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Zaur Həsənov
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Zaur Həsən oğlu Həsənov
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Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik
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1 Yanvar 2024 -
Tarix | Məqalə sayı | İstinad sayı | h index | i10 index |
1 Dekabr 2024 | 29 | 119 | 6 | 3 |
1 Noyabr 2024 | 29 | 119 | 6 | 3 |
1 Oktyabr 2024 | 29 | 118 | 6 | 3 |
1 Sentyabr 2024 | 29 | 117 | 6 | 3 |
1 Avqust 2024 | 29 | 114 | 6 | 3 |
1 İyul 2024 | 29 | 114 | 6 | 3 |
1 İyun 2024 | 29 | 105 | 5 | 2 |
Tarix | Məqalə sayı | İstinad sayı | İstinad edənlər | h index | Həmmüəlliflər |
1 Dekabr 2024 | 4 | 7 | 7 | 2 | 0 |
1 Noyabr 2024 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 2 | 0 |
1 Oktyabr 2024 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 2 | 0 |
1 Sentyabr 2024 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 2 | 0 |
Content for WOS.
Content for TUBITAK.
İşin adı | Jurnalın adı, Nəşriyyat, cild, N | Müəlliflər | İstinad sayı | Nəşr tarixi | Abstrakt və oxşar məqalələr |
Царские скифы: этноязыковая идентификация" царских скифов" и древних огузов | book / Liberty Pub. House | Zaur Gasanov | 45 | 2002 |
122 III. 5. 1. Особенности чтения греческих …
122 III. 5. 1. Особенности чтения греческих текстов III. 5. 2. Чтение этнонима «скиф» III. 5. 3. Фонетические переходы в тюркских языках 130 III. 5. 4. О некоторых особенностях тюркомонгольских языковых взаимоотношений. 133 III. 5. 5. Параллельные аффиксы, аналитические конструкции, компоненты в скифских и тюркских словах
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A method for determining the practice of shamanism in archeological cultures | Anthropology & Archeology of Eurasia / Routledge /Cild: 55 /N: 3-4 səh: 188-231 | Zaur Hasanov | 12 | 2016 |
Researchers have frequently noted traces of shamanism …
Researchers have frequently noted traces of shamanism in cultures of the ancient world, although the methodology for determining it is underdeveloped. Such a method is proposed here, to identify where shamanism was practiced. It is based on comparative research of written sources, archeological materials, ethnography, linguistics, and the natural sciences. Acceptable results require that the data corroborate one another, illustrating common worldview. The proposed method is tested on examples of Cimmerian and Scythian cultures, and their precursors. Ethnographic analogies should originate from the same region as the archeological culture being researched or an acknowledged site of migrational origin. Relevant here is the region ranging from southern Siberia to the Urals. Results indicate Cimmerians and Scythians had shamanistic worldviews, techniques and rituals identical to those of Siberian …
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Çar İskitler | book | Z. Hasanov | 10 | 2009 |
Untitled Page 1 Page 2 ÇAR İSKİT'LER …
Untitled Page 1 Page 2 ÇAR İSKİT'LER İskitler ve Eski Oğuzların Etno - Dil Özdeşleştirmesi
Zaur HASANOV Aktaran Dr. İlyas TOPSAKAL Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları Vakfı İstanbul - 2009
Page 3 Bu eser Bakanlar Kurulu’nun 20.07.1980 tarih ve 8/1307 sayılı kararıyla kamu yararına
hizmet verdiği kabul edilerek vergi muafiyeti tanınmış olan TÜRK DÜNYASI ARAŞTIRMALARI
VAKFI’nın yayınıdır. Her hakkı mahfuzdur. TÜRK DÜNYASI ARAŞTIRMALARI VAKFI’nın
Müsaadesi olmaksızın tamamen, kısmen veya herhangi bir değişiklik yapılarak iktibas edilemez.
Baskı Altan Basım San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Adres: Yüzyıl Mah. Matbaacılar Sitesi 222/A 34200
Bağcılar / İstanbul H aberleşm e Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları Vakfı PK 94 Aksaray / İSTANBUL
Tel: (0212)511 10 06(pbx) İnternet adresi: www.turan.org e-posta: tdav@ turan.org ISBN:
978-975-498-193-3 Millî Yayın Nu: 2009-34-Y-0147-239 Page 4 I İÇİNDEKİLER I. B Ö L Ü …
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Shamanism in the Archaeology of Nomadic Peoples of Eurasia in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages | Gheorgiu, Draghos. ARCHAEOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO SHAMANISM / Cambridge Scholars səh: 228-242 | Zaur Hasanov | 8 | 2017 |
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Социально-культурные ценности скифов: древних ашгузов/ишкузов/гузов | Астана: Тюркская академия, Prosper Print | З. Г. Гасанов | 8 | 2013 |
Скифы являются одним из древнейших народов Евразии, …
Скифы являются одним из древнейших народов Евразии, внесшим огромный вклад в культурное, цивилизационное и военное развитие этого региона. Скифы происходят из Центральной Азии и Сибири. К VII в. до н. э. они появляются в восточной Европе и на Ближнем Востоке. С появлением скифов в этом регионе начинается уникальный процесс интеграции мирового политического пространства, который стал возможен, лишь благодаря оседланию коня и естественно следующим за ним увеличением мобильности империи, способной контролировать значительно отдаленные друг от друга регионы. Наиболее полную информацию о скифах мы можем почерпнуть из труда отца истории–Геродота (посвятившего скифам целый том своей девятитомной работы). Геродот описывает их историю, мифы легенды, отношения скифов с соседними народами, божественный пантеон скифов и многое другое. В соответствии с сообщением Геродота, Скифия состояла из различных скифских племен. Наиболее многочисленным и могущественным из них он называет племя «царских скифов», которое считало всех остальных скифов своими подчиненными. Важно отметить, что, описывая историю, легенды, мифы и традиции скифов, Геродот наибольшее внимание уделяет данным, касающимся правящего клана Скифской империи–«царских скифов». По свидетельству Геродота, народы скифской империи говорили на семи разных языках [Геродот 1972: IV, 24]. Кроме того, империя скифов была полирелигиозной. Древнегреческий историк отмечает численное …
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" İSKİT" ETNONİMİNİN OKUNUŞU | Tarih Dergisi / Istanbul University /N: 50 səh: 1-10 | Zaur Hasanov | 6 | 2010 |
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The Prehistory of Knowledge Exchange between the Caucasus, the Black Sea Region and Central Europe: First Millennium BC | Europe and the Black Sea Region səh: 51 | Zaur Hasanov | 5 | 2018 |
At the end of the eighth and …
At the end of the eighth and beginning of the seventh centuries BC, the settlements in the North and South Caucasus where pintaderas1 have been found reveal traces of a Scythian presence in archaeological layers charred by fire. This dating is supported by radiocarbon analysis. After this period, clay pintaderas appear in the settlements of the Black Sea Region and in graves in the Carpathian Basin (mainly of females). Researchers believe that pintaderas migrated there from the Caucasus. The writings of Herodotus on the origin of the Sigynnae tribe and paleoanthropological data support their conclusions. Analysis of the semiotics of pintadera ornamentation suggests that it symbolizes the winged goddess ‘Mistress of the animals’. The Scythians played a very important role in knowledge exchange between the regions in which pintaderas were widespread.
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İskit ve Türk-Moğol Halklarina Ait Ayni Gelenekler, Kültler ve Psikolojik Özellikler | Belleten / TURK TARIH KURUMU /Cild: 80 /N: 288 səh: 639-661 | Zaur Hasanov | 4 | 2016 |
Bu çalışmada, İskitler ve Türk-Moğol halklarının çeşitli …
Bu çalışmada, İskitler ve Türk-Moğol halklarının çeşitli geleneklerinin araştırılması neticesinde şu aşağıdaki gibi paralellikler tespit edilmiştir: 1) İskitlerin defin gelenekleri Asya Hunları, Avrupa Hunları ve Göktürklerin defin geleneklerinin aynısıdır; 2) İskitlerin ve Asya Hunlarının arasında kan yemini törenleri açısından da paralellikler söz konusudur; 3) İskitlerdeki mağlup olmuş düşmanlarının kafataslarını içecek kabı olarak kullanma geleneğinin aynısı Asya Hunlarında da vardır. Bunun yanı sıra savaş ganimetlerinin üleştirilmesi hususunda da İskitler ve Asya Hunları arasında aynı gelenekler söz konusudur; 4) Asya Hunları, Avrupa Hunları ve İskitlerle ilgili Çince, Yunanca ve Latince yazılı kaynakların karşılaştırılması neticesinde bu halklarda savaş tanrısının ilahî kılıçla ilişkilendirilmesinin de aynılık arz ettiğini görmek mümkündür; 5) yine Kraliyet (Hükümdar, Çar) İskitleri, Asya Hunları ve Göktürklerle ilgili Çince, Yunanca ve Latince yazılı kaynakların karşılaştırılması neticesinde bu çalışma, söz konusu haklarda anti-asimilasyon psikolojisinin de aynılık arz ettiğini göstermektedir.
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Иссыкская посвятительная надпись | Эпиграфика Востока, ХХХ1. М. / Москва, Институт востоковедения РАН /Cild: 31 səh: 34-59 | З. Г. Гасанов | 4 | 2015 |
Скифо-сакские племена оставили важный след в истории …
Скифо-сакские племена оставили важный след в истории Евразии первого тысячелетия до н. э. К огромному сожалению, существо языка этих воинственных народов известно нам только по письменным сообщениям их соседей―ассирийцев, вавилонян, греков, персов и римлян. В этих сообщениях в основном приводятся имена богов, первопредков и царей скифо-саков, а также некоторые слова из их языка с переводами значений. Отсутствие письменных источников на языке скифов и саков вызывало достаточное количество споров о существе их языка, начиная с конца XIX в. В то время как первые исследователи относили эти народы к урало-алтайским народам, сегодня большинство иранологов признает иранское происхождение всех скифо-сакских племен. Однако письменные источники не дают нам оснований для подобных выводов. В Истории Геродота …
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Погребальный обряд как основа выявления собственно скифских курганов Азербайджана. | Blajer, W. (ed.). Peregrinationes archaeologicae in Asia et Europa: Joanni Chochorowski dedicatae. / Kraków: Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Jagiełłońskiego, Profil-Archeo səh: 519-527 | З. Г. Гасанов | 4 | 2012 |
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İSKİTLERİN VE HUNLARIN (HSİUNG-NU) DİNİNDE KUTSAL KILIÇ KÜLTÜ. | Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları /N: 181 | Zaur Hasanov | 4 | 2009 |
Herodot İskitlerin Ares’e tapınma aşamasını aşağıdaki gibi …
Herodot İskitlerin Ares’e tapınma aşamasını aşağıdaki gibi tasvir etmektedir:“Ares için İskit diyarında belirli aralıklarla daireler şeklinde mabetler inşa etmişlerdi:“Çalı ve çırpıları üst üste dizerek eni ve boyu 3 yaklaşık basamak, çok yüksek olmayan tümsekler yaptılar. En üstte dört köşeli meydan kurulur; üç tarafı dik olan tümseğin dördüncü tarafına bir yol yapıyorlardı. Nemli ve rutubetli havadan dolayı kurgan her yıl çöktüğü için, yılda düzenli yüz elli araba yükü çalı-çırpı eklemek gerekmekteydi. Her kurganın tepesine kadim demir kılıç takılırdı. Ares’ in de buna benzer bir kabri bulunmaktadır. Sadece bu kılıca her yıl atlar ve boynuzlu hayvanlar kurban edilirdi, hatta diğer tanrılardan daha fazla kurban adarlardı” 1.
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The cult of female warriors and rulers in the Scythian and Sarmatian cultures | Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Historica / Editura Mega Print SRL /Cild: 22 /N: 1 səh: 131-150 | Zaur Hasanov | 3 | 2018 |
The research regarding the depictions of Scythian …
The research regarding the depictions of Scythian females in the Scytho-Sarmatian and Greek art shows that there is a division between images of armed Scythian females (who are represented as ordinary people) and Scythian females without weapons (who are represented as rulers on the throne or mythological beings with zoomorphic or vegetative limbs). The written sources and archaeological findings show that sometimes the last two functions were united, as was the case of the Massagetian queen Tomyris and burials of armed females from the Mound No. 5 near village Zelenoe of Kherson, which contained weapons and pronounced female objects (bronze mirror, beads, stone tile with a wooden grinder), as well as symbols of the supreme Scythian goddess (plaques with an image of the goddess). Even though Scythian women could carry weapons and participate in military actions, in Scythian art they …
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Архаические наконечники стрел скифского типа в восточной части Кавказа: проблема миграции скифов | Stratum plus. Археология и культурная антропология / Издательский дом Stratum, Университет «Высшая антропологическая школа» /N: 3 səh: 17-50 | Zaur Hasanov | 2 | 2017 |
The paper is dedicated to the socketed …
The paper is dedicated to the socketed two-bladed arrowheads of the Scythian type from the eastern part of the North and South Caucasus. Along with the previously published materials, some new finds and earlier unpublished archival materials from Azerbajan are presented. Based on the existing classifications, the arrowheads are divided into types and groups. Archaeological complexes (and their rituals) from which the two-bladed arrowheads originate are described. In Mingechaur and Apsheron the ceramic vessels were located near the feet of the deceased. This ritual finds parallels in Uigarak. In Shamkhor burial ground we observe Scythian ritual, with white and black stones, described in the work of Phylarchus. The most archaic rhomboid two-bladed arrowheads originate from the burials, without iron objects, in Yonjaly necropolis in Sheki. Craniometric data from the neighboring Tepebashy necropolis in …
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Argimpasa–Scythian goddess, patroness of shamans: a comparison of historical, archaeological, linguistic and ethnographic data | Shamanhood and art / Budapest: Akademiai Kiado səh: 73-94 | Zaur Hasanov | 2 | 2014 |
Cimmerians and scythians lived in the northern …
Cimmerians and scythians lived in the northern Black sea area in modern ukraine and Western russia and then migrated to the middle east through the south Caucasus region. they are considered to be eastern european people by the 8th and 7th centuries BCe, but from the works of Greek authors and archaeological research we know that both of these peoples take their origin from the east (herodotus 1921: iV, 11; terenozhkin 1976). Based on this we can come to the conclusion that the religious beliefs of the Cimmerians and scythians should be closely connected to those of the east. therefore the source for the reconstruction of the Cimmerian and scythian religious beliefs can be the ethnographic materials of the peoples of this region. the earliest known written source describing the scythian pantheon of gods is the work of herodotus, who describes eight gods of the royal scythians (the ruling tribe of the scythian empire) and compares them to their Greek mythological analogs.According to herodotus the scythians worshiped only the following gods: firstly hestia, whom scythians called tabiti. she was considered to be the queen of the scythians. then Zeus and Gaia–scythians call them Papaios and Api (Api was considered to be the spouse of Papaios). then Apollo–scythian Goitosyr and the heavenly Aphrodithe–scythian Argimpasa. the next two gods are herakles and Ares (herodotus does not mention their scythian names). At the end herodotus mentions that these seven gods are worshiped by all scythian tribes, but royal scythians also also make sacrificial offerings to Poseidon,
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From Shamanic Mythology to the Turkic Epic Köroglu | Shamanhood Today: Conference of the International Society for Shamanistic Research səh: 39-48 | Zaur Hasanov | 1 | 2007 |
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Olbian Style Bronze Mirrors with Zoomorphic Handles from Mingachevir | Peoples in the Black Sea Region from the Archaic to the Roman Period: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on the Black Sea in Antiquity held in Thessaloniki, 21-23 September 2018 / Archaeopress Publishing Ltd səh: 13 | Zaur Hasanov | 0 | 2021 |
Bronze mirrors with zoomorphic side handles are …
Bronze mirrors with zoomorphic side handles are widespread in the Scythian archaeology of the Northern Black Sea region, the Northern Caucasus and the Carpathian Basin. The handles were often decorated with sculptured depictions of a ram, a feline predator, or a deer. One group of researchers date their appearance to the second half of the 6th century BC, but others point to the recent findings of the mirrors of this type in two graves dating to the end of the 7th century BC. Archaeologists often call these artefacts mirrors of the Olbian, or the Graeco-Scythian, style. Bronze mirrors with zoomorphic handles were also found in Scythian type earth pit graves of the Mingachevir necropolis in Azerbaijan. These graves are dated to the 7th-4th centuries BC. According to the classification of TM Kuznetsova, the mirrors from Mingachevir are local modifications of the class II compound mirrors of the Olbian style. Many …
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Two Different Funerary Rituals in the Kurgans of the Eastern Part of the South Caucasus | Constructıng Kurgans Burıal Mounds and Funerary Customs ın The Caucasus and Eastern Anatolıa Durıng The bronze and ıron age in the Early Iron Age. Nicola Laneri, Giulio Palumbi, Sylvie Müller Celka / Roma: Arbor Sapientiae EDITORE səh: 125-139 | Zaur Hasanov | 0 | 2019 | |
CHAPTER TEN SHAMANISM IN THE ARCHAEOLOGY | Archaeological Approaches to Shamanism: Mind-Body, Nature, and Culture / Cambridge Scholars Publishing səh: 228 | ZAUR HASANOV | 0 | 2018 |
In this chapter major elements of the …
In this chapter major elements of the Cimmerian, Scythian and Sacian shamanistic rites are reconstructed based on the comparison of historical, archaeological, mythological and ethnographic data. As a basis for the comparison of ethnographic material with archaeological finds, shamanism of the Siberian and Central Asiatic people is taken into my discussion. Diverse archaeological elements are examined: 1) the stratification of burial mounds, dromos and such which represent the concept of metaphysical worlds and travel between them; 2) construction materials such as vertical logs representing ‘tethering posts’, different bronze and ceramic objects and their location in graves; and 3) ornaments from the grave finds. By comparison of ornaments in different periods and cultures their true mythological meanings are identified and the semantic meaning of a comma-shaped ornament is determined. Information gleaned from written sources is tested by providing archaeological, ethnographic and historical support from sources such as Herodotus. The problem with the reconstruction of the worldview of Cimmerian and Scythian society is one of the most prospective areas of the development in the Cimmerian and Scythian studies. The main sources for these studies are provided by the written sources and archaeological data. Reflection of their personal and social lives can be traced in the mythology and burial rituals of the Cimmerians and Scythians (Gasanov 2013). Because of this, a reconstruction of the worldview of these peoples allows us to shed light not only on their spiritual lives, but also on the issue of their social organization.
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Anthropomorphic Images on the Bronze Belts from the Caucasus in the Early Iron Age | European Association of Archaeologists, 24th Annual Meeting (Barcelona) – Abstract Book səh: 154 | Zaur Hasanov | 0 | 2018 | |
Двухлопастные втульчатые наконечники стрел скифского типа из захоронений Азербайджана и их связь с обрядом погребения Приаралья | Мир Большого Алтая / Восточно-Казахстанский государственный университет им. С. Аманжолова /N: 4 (1) səh: 124-151 | Заур Гасан-Оглу Гасанов | 0 | 2018 |
В работе анализируются втульчатые двухлопастные наконечники стрел …
В работе анализируются втульчатые двухлопастные наконечники стрел скифского типа из восточной части Северного и Южного Кавказа, описываются комплексы (и их ритуалы), из которых происходят двухлопастные скифские стрелы. В Мингечауре и Апшероне керамические сосуды устанавливались в ногах погребенных, что также прослеживается в Уйгараке. Из погребений без железных предметов, найденных в некрополе Йонджалы в Шеки, происходят наиболее архаические двухлопастные ромбические наконечники стрел. В соседнем некрополе Тепебаши обнаружены черепа, имеющие сходство с синхронными группами сакских племен из Приаралья, отсюда же происходят коллективные погребения со следами огненного ритуала, имеющие параллели в могильнике Сакарчага 6 в Южном Приаралье.
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Удила и псалии раннего железного века, найденные в Азербайджане | Археологія / Національна Академія Наук України. Інститут Археології /Cild: 3 səh: 105-119 | З. Г. Гасанов | 0 | 2017 |
Основываясь на существующих классификациях удил и псалиев …
Основываясь на существующих классификациях удил и псалиев Северного Кавказа и Восточной Европы в работе предлагается классификация бронзовых удил из витого стержня и не скрепленных трехдырчатых псалиев Азербайджана.
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Identical Traditions, Cults and the Psychology of the Scythians and Turko-Mongol Peoples | Belleten / TURK TARIH KURUMU /Cild: 80 /N: 288 səh: 639-+ | Zaur Hasanov | 0 | 2016 |
In this paper different traditions of the …
In this paper different traditions of the Scythians and Turkic peoples are studied. The research shows that: 1) the burial traditions of the Scythians are identical to the burial traditions of Asiatic Huns, European Huns, Turks (Gokturks) and others. 2) Scythian custom of the Blood Oath finds its exact parallels in the tradition of Asiatic Huns. 3) The Scythian tradition of using the sculls of defeated enemies as a drinking cup I also traced in the culture of Asiatic Huns. Moreover Scythians and Asiatic Huns had identical traditions of division of the plunder of war. 4) As a result of the comparison of information of Chinese, Greek and Latin written sources about Scythians, Asiatic and European Huns it was determined that these peoples had the identical cult of the god of War, who was associated, by them, with the sword of heavenly origin. 5) While comparing the information of Greek, Chinese and Turkic written sources about …
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On the Origins and Morphological Structure of the Scythian ok-sai | REMARKS ON TURKISH STUDIES. Marzena Godzinska səh: 268-274 | Zaur Hasanov | 0 | 2015 | |
Чтение иссыкской надписи | Диалог культур Евразии в археологии Казахстана. Сб. научн. статей, посвящ. 90-летию со дня рождения выдающегося археолога К. А. Акишева / Астана: Сарыарка səh: 215–230 | З. Гасанов | 0 | 2014 | |
Чтение этнонима «Скиф» | Научные проблемы гуманитарных исследований / Институт региональных проблем российской государственности на Северном Кавказе /N: 1 səh: 38-42 | Заур Гасан-оглы Гасанов | 0 | 2010 |
Basing on the rules of ancient Greek …
Basing on the rules of ancient Greek phonetics and also on the comparison of available written records of a «Scythian» ethnonim in ancient Greek language and Semitic languages author comes to the conclusion that the correct transcription of the «Scythian» ethnonim is «Scuth». Comparisons of the ancient written records show us that the «Scuth»(Scythian) ethnonim of ancient Greek sources and «Ashguz/Ishkuz» ethnonim of ancient Semitic sources contain the same root–«guz/kuz». Scythian, Iskit, Shkuda, Ashguz, Ishkuzai, Ashguzai ethnonims in their basis have the same phonation as the name of Guz, a Turkic ethnos. So, the ethnonim accepted in Russian science as Skif, in English as Scythian, in Greek as Σκυθες is nothing else, but the Guz ethnonim.
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Samanisztikus szertartasok es attributumok Ukrajna, Magyarorszag es Azerbajdzsan keső bronzkori es korai vaskori regeszeteben (a kimmerek vilagszemlelete) | Magyarorszag es Azerbajdzsan: a kulturak parbeszede. II Nemzetkozi tudomanyos konferencia (November, 6–8, Budapest). / Budapest səh: 75–94 | Zaur Haszanov | 0 | 2007 | |
A Fekete-tenger feletti területek, Magyarország és Azerbajdzsán késő bronzkori régészeti kultúrájának közös elemei. (A kimmer probléma és Gamir országának elhelyezkedése). | Magyarország-Azerbajdzsán: a kultúrák közeledése. Az első magyar-azerbajdzsáni tudományos szimpózium előadásai / Budapest səh: 35-46 | Zaur HASANOV | 0 | 2006 | |
Çar Skifləri.(p. 480) | book / Bakı | Zaur Həsənov | 0 | 2005 | |
Traces of Shamanism and the Scythian Mythology in the Koroglu Epic | book | Zaur Hasanov | 0 | 0 |
The article examines and compares similar themes …
The article examines and compares similar themes in the variations of the Turkic peoples’ epic Koroglu (see also Koroğlu, Köroğlu, etc.) on the one hand, and in several versions of the myth of the Scythians’ descent from Heracles, on the other. The research has concluded that the Koroglu epic addresses the same set of image sand symbols present in the “Scythian” Heracles myth, both the epic and the myth providing powerful examples of ancient shamanic mythology. In order to trace the shamanic legacy in the epic and the myth, we used a method consisting in “breaking down” myths or legends to their smallest “constituent units” or mythemes, analyzing each individual unit, and comparing them. The recurrent themes that will “seep to the surface” in the course of comparison will reveal the archetypal layers of the myth.
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Zaur Həsən oğlu Həsənov (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik) Царские скифы: этноязыковая идентификация" царских скифов" и древних огузов(10085) ['Zaur Gasanov'] 122 III. 5. 1. Особенности чтения греческих текстов III. 5. 2. Чтение этнонима «скиф» III. 5. 3. Фонетические переходы в тюркских языках 130 III. 5. 4. О некоторых особенностях тюркомонгольских языковых взаимоотношений. 133 III. 5. 5. Параллельные аффиксы, аналитические конструкции, компоненты в скифских и тюркских словах
Zaur Həsən oğlu Həsənov (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik) A method for determining the practice of shamanism in archeological cultures(10086) ['Zaur Hasanov'] Researchers have frequently noted traces of shamanism in cultures of the ancient world, although the methodology for determining it is underdeveloped. Such a method is proposed here, to identify where shamanism was practiced. It is based on comparative research of written sources, archeological materials, ethnography, linguistics, and the natural sciences. Acceptable results require that the data corroborate one another, illustrating common worldview. The proposed method is tested on examples of Cimmerian and Scythian cultures, and their precursors. Ethnographic analogies should originate from the same region as the archeological culture being researched or an acknowledged site of migrational origin. Relevant here is the region ranging from southern Siberia to the Urals. Results indicate Cimmerians and Scythians had shamanistic worldviews, techniques and rituals identical to those of Siberian …
Zaur Həsən oğlu Həsənov (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik) Çar İskitler(10087) ['Z. Hasanov'] Untitled Page 1 Page 2 ÇAR İSKİT'LER İskitler ve Eski Oğuzların Etno - Dil Özdeşleştirmesi Zaur HASANOV Aktaran Dr. İlyas TOPSAKAL Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları Vakfı İstanbul - 2009 Page 3 Bu eser Bakanlar Kurulu’nun 20.07.1980 tarih ve 8/1307 sayılı kararıyla kamu yararına hizmet verdiği kabul edilerek vergi muafiyeti tanınmış olan TÜRK DÜNYASI ARAŞTIRMALARI VAKFI’nın yayınıdır. Her hakkı mahfuzdur. TÜRK DÜNYASI ARAŞTIRMALARI VAKFI’nın Müsaadesi olmaksızın tamamen, kısmen veya herhangi bir değişiklik yapılarak iktibas edilemez. Baskı Altan Basım San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Adres: Yüzyıl Mah. Matbaacılar Sitesi 222/A 34200 Bağcılar / İstanbul H aberleşm e Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları Vakfı PK 94 Aksaray / İSTANBUL Tel: (0212)511 10 06(pbx) İnternet adresi: www.turan.org e-posta: tdav@ turan.org ISBN: 978-975-498-193-3 Millî Yayın Nu: 2009-34-Y-0147-239 Page 4 I İÇİNDEKİLER I. B Ö L Ü …
Zaur Həsən oğlu Həsənov (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik) Социально-культурные ценности скифов: древних ашгузов/ишкузов/гузов(10089) ['З. Г. Гасанов'] Скифы являются одним из древнейших народов Евразии, внесшим огромный вклад в культурное, цивилизационное и военное развитие этого региона. Скифы происходят из Центральной Азии и Сибири. К VII в. до н. э. они появляются в восточной Европе и на Ближнем Востоке. С появлением скифов в этом регионе начинается уникальный процесс интеграции мирового политического пространства, который стал возможен, лишь благодаря оседланию коня и естественно следующим за ним увеличением мобильности империи, способной контролировать значительно отдаленные друг от друга регионы. Наиболее полную информацию о скифах мы можем почерпнуть из труда отца истории–Геродота (посвятившего скифам целый том своей девятитомной работы). Геродот описывает их историю, мифы легенды, отношения скифов с соседними народами, божественный пантеон скифов и многое другое. В соответствии с сообщением Геродота, Скифия состояла из различных скифских племен. Наиболее многочисленным и могущественным из них он называет племя «царских скифов», которое считало всех остальных скифов своими подчиненными. Важно отметить, что, описывая историю, легенды, мифы и традиции скифов, Геродот наибольшее внимание уделяет данным, касающимся правящего клана Скифской империи–«царских скифов». По свидетельству Геродота, народы скифской империи говорили на семи разных языках [Геродот 1972: IV, 24]. Кроме того, империя скифов была полирелигиозной. Древнегреческий историк отмечает численное …
Zaur Həsən oğlu Həsənov (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik) İskit ve Türk-Moğol Halklarina Ait Ayni Gelenekler, Kültler ve Psikolojik Özellikler(10092) ['Zaur Hasanov'] Bu çalışmada, İskitler ve Türk-Moğol halklarının çeşitli geleneklerinin araştırılması neticesinde şu aşağıdaki gibi paralellikler tespit edilmiştir: 1) İskitlerin defin gelenekleri Asya Hunları, Avrupa Hunları ve Göktürklerin defin geleneklerinin aynısıdır; 2) İskitlerin ve Asya Hunlarının arasında kan yemini törenleri açısından da paralellikler söz konusudur; 3) İskitlerdeki mağlup olmuş düşmanlarının kafataslarını içecek kabı olarak kullanma geleneğinin aynısı Asya Hunlarında da vardır. Bunun yanı sıra savaş ganimetlerinin üleştirilmesi hususunda da İskitler ve Asya Hunları arasında aynı gelenekler söz konusudur; 4) Asya Hunları, Avrupa Hunları ve İskitlerle ilgili Çince, Yunanca ve Latince yazılı kaynakların karşılaştırılması neticesinde bu halklarda savaş tanrısının ilahî kılıçla ilişkilendirilmesinin de aynılık arz ettiğini görmek mümkündür; 5) yine Kraliyet (Hükümdar, Çar) İskitleri, Asya Hunları ve Göktürklerle ilgili Çince, Yunanca ve Latince yazılı kaynakların karşılaştırılması neticesinde bu çalışma, söz konusu haklarda anti-asimilasyon psikolojisinin de aynılık arz ettiğini göstermektedir.
Zaur Həsən oğlu Həsənov (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik) Иссыкская посвятительная надпись(10093) ['З. Г. Гасанов'] Скифо-сакские племена оставили важный след в истории Евразии первого тысячелетия до н. э. К огромному сожалению, существо языка этих воинственных народов известно нам только по письменным сообщениям их соседей―ассирийцев, вавилонян, греков, персов и римлян. В этих сообщениях в основном приводятся имена богов, первопредков и царей скифо-саков, а также некоторые слова из их языка с переводами значений. Отсутствие письменных источников на языке скифов и саков вызывало достаточное количество споров о существе их языка, начиная с конца XIX в. В то время как первые исследователи относили эти народы к урало-алтайским народам, сегодня большинство иранологов признает иранское происхождение всех скифо-сакских племен. Однако письменные источники не дают нам оснований для подобных выводов. В Истории Геродота …
Zaur Həsən oğlu Həsənov (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik) İSKİTLERİN VE HUNLARIN (HSİUNG-NU) DİNİNDE KUTSAL KILIÇ KÜLTÜ.(10095) ['Zaur Hasanov'] Herodot İskitlerin Ares’e tapınma aşamasını aşağıdaki gibi tasvir etmektedir:“Ares için İskit diyarında belirli aralıklarla daireler şeklinde mabetler inşa etmişlerdi:“Çalı ve çırpıları üst üste dizerek eni ve boyu 3 yaklaşık basamak, çok yüksek olmayan tümsekler yaptılar. En üstte dört köşeli meydan kurulur; üç tarafı dik olan tümseğin dördüncü tarafına bir yol yapıyorlardı. Nemli ve rutubetli havadan dolayı kurgan her yıl çöktüğü için, yılda düzenli yüz elli araba yükü çalı-çırpı eklemek gerekmekteydi. Her kurganın tepesine kadim demir kılıç takılırdı. Ares’ in de buna benzer bir kabri bulunmaktadır. Sadece bu kılıca her yıl atlar ve boynuzlu hayvanlar kurban edilirdi, hatta diğer tanrılardan daha fazla kurban adarlardı” 1.
Zaur Həsən oğlu Həsənov (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik) Архаические наконечники стрел скифского типа в восточной части Кавказа: проблема миграции скифов(10097) ['Zaur Hasanov'] The paper is dedicated to the socketed two-bladed arrowheads of the Scythian type from the eastern part of the North and South Caucasus. Along with the previously published materials, some new finds and earlier unpublished archival materials from Azerbajan are presented. Based on the existing classifications, the arrowheads are divided into types and groups. Archaeological complexes (and their rituals) from which the two-bladed arrowheads originate are described. In Mingechaur and Apsheron the ceramic vessels were located near the feet of the deceased. This ritual finds parallels in Uigarak. In Shamkhor burial ground we observe Scythian ritual, with white and black stones, described in the work of Phylarchus. The most archaic rhomboid two-bladed arrowheads originate from the burials, without iron objects, in Yonjaly necropolis in Sheki. Craniometric data from the neighboring Tepebashy necropolis in …
Zaur Həsən oğlu Həsənov (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik) Argimpasa–Scythian goddess, patroness of shamans: a comparison of historical, archaeological, linguistic and ethnographic data(10098) ['Zaur Hasanov'] Cimmerians and scythians lived in the northern Black sea area in modern ukraine and Western russia and then migrated to the middle east through the south Caucasus region. they are considered to be eastern european people by the 8th and 7th centuries BCe, but from the works of Greek authors and archaeological research we know that both of these peoples take their origin from the east (herodotus 1921: iV, 11; terenozhkin 1976). Based on this we can come to the conclusion that the religious beliefs of the Cimmerians and scythians should be closely connected to those of the east. therefore the source for the reconstruction of the Cimmerian and scythian religious beliefs can be the ethnographic materials of the peoples of this region. the earliest known written source describing the scythian pantheon of gods is the work of herodotus, who describes eight gods of the royal scythians (the ruling tribe of the scythian empire) and compares them to their Greek mythological analogs.According to herodotus the scythians worshiped only the following gods: firstly hestia, whom scythians called tabiti. she was considered to be the queen of the scythians. then Zeus and Gaia–scythians call them Papaios and Api (Api was considered to be the spouse of Papaios). then Apollo–scythian Goitosyr and the heavenly Aphrodithe–scythian Argimpasa. the next two gods are herakles and Ares (herodotus does not mention their scythian names). At the end herodotus mentions that these seven gods are worshiped by all scythian tribes, but royal scythians also also make sacrificial offerings to Poseidon,
Zaur Həsən oğlu Həsənov (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik) CHAPTER TEN SHAMANISM IN THE ARCHAEOLOGY(10102) ['ZAUR HASANOV'] In this chapter major elements of the Cimmerian, Scythian and Sacian shamanistic rites are reconstructed based on the comparison of historical, archaeological, mythological and ethnographic data. As a basis for the comparison of ethnographic material with archaeological finds, shamanism of the Siberian and Central Asiatic people is taken into my discussion. Diverse archaeological elements are examined: 1) the stratification of burial mounds, dromos and such which represent the concept of metaphysical worlds and travel between them; 2) construction materials such as vertical logs representing ‘tethering posts’, different bronze and ceramic objects and their location in graves; and 3) ornaments from the grave finds. By comparison of ornaments in different periods and cultures their true mythological meanings are identified and the semantic meaning of a comma-shaped ornament is determined. Information gleaned from written sources is tested by providing archaeological, ethnographic and historical support from sources such as Herodotus. The problem with the reconstruction of the worldview of Cimmerian and Scythian society is one of the most prospective areas of the development in the Cimmerian and Scythian studies. The main sources for these studies are provided by the written sources and archaeological data. Reflection of their personal and social lives can be traced in the mythology and burial rituals of the Cimmerians and Scythians (Gasanov 2013). Because of this, a reconstruction of the worldview of these peoples allows us to shed light not only on their spiritual lives, but also on the issue of their social organization.
Zaur Həsən oğlu Həsənov (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik) Двухлопастные втульчатые наконечники стрел скифского типа из захоронений Азербайджана и их связь с обрядом погребения Приаралья(10104) ['Заур Гасан-Оглу Гасанов'] В работе анализируются втульчатые двухлопастные наконечники стрел скифского типа из восточной части Северного и Южного Кавказа, описываются комплексы (и их ритуалы), из которых происходят двухлопастные скифские стрелы. В Мингечауре и Апшероне керамические сосуды устанавливались в ногах погребенных, что также прослеживается в Уйгараке. Из погребений без железных предметов, найденных в некрополе Йонджалы в Шеки, происходят наиболее архаические двухлопастные ромбические наконечники стрел. В соседнем некрополе Тепебаши обнаружены черепа, имеющие сходство с синхронными группами сакских племен из Приаралья, отсюда же происходят коллективные погребения со следами огненного ритуала, имеющие параллели в могильнике Сакарчага 6 в Южном Приаралье.
Zaur Həsən oğlu Həsənov (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik) Удила и псалии раннего железного века, найденные в Азербайджане(10105) ['З. Г. Гасанов'] Основываясь на существующих классификациях удил и псалиев Северного Кавказа и Восточной Европы в работе предлагается классификация бронзовых удил из витого стержня и не скрепленных трехдырчатых псалиев Азербайджана.
Zaur Həsən oğlu Həsənov (Arxeologiya və Antropologiya İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik) Identical Traditions, Cults and the Psychology of the Scythians and Turko-Mongol Peoples(10106) ['Zaur Hasanov'] In this paper different traditions of the Scythians and Turkic peoples are studied. The research shows that: 1) the burial traditions of the Scythians are identical to the burial traditions of Asiatic Huns, European Huns, Turks (Gokturks) and others. 2) Scythian custom of the Blood Oath finds its exact parallels in the tradition of Asiatic Huns. 3) The Scythian tradition of using the sculls of defeated enemies as a drinking cup I also traced in the culture of Asiatic Huns. Moreover Scythians and Asiatic Huns had identical traditions of division of the plunder of war. 4) As a result of the comparison of information of Chinese, Greek and Latin written sources about Scythians, Asiatic and European Huns it was determined that these peoples had the identical cult of the god of War, who was associated, by them, with the sword of heavenly origin. 5) While comparing the information of Greek, Chinese and Turkic written sources about …