to 40 humans, 32 domestic and wild animals, and 42 charred seeds discovered in situ and perfectly dated. Stable isotope analyses were performed, including (a) δ13Cco and δ15N for animal and human bone collagens and for seeds, and (b) δ13Cap for human bone apatite …
Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Investigating early husbandry strategies in the southern Caucasus: intra-tooth sequential carbon and oxygen isotope analysis of Neolithic goats, sheep, and cattle from Göytepe …
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Saiji Arai, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki, Masato Hirose, Yuichi I Naito]
The beginning of agriculture marks major changes …
The beginning of agriculture marks major changes in food acquisition technology in human history. In the southern Caucasus, agricultural villages emerged around 6000 cal. BC, 2000 to 3000 years later than in the Fertile Crescent despite their geographical closeness to each other. This study aims to provide isotopic evidence indicative of animal herding strategies in the early farming communities in the southern Caucasus. To analyze intra-individual sequential carbon and oxygen isotope variations, we used tooth enamel of five goats, four sheep, and three cattle from the Neolithic settlements, Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe (Azerbaijan). The analyses also included reference samples of modern domestic goat and sheep that are known to have grazed in the vicinity of the sites. As a result, the sequential carbon and oxygen isotope variations of the modern goat and sheep samples showed large amplitude and a …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Agricultural Practices at Mentesh Tepe (Kura Valley, Azerbaijan) during the Neolithic, Chalcolithic and Bronze Age: An Overview from Sickle Elements and Botanical Remains
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Alexia Decaix, Laurence Astruc, Denis Guilbeau]
The Neolithic process took place in the …
The Neolithic process took place in the South Caucasus between the very end of the 7th and the early 6th millennium BCE, at least two millennia after it had already taken place in neighboring Anatolia and Iran. Agriculture appeared at that time, and was the main basis of the economy, together with herding. Cereals, mainly barley and different kinds of wheats, were the dominant cultivar. Mentesh Tepe, one of the rare multi-period settlements of the region, allows us to witness the development of ancient agricultural practices, since Neolithic, Chalcolithic and Bronze Age occupations have been identified there. The site is located in Azerbaijan in the vicinity of the Zeyem Cay, a tributary of the Kura River, some 10 km from the foothills of the Lesser Caucasus. We present here data originating from the analyses of botanical remains and techno-functional lithic tools studies. We have thus been able to identify trends and changes through time affecting cultivation and harvesting techniques. These are the result of economic and socio-cultural changes and reflect both the organization of communities and the technical skills of local inhabitants
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Chronological contexts of the earliest pottery Neolithic in the South Caucasus: radiocarbon dates for Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki]
Research on the earliest Neolithic in the …
Research on the earliest Neolithic in the South Caucasus is still in its early stages. Establishing a solid chronological framework will help determine the timing of the emergence and subsequent development of regional Neolithic societies. This article reports on 46 radiocarbon dates obtained from the two recently excavated Early Pottery Neolithic sites of Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, the oldest farming villages known to date in West Azerbaijan. Comparing the dates from other related sites demonstrates that several settlements representing the earliest Pottery Neolithic emerged almost simultaneously at the beginning of the sixth millennium B.C.E. in the northern and southern foothills of the Lesser Caucasus Mountains. The lack of evidence for plant cultivation or animal husbandry at earlier sites suggests a foreign origin for agricultural economies in the South Caucasus. However, cultural items characterizing …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Neolithic residential patterns in the southern Caucasus: Radiocarbon analysis of rebuilding cycles of mudbrick architecture at Göytepe, west Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki, Takayuki Omori]
Neolithization took place in the southern Caucasus …
Neolithization took place in the southern Caucasus at the beginning of the sixth millennium BC, most likely as part of the expansion of the Neolithic socioeconomy from the Middle East, where the food-production economy had been established at least a few thousand years earlier. However, local adaptation and indigenous cultural development are also likely to have played important roles in this process, by which distinct Neolithic ways of life emerged in the southern Caucasus. This study investigated one possible local aspect of the residential system, referring to archaeological evidence from Göytepe, a major Neolithic settlement of the early sixth millennium BC in Azerbaijan. Using a Bayesian analysis of 45 radiocarbon dates from different occupation levels of this 11 m thick mound, we established a high-resolution chronology of this settlement. Moreover, the analysis of the main trench dates, spanning from ca …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Mouvements de populations dans le Sud-Caucase à la Protohistoire: apports de l’étude paléogénétique de Mentesh Tepe et Ovçular-tepesi
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Laure Pecqueur, Perle Guarino-Vignon, Maël Lefeuvre, Aurore Monnereau, Céline Bon, Johanne Adam, Amelie Chimenes, Catherine Marro]
1 Le Sud du Caucase se situe …
1 Le Sud du Caucase se situe à la bordure du Croissant Fertile, où le Néolithique a débuté il y a plus de 10000 ans. Pourtant, l’agriculture et l’élevage y apparaissent avec environ deux millénaires d’écart. Les données archéologiques montrent que les différentes régions du Croissant Fertile (est de l’Anatolie, nord de la Mésopotamie, Iran) ont eu un rôle important dans l’émergence des cultures néolithiques du sud du Caucase. Afin de mieux comprendre le rôle des mouvements de populations dans ce phénomène, nous avons effectué des analyses paléogénétiques sur des individus néolithiques et chalcolithiques des sites de Mentesh Tepe et d’Ovçular-tepesi. A Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaïdjan, vallée de la Kura). Les restes humains séquencés sont issus d’une sépulture de catastrophe associée à une occupation Shomu-Shulaveri, la plus ancienne culture néolithique dans la région; les restes humains séquencés provenant d’Ovçulartepesi (Azerbaïdjan, Nakhitchevan) datent quant à eux du Chalcolithique. Via l’étude de l’ADN ancien retrouvé dans ces restes humains, nous avons pu montrer que la diffusion du Néolithique implique une migration de populations proches de celles retrouvées à l’est de l’Anatolie et un métissage avec des populations locales ou provenant du Zagros. La proximité génétique entre les deux sites, renforce l’hypothèse d’une continuité populationnelle au cours de la Proto-histoire, même si les individus d’Ovçular-tepesi ont bénéficié d’un flux de gènes plus important provenant de groupes apparentés à ceux du Levant. Notre étude paléogénétique renforce le modèle d’une Néolithisation du
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Chipped stone technology of the earliest agricultural village in the Southern Caucasus: Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe (the beginning of the 6th millennium BC)(10068)
['Seiji Kadowaki–Farhad Guliyev–Yoshihiro Nishiaki']
Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe provides new evidence for the Neolithization in the southern Caucasus as it represents one of the oldest agricultural villages in this region, corresponding to the initial phase of the Shomutepe-Shulaveri culture. This paper reports chipped-stone technology of this site and discusses its possible indigenous and foreign links.
Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Investigating cultural and socioeconomic change at the beginning of the Pottery Neolithic in the southern Caucasus: the 2013 excavations at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Chie Akashi, Saiji Arai, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki, Valeh Alakbarov, Takehiro Miki, Shahin Salimbayov]
Recent research on the Neolithic period of …
Recent research on the Neolithic period of the southern Caucasus situates the emergence of an established food-producing economy at the beginning of the sixth millennium b.c. This article reports on the 2013 season of excavations at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, western Azerbaijan, currently one of the oldest sites providing evidence of early agriculture, which represents the earliest stage of the Shomutepe-Shulaveri culture. Excavations yielded a rich archaeological record that confirmed the intensive exploitation of domesticated cereals and animals over a period ranging from ca. 5950 to 5800 cal b.c. Excavated artifact assemblages have a distinct character, differing from those of later settlements, indicating rapid cultural changes in the first half of the sixth millennium b.c. The assemblages also comprised a small number of elements reminiscent of the Pottery Neolithic traditions from the eastern wing of the Fertile …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
The origins of food production in the southern Caucasus: excavations at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki]
Over the past decade, great advances have …
Over the past decade, great advances have been made in research on Neolithisation processes in the southern Caucasus. One such achievement involves the dating of the emergence of a full-fledged, food-producing economy, which is now assigned to the beginning of the sixth millennium BC (Nishiaki et al. 2015a). The southern Caucasian communities were situated directly to the north of the Fertile Crescent, where a foodproducing economy emerged as early as the tenth millennium BC; the apparently late adoption of such an economy in the neighbouring southern Caucasus poses intriguing questions as to the environmental and social contexts that led to this great cultural change.The introduction of a food-producing economy in this region is associated with the Shomutepe-Shulaveri culture (Pottery Neolithic; Narimanov 1987). Although a number of settlements of this culture have been discovered since the 1960s, the absence of a rigorous chronological framework has been an obstacle to the determination of the contexts in which it emerged and developed. A key site through which to investigate this issue is Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, located in the Middle Kura Valley, west Azerbaijan (Figure 1).
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Neolithisation processes of the South Caucasus: as viewed from macro-botanical analyses at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, West Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Chie Akashi, Farhad Guliyev, Kenichi Tanno]
We examined macro-botanical remains from two Neolithic …
We examined macro-botanical remains from two Neolithic sites in West Azerbaijan, aiming to reconstruct how the first food-producing economy of the South Caucasus was established in the context of the Shomutepe-Shulaveri culture. Göytepe (ca. 5650-5460 cal. BC), representing the later phase of this culture, revealed a crop assemblage characterised by the common use of free-threshing cereals, comparable to those of the archaeobotanical assemblages known from other Shomutepe-Shulaveri sites. A distinct picture was revealed at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, one of the oldest known Shomutepe-Shulaveri settlements in the region. In this site dated from the first quarter of the 6th millennium BC (ca. 5950-5800 cal. BC), the predominance of hulled cereals and scarcity of naked cereals were observed. This cereal assemblage represents the earliest stage of the South Caucasian Neolithic economy, and the marked …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Chronological contexts of the earliest pottery Neolithic in the South Caucasus: radiocarbon dates for Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki]
Research on the earliest Neolithic in the …
Research on the earliest Neolithic in the South Caucasus is still in its early stages. Establishing a solid chronological framework will help determine the timing of the emergence and subsequent development of regional Neolithic societies. This article reports on 46 radiocarbon dates obtained from the two recently excavated Early Pottery Neolithic sites of Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, the oldest farming villages known to date in West Azerbaijan. Comparing the dates from other related sites demonstrates that several settlements representing the earliest Pottery Neolithic emerged almost simultaneously at the beginning of the sixth millennium B.C.E. in the northern and southern foothills of the Lesser Caucasus Mountains. The lack of evidence for plant cultivation or animal husbandry at earlier sites suggests a foreign origin for agricultural economies in the South Caucasus. However, cultural items characterizing …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Investigations of the Neolithic potteries of 6th millennium BC from Göytepe-Azerbaijan by vibrational spectroscopy and chemometric techniques(10069)
['Farhad Guliyev', 'Sevim Akyuz', 'Sefa Celik', 'Aysen E Ozel', 'Valeh Alakbarov']
This article presents the results of the vibrational spectroscopic and chemometric analyses of Neolithic pottery remains excavated in Göytepe (Azerbaijan), a typical Shomutepe-Shulaveri culture settlement. Fifty-five pottery fragments, that were unearthed in the excavations of Göytepe during the 2009–2013 years, were investigated using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and micro-Raman spectroscopy. X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) was used as a complementary technique. The firing-temperature and -conditions were inferred from the mineral phases obtained from the vibrational spectra of the samples and were estimated to be between 600 °C and 750 °C in oxidizing atmosphere. As chemometrics, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) followed by Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), were applied to the FTIR spectral data, in order to examine the possible classification of those findings, and to extract the most …
Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Investigations of the Neolithic Potteries of 6th Millennium BC from Göytepe-Azerbaijan by Spectroscopic and Chemometric Methods
[Farhad Guliyev, Sevim Akyuz, Sefa Celik, Aysen E Ozel, Valeh Alakbarov]
Some Neolithic pottery fragments excavated in Göytepe-Azerbaijan …
Some Neolithic pottery fragments excavated in Göytepe-Azerbaijan were investigated using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), micro-Raman, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and statistical chemometric techniques. The firing-temperature and-conditions were inferred from the mineral phases obtained from the FTIR and micro-Raman spectra of the samples. The XRD results confirmed the mineralogical composition determined by FTIR and micro-Raman analyses. Depending on the spectroscopic results, the firing temperatures of the investigated potteries were estimated to be between 600 oC and 750 oC in oxidizing atmosphere. As the chemometric methods, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) were applied to FTIR spectral data in order to show similarities and dissimilarities of the samples and to extract the most discriminant features.
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Neolithisation processes of the South Caucasus: as viewed from macro-botanical analyses at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, West Azerbaijan(10070)
['Yoshihiro Nishiaki', 'Chie Akashi', 'Farhad Guliyev', 'Kenichi Tanno']
We examined macro-botanical remains from two Neolithic sites in West Azerbaijan, aiming to reconstruct how the first food-producing economy of the South Caucasus was established in the context of the Shomutepe-Shulaveri culture. Göytepe (ca. 5650-5460 cal. BC), representing the later phase of this culture, revealed a crop assemblage characterised by the common use of free-threshing cereals, comparable to those of the archaeobotanical assemblages known from other Shomutepe-Shulaveri sites. A distinct picture was revealed at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, one of the oldest known Shomutepe-Shulaveri settlements in the region. In this site dated from the first quarter of the 6th millennium BC (ca. 5950-5800 cal. BC), the predominance of hulled cereals and scarcity of naked cereals were observed. This cereal assemblage represents the earliest stage of the South Caucasian Neolithic economy, and the marked …
Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Investigating cultural and socioeconomic change at the beginning of the Pottery Neolithic in the southern Caucasus: the 2013 excavations at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Chie Akashi, Saiji Arai, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki, Valeh Alakbarov, Takehiro Miki, Shahin Salimbayov]
Recent research on the Neolithic period of …
Recent research on the Neolithic period of the southern Caucasus situates the emergence of an established food-producing economy at the beginning of the sixth millennium b.c. This article reports on the 2013 season of excavations at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, western Azerbaijan, currently one of the oldest sites providing evidence of early agriculture, which represents the earliest stage of the Shomutepe-Shulaveri culture. Excavations yielded a rich archaeological record that confirmed the intensive exploitation of domesticated cereals and animals over a period ranging from ca. 5950 to 5800 cal b.c. Excavated artifact assemblages have a distinct character, differing from those of later settlements, indicating rapid cultural changes in the first half of the sixth millennium b.c. The assemblages also comprised a small number of elements reminiscent of the Pottery Neolithic traditions from the eastern wing of the Fertile …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
The origins of food production in the southern Caucasus: excavations at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki]
Over the past decade, great advances have …
Over the past decade, great advances have been made in research on Neolithisation processes in the southern Caucasus. One such achievement involves the dating of the emergence of a full-fledged, food-producing economy, which is now assigned to the beginning of the sixth millennium BC (Nishiaki et al. 2015a). The southern Caucasian communities were situated directly to the north of the Fertile Crescent, where a foodproducing economy emerged as early as the tenth millennium BC; the apparently late adoption of such an economy in the neighbouring southern Caucasus poses intriguing questions as to the environmental and social contexts that led to this great cultural change.The introduction of a food-producing economy in this region is associated with the Shomutepe-Shulaveri culture (Pottery Neolithic; Narimanov 1987). Although a number of settlements of this culture have been discovered since the 1960s, the absence of a rigorous chronological framework has been an obstacle to the determination of the contexts in which it emerged and developed. A key site through which to investigate this issue is Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, located in the Middle Kura Valley, west Azerbaijan (Figure 1).
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Chronological contexts of the earliest pottery Neolithic in the South Caucasus: radiocarbon dates for Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki]
Research on the earliest Neolithic in the …
Research on the earliest Neolithic in the South Caucasus is still in its early stages. Establishing a solid chronological framework will help determine the timing of the emergence and subsequent development of regional Neolithic societies. This article reports on 46 radiocarbon dates obtained from the two recently excavated Early Pottery Neolithic sites of Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, the oldest farming villages known to date in West Azerbaijan. Comparing the dates from other related sites demonstrates that several settlements representing the earliest Pottery Neolithic emerged almost simultaneously at the beginning of the sixth millennium B.C.E. in the northern and southern foothills of the Lesser Caucasus Mountains. The lack of evidence for plant cultivation or animal husbandry at earlier sites suggests a foreign origin for agricultural economies in the South Caucasus. However, cultural items characterizing …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Agricultural Practices at Mentesh Tepe (Kura Valley, Azerbaijan) during the Neolithic, Chalcolithic and Bronze Age: An Overview from Sickle Elements and Botanical Remains
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Alexia Decaix, Laurence Astruc, Denis Guilbeau]
The Neolithic process took place in the …
The Neolithic process took place in the South Caucasus between the very end of the 7th and the early 6th millennium BCE, at least two millennia after it had already taken place in neighboring Anatolia and Iran. Agriculture appeared at that time, and was the main basis of the economy, together with herding. Cereals, mainly barley and different kinds of wheats, were the dominant cultivar. Mentesh Tepe, one of the rare multi-period settlements of the region, allows us to witness the development of ancient agricultural practices, since Neolithic, Chalcolithic and Bronze Age occupations have been identified there. The site is located in Azerbaijan in the vicinity of the Zeyem Cay, a tributary of the Kura River, some 10 km from the foothills of the Lesser Caucasus. We present here data originating from the analyses of botanical remains and techno-functional lithic tools studies. We have thus been able to identify trends and changes through time affecting cultivation and harvesting techniques. These are the result of economic and socio-cultural changes and reflect both the organization of communities and the technical skills of local inhabitants
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Göytepe: Neolithic Excavations in the Middle Kura Valley, Azerbaijan(10071)
['Yoshihiro Nishiaki', 'Farhad Guliyev']
This volume presents the results of the archaeological fieldwork conducted by the Azerbaijani-Japanese Archaeological Mission at G๖ytepe from 2008–2013. The fieldwork was carried out under the collaboration agreement made between the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, the National Academy of Science, Azerbaijan, and the University Museum, the University of Tokyo, Japan. The investigation at G๖ytepe is led by issues on the emergence and development of food-producing economies and communities in the South Caucasus. Although such issues have been a major focus of archaeological studies for decades in the South Caucasus, similar to Southwest Asia where the large number of investigations have been in progress, at the time of our research planning, our archaeological knowledge on the timing and processes of the transition from hunter-gatherers to farmers was limited. in the latter …
Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Chronological contexts of the earliest pottery Neolithic in the South Caucasus: radiocarbon dates for Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki]
Research on the earliest Neolithic in the …
Research on the earliest Neolithic in the South Caucasus is still in its early stages. Establishing a solid chronological framework will help determine the timing of the emergence and subsequent development of regional Neolithic societies. This article reports on 46 radiocarbon dates obtained from the two recently excavated Early Pottery Neolithic sites of Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, the oldest farming villages known to date in West Azerbaijan. Comparing the dates from other related sites demonstrates that several settlements representing the earliest Pottery Neolithic emerged almost simultaneously at the beginning of the sixth millennium B.C.E. in the northern and southern foothills of the Lesser Caucasus Mountains. The lack of evidence for plant cultivation or animal husbandry at earlier sites suggests a foreign origin for agricultural economies in the South Caucasus. However, cultural items characterizing …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Investigating cultural and socioeconomic change at the beginning of the Pottery Neolithic in the southern Caucasus: the 2013 excavations at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Chie Akashi, Saiji Arai, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki, Valeh Alakbarov, Takehiro Miki, Shahin Salimbayov]
Recent research on the Neolithic period of …
Recent research on the Neolithic period of the southern Caucasus situates the emergence of an established food-producing economy at the beginning of the sixth millennium b.c. This article reports on the 2013 season of excavations at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, western Azerbaijan, currently one of the oldest sites providing evidence of early agriculture, which represents the earliest stage of the Shomutepe-Shulaveri culture. Excavations yielded a rich archaeological record that confirmed the intensive exploitation of domesticated cereals and animals over a period ranging from ca. 5950 to 5800 cal b.c. Excavated artifact assemblages have a distinct character, differing from those of later settlements, indicating rapid cultural changes in the first half of the sixth millennium b.c. The assemblages also comprised a small number of elements reminiscent of the Pottery Neolithic traditions from the eastern wing of the Fertile …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, the Shomutepe Culture, and the Neolithic Southern Caucasus
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev]
The preceding chapters have described the results …
The preceding chapters have described the results of our research at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, an early 6th millennium BC mound in the Middle Kura Valley, West Azerbaijan. The excavations between 2012 and 2015 demonstrated that this Neolithic site was one of the earliest farming villages known in the region and even in the South Caucasian Neolithic. Remarkably, its subsistence records revealed a heavy reliance on plant cultivation and animal husbandry in daily life (Chapters 9 and 10). In other words, they indicate the existence of a full-fledged farming society at the very beginning of the Neolithic period in the Southern Caucasus.This finding suggests the need for research on a long-debated issue on the origin (s) of the Southern Caucasian Neolithic communities (Nishiaki 2021). Did they emerge as a result of indigenous evolution of the local hunter-gatherers’ socio-economies, diffusion of the farming societies developed elsewhere notably in the Fertile Crescent of Southwest Asia, a combination of these, or another reason entirely? However, the available datasets have had serious deficiencies with regard to answering this important question. First, the cultural sequences of Northeast Anatolia and Northwest Iran situated between the Southern Caucasus and Southwest Asia for the key period of the late 7th and early 6th millennia BC have not been established because of a lack of relevant investigations in recent years. Accordingly, our current knowledge is based on field data obtained before the introduction of modern research strategies, such as those from Tilkitepe in Turkey (Korfman 1982) and Haji Firuz Tepe of Iran (Voigt 1983). Second …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Agricultural Practices at Mentesh Tepe (Kura Valley, Azerbaijan) during the Neolithic, Chalcolithic and Bronze Age: An Overview from Sickle Elements and Botanical Remains
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Alexia Decaix, Laurence Astruc, Denis Guilbeau]
The Neolithic process took place in the …
The Neolithic process took place in the South Caucasus between the very end of the 7th and the early 6th millennium BCE, at least two millennia after it had already taken place in neighboring Anatolia and Iran. Agriculture appeared at that time, and was the main basis of the economy, together with herding. Cereals, mainly barley and different kinds of wheats, were the dominant cultivar. Mentesh Tepe, one of the rare multi-period settlements of the region, allows us to witness the development of ancient agricultural practices, since Neolithic, Chalcolithic and Bronze Age occupations have been identified there. The site is located in Azerbaijan in the vicinity of the Zeyem Cay, a tributary of the Kura River, some 10 km from the foothills of the Lesser Caucasus. We present here data originating from the analyses of botanical remains and techno-functional lithic tools studies. We have thus been able to identify trends and changes through time affecting cultivation and harvesting techniques. These are the result of economic and socio-cultural changes and reflect both the organization of communities and the technical skills of local inhabitants
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Metallurgy during the Middle Chalcolithic period in the Southern Caucasus: Insight through recent discoveries at Mentesh-Tepe, Azerbaijan(10075)
['Farhad Guliyev', 'Bertille Lyonnet', 'Antoine Courcier']
The way in which metallurgy started and developed in the Caucasus is still poorly known, but a few occurrences of metal objects in settlements situated in the Southern Caucasus date it from the middle sixth millennium BCE at the time of the Shomu-Shulaveri culture. During the fifth millennium BCE, metallurgy developed progressively in this same area, while the first evidence of metal production appeared in the northern Caucasus (Meshoko culture). Since 2008, excavations at Mentesh-Tepe in the valley of the Kura River in western Azerbaijan (Tovuz district, 45 49’58’’/40 56’30.8’’) have revealed several diverse metallurgical artifacts. They illustrate the level of metallurgy reached in the Caucasus at the time of the Sioni culture, during the second half of the fifth
Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Neolithic Chipped Stone Industry of Mentesh Tepe (Middle Kura Valley, Azerbaijan) Technological Markers and Relations to North-Eastern Anatolia
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Laurence Astruc, Bernard Gratuze, Denis Guilbeau, Christine Chataigner, Olivier Barge]
Neolithic phases at Mentesh Tepe (Middle Kura …
Neolithic phases at Mentesh Tepe (Middle Kura Valley, Azerbaijan) date to the first half of the 6 th millennium BCE. This occupation with its peculiar architecture, pottery, lithic industry and other archaeological features is related to the Shomutepe-Shulaveri Culture (hereafter SSC). In this paper, we describe the Neolithic lithic industry of Mentesh, paying attention to the origins of raw materials, technology and typology. Obsidian procurement, least cost path analysis, technology and typology are combined to better understand the process of exploitation of the rocks. Employing these methodologies, we identify technical markers that are compared to other assemblages. Obsidian came from eight distinct sources (in NorthEastern Anatolia, Armenia and Georgia), sometimes very distant from one another. We wish to emphasize the relation between the SSC sites of the Middle Kura Valley and NorthEastern Anatolia. Moreover, whatever the source of the raw material, a great homogeneity in both technology and typology is noticed.
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Agricultural Practices at Mentesh Tepe (Kura Valley, Azerbaijan) during the Neolithic, Chalcolithic and Bronze Age: An Overview from Sickle Elements and Botanical Remains
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Alexia Decaix, Laurence Astruc, Denis Guilbeau]
The Neolithic process took place in the …
The Neolithic process took place in the South Caucasus between the very end of the 7th and the early 6th millennium BCE, at least two millennia after it had already taken place in neighboring Anatolia and Iran. Agriculture appeared at that time, and was the main basis of the economy, together with herding. Cereals, mainly barley and different kinds of wheats, were the dominant cultivar. Mentesh Tepe, one of the rare multi-period settlements of the region, allows us to witness the development of ancient agricultural practices, since Neolithic, Chalcolithic and Bronze Age occupations have been identified there. The site is located in Azerbaijan in the vicinity of the Zeyem Cay, a tributary of the Kura River, some 10 km from the foothills of the Lesser Caucasus. We present here data originating from the analyses of botanical remains and techno-functional lithic tools studies. We have thus been able to identify trends and changes through time affecting cultivation and harvesting techniques. These are the result of economic and socio-cultural changes and reflect both the organization of communities and the technical skills of local inhabitants
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
The use of natural resources at Mentesh Tepe during the Late Chalcolithic period and the Early Bronze Age
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Laurence Astruc, Antoine Courcier, Bernard Gratuze, Denis Guilbeau, Moritz Jansen, Sonia Ostaptchouk]
This article gives the results of the …
This article gives the results of the analyses made by several specialists on some of the raw materials (metal, obsidian and semi-precious stones) found at Mentesh Tepe (Middle Kura Valley, Azerbaijan) during the Late Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age periods. They show that the procurement zone extends between 30 to 300 km away from the site. The copper and arsenic sources used during the Late Chalcolithic period are confined to the volcanogenic massif sulfide deposits (VMS) in the Lesser Caucasus to the south of Mentesh Tepe. Questions are still raised on their origins during the Early Bronze Age, with gold and tin during the same period yet of unknown provenance. Obsidian analyses show that various sources were used, some being very far (actual Turkey). Gegham, in Armenia, was by far the most important one during the Late Chalcolithic period, while Chikiani, in Georgia, has possibly played this role during the EBA. Finally, the raw material used for the beads come from ophiolitic series and volcanic contexts in the Lesser Caucasus, at a short distance from Mentesh Tepe.Cet article présente les résultats d’analyses faites par plusieurs spécialistes sur une partie des matières premières (métal, obsidienne et pierres semi-précieuses) trouvées à Mentesh Tepe (moyenne vallée de la Kura, Azerbaïdjan) et datant des périodes du Chalcolithique récent et du début de l’âge du Bronze. Ils montrent que la zone d’approvisionnement se situe à une distance de 30 à 300 km du site. Les sources de cuivre et d’arsenic utilisées pendant le Chalcolithique récent se trouvent dans les «gisements de sulfures massifs volcanogènes»(VMS) qui s …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe: excavations of the earliest pottery Neolithic occupations on the middle Kura, Azerbaijan, 2012
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Chie Akashi, Saiji Arai, Kazuya Shimogama, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki, Yui Arimatsu, Yuichi Hayakawa, Takehiro Miki, Shahin Salimbeyov]
In order to understand the origin and …
In order to understand the origin and developments of Neolithic farming communities in the southern Caucasus, research of the Somutepe or Somutepe-Sulaveri culture is essential. This Pottery Neolithic entity is represented by numerous mound sites located primarily in the Middle Kura Valley and is known as the region’s oldest Neolithic entity since its initial discovery in the 1960s. 1 Although a few archaeological sites reportedly date from an earlier Neolithic or Mesolithic period, none have been properly documented and published using modern standards. 2 Well-documented earlier Neolithic sites do exist in the Black Sea basin to the west. 3 However, they are distributed rather far from the Middle Kura and their relationship with the Neolithic entities of concern here remains undemonstrated. Accordingly, the Somutepe-Sulaveri culture is regarded as the oldest Neolithic entity with the best evidence to date of an economy based on food production. Research of its origin directly contributes to clarifying the origin of Neolithic farming communities in the region.The Azerbaijan-Japan joint archaeological mission to the Tovuz region, Middle Kura, aims to shed new light on this issue through intensive fieldwork at related archaeological sites (Fig. 1). The main focus thus far has been the excavation of Göytepe, one of the largest Somutepe-Sulaveri settlements in the region. 4 At the same time, efforts have also focused on locating Neolithic sites predating the So-mutepe-Sulaveri sites. During the 2011 survey in the Göytepe vicinity, one such possible site was discovered. This site is Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, situated approximately 1 km northwest of Göytepe …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Investigating early husbandry strategies in the southern Caucasus: intra-tooth sequential carbon and oxygen isotope analysis of Neolithic goats, sheep, and cattle from Göytepe …(10077)
['Yoshihiro Nishiaki', 'Saiji Arai', 'Farhad Guliyev', 'Seiji Kadowaki', 'Masato Hirose', 'Yuichi I Naito']
The beginning of agriculture marks major changes in food acquisition technology in human history. In the southern Caucasus, agricultural villages emerged around 6000 cal. BC, 2000 to 3000 years later than in the Fertile Crescent despite their geographical closeness to each other. This study aims to provide isotopic evidence indicative of animal herding strategies in the early farming communities in the southern Caucasus. To analyze intra-individual sequential carbon and oxygen isotope variations, we used tooth enamel of five goats, four sheep, and three cattle from the Neolithic settlements, Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe (Azerbaijan). The analyses also included reference samples of modern domestic goat and sheep that are known to have grazed in the vicinity of the sites. As a result, the sequential carbon and oxygen isotope variations of the modern goat and sheep samples showed large amplitude and a …
Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Dietary inferences through stable isotope analysis at the Neolithic and Bronze Age in the southern Caucasus (sixth to first millenium BC, Azerbaijan): From environmental …
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Laure Pecqueur, Elsa Jovenet, Alexia Decaix, Estelle Herrscher, Norbert Benecke, Modwene Poulmarc'h, Guy André]
Objectives Subsistence strategies are of great interest …
Objectives Subsistence strategies are of great interest for understanding how prehistoric societies adapted to their environment. This is particularly the case for the southern Caucasus where relationships have been shown with the northern Caucasus and Mesopotamia since the Neolithic and where societies are alternately described as sedentary and mobile. This article aims, for the first time, to characterize human diets and their evolution using biochemical markers, from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age (sixth‐first millenium BC), at Mentesh Tepe, a site in the middle Kura valley in Azerbaijan. Materials and Methods The data set belongs to 40 humans, 32 domestic and wild animals, and 42 charred seeds discovered in situ and perfectly dated. Stable isotope analyses were performed, including (a) δ13Cco and δ15N for animal and human bone collagens and for seeds, and (b) δ13Cap for human bone apatite …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Emergence and intensification of dairying in the Caucasus and Eurasian steppes
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Svend Hansen, Selin E Nugent, Christina Warinner, Wolfgang Haak, Johannes Krause, Ashley Scott, Sabine Reinhold, Taylor Hermes, Alexey A Kalmykov, Andrey Belinskiy, Alexandra Buzhilova, Natalia Berezina, Anatoliy R Kantorovich, Vladimir E Maslov, Parviz Gasimov, Bakhtiyar Jalilov, Jeyhun Eminli, Emil Iskandarov, Emily Hammer, Richard Hagan, Kerttu Majander, Päivi Onkamo, Kerkko Nordqvist, Natalia Shishlina, Elena Kaverzneva, Arkadiy I Korolev, Aleksandr A Khokhlov, Roman V Smolyaninov, Svetlana V Sharapova, Rüdiger Krause, Marina Karapetian, Eliza Stolarczyk]
Archaeological and archaeogenetic evidence points to the …
Archaeological and archaeogenetic evidence points to the Pontic–Caspian steppe zone between the Caucasus and the Black Sea as the crucible from which the earliest steppe pastoralist societies arose and spread, ultimately influencing populations from Europe to Inner Asia. However, little is known about their economic foundations and the factors that may have contributed to their extensive mobility. Here, we investigate dietary proteins within the dental calculus proteomes of 45 individuals spanning the Neolithic to Greco-Roman periods in the Pontic–Caspian Steppe and neighbouring South Caucasus, Oka–Volga–Don and East Urals regions. We find that sheep dairying accompanies the earliest forms of Eneolithic pastoralism in the North Caucasus. During the fourth millennium bc, Maykop and early Yamnaya populations also focused dairying exclusively on sheep while reserving cattle for traction and other …
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Toğrul Fərman oğlu Xəlilov (Naxçıvan Bölməsi / Antik və orta əsrlər arxeologiyası şöbəsi)
Pastoralism and emergent complex settlement in the Middle Bronze Age, Azerbaijan: isotopic analyses of mobility strategies in transformation
[Selin E Nugent]
Objectives This article explores the scale and …
Objectives This article explores the scale and seasonal patterns of mobility at the complex settlement site of Qızqala during the Middle Bronze Age (2400–1,500 BCE). By integrating human bone, teeth, and environmental samples this research tests the hypothesis of the persistent importance of community‐wide seasonal pastoral transhumance during the early formation of complex settlement systems of the South Caucasus. Methods This research applies stable oxygen and radiogenic strontium isotope analyses on incremental samples of human tooth enamel, bulk tooth enamel, and bone to resolve mobility patterns. Sequential and bulk sampling techniques elucidate seasonal and residential mobility behaviors. Extensive environmental isotope samples of plant and water were collected through regional survey and establish local and regional isotopic baselines, which are compared to human isotope analysis …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Chronological contexts of the earliest pottery Neolithic in the South Caucasus: radiocarbon dates for Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki]
Research on the earliest Neolithic in the …
Research on the earliest Neolithic in the South Caucasus is still in its early stages. Establishing a solid chronological framework will help determine the timing of the emergence and subsequent development of regional Neolithic societies. This article reports on 46 radiocarbon dates obtained from the two recently excavated Early Pottery Neolithic sites of Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, the oldest farming villages known to date in West Azerbaijan. Comparing the dates from other related sites demonstrates that several settlements representing the earliest Pottery Neolithic emerged almost simultaneously at the beginning of the sixth millennium B.C.E. in the northern and southern foothills of the Lesser Caucasus Mountains. The lack of evidence for plant cultivation or animal husbandry at earlier sites suggests a foreign origin for agricultural economies in the South Caucasus. However, cultural items characterizing …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Mud-bricks in Neolithic architecture at Göytepe(10080)
['Yoshihiro Nishiaki', 'Farhad Guliyev', 'Emmanuel Baudouin']
6.1 Introduction circular semi-subterranean buildings reminiscent of the domestic structures used by incipient farmers of the Fertile Crescent (Baudouin 2019). These changes in architectural style are likely related to other socio-economic changes that occurred during the formative period of the Neolithic group in the region. The aim of this chapter is to provide new data on the architectural development of the Shomutepe culture of the Middle Kura Valley, namely regarding the production of mud-bricks at Göytepe. Based on stratigraphic data, we examine how mud-brick manufacturing technology might have developed during the Neolithic period in Göytepe.An increasing amount of evidence indicates that the Neolithic cultures of the South Caucasus underwent rapid cultural evolution in the early 6th millennium BC soon after the emergence of Neolithic society. Such evidence attests to autonomous development, regardless of whether Neolithic culture was introduced from southwest Asia (Nishiaki et al. 2019). One of the best examples of this cultural evolution is the production and use of pottery. Although the material culture of Fertile Crescent communities in southwest Asia around 6000 BC was characterized by the proliferation of pottery, the earliest southern Caucasus Neolithic sites do not always yield a comparably large amount of pottery. In the Middle Kura Valley of West Azerbaijan, the substantial production of pottery began only a few centuries after the introduction of the Neolithic economy (Nishiaki et al. 2015a; cf. Marro et al. 2019). A local development can also be seen in architecture. Circular buildings were prevalent in the Neolithic cultures …
Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Mud-bricks in Neolithic architecture at G๖ytepe
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev, Emmanuel Baudouin]
An increasing amount of evidence indicates that …
An increasing amount of evidence indicates that the Neolithic cultures of the South Caucasus underwent rapid cultural evolution in the early 6th millennium BC soon after the emergence of Neolithic society. Such evidence attests to autonomous development, regardless of whether Neolithic culture was introduced from southwest Asia (Nishiaki et al. 2019). One of the best examples of this cultural evolution is the production and use of pottery. Although the material culture of Fertile Crescent communities in southwest Asia around 6000 BC was characterized by the proliferation of pottery, the earliest southern Caucasus Neolithic sites do not always yield a comparably large amount of pottery. In the Middle Kura Valley of West Azerbaijan, the substantial production of pottery began only a few centuries after the introduction of the Neolithic economy (Nishiaki et al. 2015a; cf. Marro et al. 2019).
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe: excavations of the earliest pottery Neolithic occupations on the middle Kura, Azerbaijan, 2012
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Chie Akashi, Saiji Arai, Kazuya Shimogama, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki, Yui Arimatsu, Yuichi Hayakawa, Takehiro Miki, Shahin Salimbeyov]
In order to understand the origin and …
In order to understand the origin and developments of Neolithic farming communities in the southern Caucasus, research of the Somutepe or Somutepe-Sulaveri culture is essential. This Pottery Neolithic entity is represented by numerous mound sites located primarily in the Middle Kura Valley and is known as the region’s oldest Neolithic entity since its initial discovery in the 1960s. 1 Although a few archaeological sites reportedly date from an earlier Neolithic or Mesolithic period, none have been properly documented and published using modern standards. 2 Well-documented earlier Neolithic sites do exist in the Black Sea basin to the west. 3 However, they are distributed rather far from the Middle Kura and their relationship with the Neolithic entities of concern here remains undemonstrated. Accordingly, the Somutepe-Sulaveri culture is regarded as the oldest Neolithic entity with the best evidence to date of an economy based on food production. Research of its origin directly contributes to clarifying the origin of Neolithic farming communities in the region.The Azerbaijan-Japan joint archaeological mission to the Tovuz region, Middle Kura, aims to shed new light on this issue through intensive fieldwork at related archaeological sites (Fig. 1). The main focus thus far has been the excavation of Göytepe, one of the largest Somutepe-Sulaveri settlements in the region. 4 At the same time, efforts have also focused on locating Neolithic sites predating the So-mutepe-Sulaveri sites. During the 2011 survey in the Göytepe vicinity, one such possible site was discovered. This site is Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, situated approximately 1 km northwest of Göytepe …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Chronological contexts of the earliest pottery Neolithic in the South Caucasus: radiocarbon dates for Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, Azerbaijan
[Yoshihiro Nishiaki, Farhad Guliyev, Seiji Kadowaki]
Research on the earliest Neolithic in the …
Research on the earliest Neolithic in the South Caucasus is still in its early stages. Establishing a solid chronological framework will help determine the timing of the emergence and subsequent development of regional Neolithic societies. This article reports on 46 radiocarbon dates obtained from the two recently excavated Early Pottery Neolithic sites of Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, the oldest farming villages known to date in West Azerbaijan. Comparing the dates from other related sites demonstrates that several settlements representing the earliest Pottery Neolithic emerged almost simultaneously at the beginning of the sixth millennium B.C.E. in the northern and southern foothills of the Lesser Caucasus Mountains. The lack of evidence for plant cultivation or animal husbandry at earlier sites suggests a foreign origin for agricultural economies in the South Caucasus. However, cultural items characterizing …
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Vəli Baxşəli oğlu Baxşəliyev (Naxçıvan Bölməsi / Tarix, Etnoqrafiya və Arxeologiya İnstitutu)
Archaeological researches in the settlement of Nakhchivan Tepe
[Veli Bahshaliyev]
Existence of connections between the cultures of …
Existence of connections between the cultures of South Caucasus and those of the Middle East (including Mesopotamia) has drawn the attention of researchers for many years. Researchers such as R.M. Munchayev, O.A. Abibullayev, I.G. Narimanov, T.I. Akhundov and others spoke about the spread and distribution of cultures of from Middle East in South Caucasus. Although the existence of these connections was sometimes demonstrated by single finds, now however these connections are demonstrated by a complex of archaeological materials. One suchmonument is the settlement of Nakhchivan Tepe which is characterized by Dalma Tepe ceramics. We consider that is necessary to introduce to the scientific community the fact that this cultural assemblage has been revealed for the first time in the South Caucasus, and also to define its place among the other Caucasian cultures. The ceramics can be divided into two periods, based on the stratigraphy of the settlement. However it should be noted that the two groups coincide to a certain degree in terms of the technology of production and ornamentation. The ceramics were mainly produced by the coil method, and the application of two layers of potter's clay to each other. The surfaces of some vessels were covered with a thin layer of clay. The research demonstrates that this was done in some cases to change the color, and in others, for ornament purposes. It is also possible to discuss the products ornamented with finger impressions, which are sometimes are executed inaccurately and mixed together. The study demonstrates that the finger impressions remained after being stuck in the thin …
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Vəli Baxşəli oğlu Baxşəliyev (Naxçıvan Bölməsi / Tarix, Etnoqrafiya və Arxeologiya İnstitutu)
[Veli Bahşeliyev]
Güney Kafkasya’da, Azerbaycan’da yapılan arkeolojik araştırmalar sırasında …
Güney Kafkasya’da, Azerbaycan’da yapılan arkeolojik araştırmalar sırasında Son Neolitik ve Kalkolitik Çağ kültürlerine ait çok sayıda yeni bulgular ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Nahçıvan’da, Kültepe I’de yapılan araştırmalar bu höyüğün şu anda Güney Kafkasya’nın en eski Neolitik Çağ yerleşmesi olduğunu göstermiştir. Buna karşın Kültepe I’de ve Güney Kafkasya’nın diğer yerleşmelerinde Çanak Çömleksiz Neolitik Çağ tabakası bulunmadığından bu bölgenin Neolitik Çağ kültürünün kökeni ile ilişkili çeşitli fikirler önerilmiştir. Eski Sovyet araştırmacıları Güney Kafkasya’nın tarım ve hayvancılıkla uğraşan topluluklarının Kuzey Mezopotamya’dan geldiğini öne sürmüştür. Günümüzde ise kimi araştırmacılar aynı fikre sahip olmakla birlikte kimileri de bu toplulukların yerel Mezolitik topluluklardan türedikleri görüşündedir. Kültepe I’de yapılan araştırmalar sırasında Halaf türü boyalı çanak çömleğin bulunması Mezopotamya ile ilişkilerin varlığını kanıtlamaktadır. Ancak Son Neolitik Çağ’da Azerbaycan’da etkin olan Şomutepe ve Kültepe kültürleri Kuzey Mezopotamya kültürlerinden farklı özelliklere sahiptir. Son yıllarda yapılan araştırmalar Azerbaycan’ın Neolitik Çağ kültürlerinin gelişim sürecini gözlemleme olanağı sağlamıştır. Buna göre, Azerbaycan’ın Karabağ bölgesi Son Neolitik Çağ kültürleri baskı bezemeli çanak çömlek ile karakterize edilmektedir. Bu tür kaplar Nahçıvan Tepe’nin Son Neolitik Çağ tabakası için de tipiktir. Yine araştırmalar Neolitik Çağ’ın son aşamasında Azerbaycan’ın Karabağ bölgesi ve Nahçıvan’da Neolitik Çağ kültürlerinin kendine özgü özelliklere sahip olduğunu kanıtlamaktadır. Güney Kafkasya’nın zengin hammadde yatakları …
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Un kourgane de la phase Martkopi à Mentesh Tepe (période des Premiers Kourganes, Bronze ancien).(10081)
['Farhad Guliyev', 'Bertille Lyonnet', 'Laure Pecqueur', "Poulmarc'H Modwene", 'E Muradova', 'Alexia Decaix', 'Camille Ringenbach', 'Estelle Ottenwelter']
Un kourgane de la phase Martkopi à Mentesh Tepe (période des Premiers Kourganes, Bronze
ancien). - Archive ouverte HAL Accéder directement au contenu Documentation FR Français
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Menteştepe qedim yaşayiş yerinde arxeoloji tedqiqatlar (Tovuz rayonu)
[Farhad Guliyev, Emmanuel Baudouin, Bertille Lyonnet, Laurence Bouquet, Laure Pecqueur, Poulmarc'H Modwene, Pascal Raymond, Anaick Samzun, Caroline Hamon, Gaëlle Bruley-Chabot, A Decaix]
Menteştepe qedim yaşayiş yerinde arxeoloji tedqiqatlar (Tovuz …
Menteştepe qedim yaşayiş yerinde arxeoloji tedqiqatlar (Tovuz rayonu) - Archive ouverte HAL
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Stratégies de subsistance entre les 6ème et 3ème millénaires à Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaïdjan): Entre environnement et social
[Bertille Lyonnet, Guliyev Farhad, Laure Pecqueur, Poulmarc'H Modwene, Estelle Herrscher, Norbert Bennecke]
Stratégies de subsistance entre les 6ème et …
Stratégies de subsistance entre les 6ème et 3ème millénaires à Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaïdjan) :
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaijan) during the Kura-Araxes period
[Bertille Lyonnet, Guliyev Farhad, Laurence Bouquet, Laure Pecqueur, Poulmarc'H Modwene, Pascal Raymond, Anaick Samzun]
Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaijan) during the Kura-Araxes period …
Mentesh Tepe (Azerbaijan) during the Kura-Araxes period - Archive ouverte HAL Accéder
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
Ancient Kura 2010–2011: the first two seasons of joint field work in the southern Caucasus
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Joerg Fassbinder, F Becker, Laurence Astruc, Svend Hansen, Guram Mirtskhulava, Barbara Helwing, Gaëlle Bruley-Chabot, Michel Fontugne, A Decaix, Tevekkul Aliyev, K Bastert-Lamprichs, W Bebermeier, N Benecke, L Bouquet, A Courcier, MB D’anna, F Geitel, A Goren, C Hamon, J Koch, G Le Dosseur, A Lincot, R Link, R Neef, D Neumann, V Ollivier, P Raymond, A Ricci, A Samzun, S Schorr, Frank Schlütz, J Shillito, M Ullrich, J Wahl]
Ancient Kura 2010–2011: The first two seasons …
Ancient Kura 2010–2011: The first two seasons of joint field work in the Southern Caucasus -
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Fərhad Eldar oğlu Quliyev (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
A study of the effects of fire on a collective burial in the Early Bronze Age kourgan of Mentesh Tepe in Azerbaijan
[Farhad Guliyev, Bertille Lyonnet, Laurence Bouquet, Laure Pecqueur, Poulmarc'H Modwene, Pascal Raymond, Anaick Samzun]
A study of the effects of fire …
A study of the effects of fire on a collective burial in the Early Bronze Age kourgan of Mentesh
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