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Fərhad Əzizov
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Fərhad Şirin oğlu Əzizov
Elmi dərəcə
Biologiya üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru
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Müəssisə / Şöbə
Şəki Regional Elmi Mərkəzi / Rəhbərlik
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1 Yanvar 2024 -
Tarix | Məqalə sayı | İstinad sayı | h index | i10 index |
1 Dekabr 2024 | 12 | 27 | 3 | 1 |
1 Noyabr 2024 | 12 | 27 | 3 | 1 |
1 Oktyabr 2024 | 12 | 27 | 3 | 1 |
1 Sentyabr 2024 | 11 | 26 | 3 | 1 |
1 Avqust 2024 | 11 | 26 | 3 | 1 |
1 İyul 2024 | 11 | 26 | 3 | 1 |
1 İyun 2024 | 11 | 27 | 3 | 1 |
Tarix | Məqalə sayı | İstinad sayı | İstinad edənlər | h index | Həmmüəlliflər |
1 Dekabr 2024 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 4 |
1 Noyabr 2024 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 4 |
1 Oktyabr 2024 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 4 |
1 Sentyabr 2024 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 4 |
Content for WOS.
Content for TUBITAK.
İşin adı | Jurnalın adı, Nəşriyyat, cild, N | Müəlliflər | İstinad sayı | Nəşr tarixi | Abstrakt və oxşar məqalələr |
The natural biocoenosis biodiversity and its protection in the village of Sheki, Bash Shabalid. | book /Cild: 8 /N: 19 səh: 5-9 | YH Shukurlu, F Sh Azizov, Cİ Mammedov, HL Mustafabeyli, QM Aliev | 10 | 2016 |
The results of the exploration, scientific research …
The results of the exploration, scientific research and biological research works that have been carried out in the spring-summer-fall seasons of 2015 in the North-West region of Azerbaijan, near the specially protected natural area of the village of Bash Shabalid, located in the Shaki region-the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus have been presented for the first time in this paper. The results of the exploration of the landscape characteristics of the area belonging to the Shinchay basin, its land relief, physical and geographical conditions, geomorphological structure, soil structure, hydrological network and dendroflora are to be found here.According to the obtained data the scheme plan of the landscape have been compiled and intented to be used for future research and for protection measures. The preliminary obtained data about the area and the results of the research give grounds to say that the area meets all criteria specific for the natural biocoenosis and it is regarded unique nature with its required components, interesting and scientifically important, wild and cultivated, with rich biodiversity relic and endemic plants and the need for protection of the gene pool. The article also provides information about the protection of the area in the future and implementable ways of innovative approach and the methods ensuring the efficient use of all natural resources.
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Chemical composition and biological active substances of bioextracts from hazelnut shell | Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi-C Yaşam Bilimleri Ve Biyoteknoloji / Eskisehir Technical University /Cild: 10 /N: 2 səh: 119-131 | Yusif Shukurlu, Farhad Azizov, Vafa Atayeva, Nurmammad Mustafayev, Zarbali Khalılov | 8 | 2021 |
The article provides a comparative analysis of …
The article provides a comparative analysis of data on the content of macro- and micronutrients, as well as the determination and identification of biologically active substances in the bioextracts obtained with distilled water (BE-I) and 70% ethanol (BE-II) from the shell of the common hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) plant widespread in the northwestern region of Azerbaijan. It was established that the bioextracts BE-I and BE-II have the same mineral composition and contain 25 mineral elements. The bioextracts obtained by extraction with distilled water and 70% ethanol contain 28.51% and 14.61% mineral elements respectively. The amount of macronutrients (K, Na, Mg, Ca, Fe, P) in BE-I is 22.97%, micronutrients (Ti, Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Zr, Sn, Sr, Y, Al, S, Se, Si, Ba, Pb, Rb, V) – 5.54%; in BE-II 11.60% and 3.01%, respectively. It was established that the BE-II contains 85.4% biologically active substances (BAS) and 28 major therapeutic substances, while the BE-I contains 71.5% BAS and 14 major therapeutic substances. Phenolic compounds with high antioxidant, anticancer and antibacterial properties were found among the BAS, of which the following components dominate: 2-methoxy phenol (C7H8O2), 2,3-dihydrobenzofuran (C8H8O), 2-methoxy-4-vinylphenol (C9H10O2), 4-Hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde (C8H8O3), 2-methoxy-4-propyl-phenol (C10H14O2), 4-((1E)-3-hydroxy-1-propenyl)-2-methoxyphenol (C10H12O3), dibuthyl phtalate (C16H22O4), 1-naphtalenamin (C10H9N), 5-cholestene-ol, 24-methyl- (C28H48O), γ-sitosterol və β-sitosterol (C29H50O), stiqmast-4-en-3-one (C29H48O), 4H-pyran-4-one-, 2,3-dihydro-3,5-dihydroxy …
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Ultraviolet and visible spectroscopy for the analysis of crude extract of Cotinus coggygria (Cotinus coggygria Scop; Anacardiaceae). | book /Cild: 8 /N: 19 səh: 159-162 | ZY Shukurova, Shukurlu H Yusif, A Ch Ismailova, F Sh Azizov | 7 | 2016 |
Cotinus coggygria extract has been used as …
Cotinus coggygria extract has been used as a dye for silk, wool and leather in Eurasia, including Azerbaijan, since ancient times. In order to be an artisanal staining of these products it is used raw–crude extract of fisetin obtained from the wood of smoke trees. To obtain a uniform color in certain product batches a dyeing bath with a certain density of fisetin is prepared. Our experiments show that in the spectrum of the crude extract fisetin in 95% ethanol, there are two characteristic UV/VIS bands. The band of the first group located, with a maximum of about 314 nm, arising from the B ring, the second–with a maximum around 412 nm arising from the A ring. This gives us reason to say that in order to establish the amount of fisetin in the dye solution, one of the earliest methods of ultraviolet and visible spectroscopy can be successfully used.
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Chemical Composition and Biological Active Substances from Hazelnut Green Leafy Covers | Journal of the Turkish Chemical Society Section A: Chemistry / Turkish Chemical Society /Cild: 9 /N: 4 səh: 999-1006 | Farhad Azizov, Nurmammad Mustafayev, Zarbali Khalılov, Vefa Atayeva, Hılal Imanlı | 2 | 2022 |
This investigation aims to study the perspectives …
This investigation aims to study the perspectives for obtaining natural remedies and food additives from raw plant materials that can be used in food, pharmaceutical, and other industries. The selection of hazelnut green leafy cover as an item is based on the fact that it is a natural organic resource that is now being discarded as waste. In the article, the results are presented about the determination of mineral elements and bioactive compounds in the bio-extracts of 70% ethyl alcohol (BE-III) and distillation water (BE-IV) obtained from the green leafy cover of the plant (Corylus avellane L.) where grow in the north-western region of Azerbaijan. According to our study, BE-III has 25 chemical elements, excluding Rb, for a total of 12.797%, while BE-IV contains 26 chemical elements for a total of 21.347%. Amounts of macroelements are 10.4%, and microelements are 2.69% in the content of BE-III, while amounts of macroelements are 17.82%, and amounts of microelements are 3.53% in the content of BE-IV. Amounts of organic compounds are 87.2% in the content of BE-III, while their amounts are 78.65% in the content of BE-IV. The amount of Zn, which has antioxidant activity, is 0.009%, and the amount of Se is 0.002% in the content of BE-IV. These values vary in the content of BE-III, the amount of Zn is 0.01%, but the amount of Se is 0.001%. 15 bioactive substances were identified in the content of BE-III bio-extract; however, 5 bioactive substances were identified in the content of BE-IV bio-extract. According to our research results, the bio-extract obtained from hazelnut green leafy cover is abundant with antioxidants and bioactive substances with …
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Использование: пищевая промышленность, способы получения веществ, применяемых …
Использование: пищевая промышленность, способы получения веществ, применяемых для консервирования плодов, овощей и других пищевых продуктов. Сущность изобретения: цеолиты (синтетические, природные, гранулированные) обезвоживают при температуре 150-300 С в течение 40-60 мин, после чего охлаждают до 18-20 С и насыщают газом, обладающим антисептическими и бактерицидными свойствами. В качестве газа используют С02, №, МНз, SOa или их смесь. Насыщение цеонитов газом проводят до б-8 мас,% от массы цеолита. В качестве цеолитов можно использовать синтетические или природные клиноптило-лит-или морденитсодержащие туфы с содержанием цеолита 65-70%, предварительно измельченные до размера частиц 1-5 мм. Цеолитовый консервант упаковывают в газопроницаемые мешочки из стеклоткани. Мешочки с …
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Изобретение oTHocHtcn к адсорбционным способам очистки газов …
Изобретение oTHocHtcn к адсорбционным способам очистки газов от окислов серы природными цеолитами. применяемым в химических и металлургических производствах для утилизации окислов серы и позволяющим стабилизировать адсорбционную емкость адсорбента во времени, при обеспечении высокой степени очистки. Газ, содержащий окислы серы, пропускают через адсорбер с движущимся адсорбентом,. Регенерацию адсорбента проводят термически нагреванием до 312 С. Процесс ведут с отводом 5-10% массы отрегене-рированного адсорбента с низа адсорбера, промывают адсорбент водой, смешивают с основным его количеством и подают адсорбент в верхнюю часть адсорбера. Способ обеспечивает стабильную адсорбционную емкость адсорбента в течение 50 циклов адсорбции-десорбции при степени очистки газов от окислов серы 97-98 …
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Изобретение позволяет повысить выход жидких продуктов из …
Изобретение позволяет повысить выход жидких продуктов из мякоти и качество отделения мякоти от косточек. Плоды, попадая в полость втулки 6, обдираются зубцами вращающегося диска 4 и втулки 6, косточки попадают в полость 3 и удаляются через окно 15. Мезга отжимается через фильтрующий ротор 5 и удаляется через отвод 20, а жидкие продукты-через отвод 21. Стержень 14 предупреждает скопление косточек в полости вала 3. 4 ил.
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Biologically active substances of wild Hippophae fruit | Izvestiia-Akademiia nauk Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR. Seriia biologicheskikh nauk | F Sh Azizov, N Kh Mekhtiev | 0 | 1980 |
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Comparative biochemical characteristics of the fruit of wild Hippophae rhamnoides in the Sheki-Zakataly zone of the Azerbaijan SSR. | book /N: 3 səh: 96-104 | F Sh Azizov, N Kh Mekhtiev, ZM Khalilov, LB Nabieva | 0 | 1979 |
The wild material studied took the form …
The wild material studied took the form of bushes 1-3 m high or trees 3-8 m high, with a 100-fruit weight of 14.8-40.1 g, round, oval or elongate fruits ranging from light to dark yellow through orange to red in colour, with a pedicel length of 1.4-3.8 mm. The fruits contained 19.7-27.6% dry matter, 2-7% acids, 1.25-3.26% sugar, 3.24-6.23% oil, 10-88.6% mg/100 g ascorbic acid, 6.46-10.56 mg/100 g carotene and 1.42-11.6 mg/100 g tocopherol. In content of oil and carotene, the forms selected exceeded material collected from the Altai, Buryat ASSR, Kirgizia, the Northern Caucasus and Mongolia.
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Comparative biochemical characteristics of wild growing Hippophae fruit from the Sheki-Zakatal zone in the Azerbaidzhan SSR | Izvestiia. Seriia biologicheskikh nauk | F Sh Azizov, N Kh Mekhtiev, ZM Khalilov, LB Nabieva | 0 | 1979 |
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Form diversity of Hippophae rhamnoides in north and western Azerbaidzhan | Rastitel'nye resursy | ZM Ali-zade, GN Imamaliev, FM Azizov, NM Kafarov | 0 | 1978 |
Əlaqəli məqalələr(Google) |
Antioxidant Activity of Bio-extract which Obtained from Hazelnut Shells and Green Leafy Covers | Journal of the Turkish Chemical Society Section A: Chemistry / Turkish Chemical Society /Cild: 11 /N: 4 səh: 1421-1424 | Zarbali Khalilov, Farhad Azizov, Vafa Atayeva | 0 | 0 |
The article presents the findings of an …
The article presents the findings of an antioxidant activity assay conducted using 70% ethanol and deionized water on extracts from green leafy covering (GLC) and hazelnut hard shells (HS) that are grown in the northwest of Azerbaijan. The kinetics of each extract were examined using a UV-2700 vis spectrophotometer, and the DPPH (2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) technique was used to determine the extract's free radical scavenger activity. The results show that the bio-extracts obtained in 70% alcohol have radical scavenging activities of FRSA(hs)=59.24% and FRSA(glc)=35.72%, while the bio-extracts obtained in water have radical scavenging activities of FRSA (hs)=31.15% and FRSA(glc)=22.23%. Waste is significant for treatment, affordable, and an effective preventive measure since it is derived from raw resources.
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AMEA üzrə məqalələr |
Fərhad Şirin oğlu Əzizov (Şəki Regional Elmi Mərkəzi / Rəhbərlik) The natural biocoenosis biodiversity and its protection in the village of Sheki, Bash Shabalid.(11640) ['YH Shukurlu', 'F Sh Azizov', 'Cİ Mammedov', 'HL Mustafabeyli', 'QM Aliev'] The results of the exploration, scientific research and biological research works that have been carried out in the spring-summer-fall seasons of 2015 in the North-West region of Azerbaijan, near the specially protected natural area of the village of Bash Shabalid, located in the Shaki region-the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus have been presented for the first time in this paper. The results of the exploration of the landscape characteristics of the area belonging to the Shinchay basin, its land relief, physical and geographical conditions, geomorphological structure, soil structure, hydrological network and dendroflora are to be found here.According to the obtained data the scheme plan of the landscape have been compiled and intented to be used for future research and for protection measures. The preliminary obtained data about the area and the results of the research give grounds to say that the area meets all criteria specific for the natural biocoenosis and it is regarded unique nature with its required components, interesting and scientifically important, wild and cultivated, with rich biodiversity relic and endemic plants and the need for protection of the gene pool. The article also provides information about the protection of the area in the future and implementable ways of innovative approach and the methods ensuring the efficient use of all natural resources.
Fərhad Şirin oğlu Əzizov (Şəki Regional Elmi Mərkəzi / Rəhbərlik) Chemical composition and biological active substances of bioextracts from hazelnut shell(11641) ['Yusif Shukurlu', 'Farhad Azizov', 'Vafa Atayeva', 'Nurmammad Mustafayev', 'Zarbali Khalılov'] The article provides a comparative analysis of data on the content of macro- and micronutrients, as well as the determination and identification of biologically active substances in the bioextracts obtained with distilled water (BE-I) and 70% ethanol (BE-II) from the shell of the common hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) plant widespread in the northwestern region of Azerbaijan. It was established that the bioextracts BE-I and BE-II have the same mineral composition and contain 25 mineral elements. The bioextracts obtained by extraction with distilled water and 70% ethanol contain 28.51% and 14.61% mineral elements respectively. The amount of macronutrients (K, Na, Mg, Ca, Fe, P) in BE-I is 22.97%, micronutrients (Ti, Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Zr, Sn, Sr, Y, Al, S, Se, Si, Ba, Pb, Rb, V) – 5.54%; in BE-II 11.60% and 3.01%, respectively. It was established that the BE-II contains 85.4% biologically active substances (BAS) and 28 major therapeutic substances, while the BE-I contains 71.5% BAS and 14 major therapeutic substances. Phenolic compounds with high antioxidant, anticancer and antibacterial properties were found among the BAS, of which the following components dominate: 2-methoxy phenol (C7H8O2), 2,3-dihydrobenzofuran (C8H8O), 2-methoxy-4-vinylphenol (C9H10O2), 4-Hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde (C8H8O3), 2-methoxy-4-propyl-phenol (C10H14O2), 4-((1E)-3-hydroxy-1-propenyl)-2-methoxyphenol (C10H12O3), dibuthyl phtalate (C16H22O4), 1-naphtalenamin (C10H9N), 5-cholestene-ol, 24-methyl- (C28H48O), γ-sitosterol və β-sitosterol (C29H50O), stiqmast-4-en-3-one (C29H48O), 4H-pyran-4-one-, 2,3-dihydro-3,5-dihydroxy …
Fərhad Şirin oğlu Əzizov (Şəki Regional Elmi Mərkəzi / Rəhbərlik) Chemical Composition and Biological Active Substances from Hazelnut Green Leafy Covers(11643) ['Farhad Azizov', 'Nurmammad Mustafayev', 'Zarbali Khalılov', 'Vefa Atayeva', 'Hılal Imanlı'] This investigation aims to study the perspectives for obtaining natural remedies and food additives from raw plant materials that can be used in food, pharmaceutical, and other industries. The selection of hazelnut green leafy cover as an item is based on the fact that it is a natural organic resource that is now being discarded as waste. In the article, the results are presented about the determination of mineral elements and bioactive compounds in the bio-extracts of 70% ethyl alcohol (BE-III) and distillation water (BE-IV) obtained from the green leafy cover of the plant (Corylus avellane L.) where grow in the north-western region of Azerbaijan. According to our study, BE-III has 25 chemical elements, excluding Rb, for a total of 12.797%, while BE-IV contains 26 chemical elements for a total of 21.347%. Amounts of macroelements are 10.4%, and microelements are 2.69% in the content of BE-III, while amounts of macroelements are 17.82%, and amounts of microelements are 3.53% in the content of BE-IV. Amounts of organic compounds are 87.2% in the content of BE-III, while their amounts are 78.65% in the content of BE-IV. The amount of Zn, which has antioxidant activity, is 0.009%, and the amount of Se is 0.002% in the content of BE-IV. These values vary in the content of BE-III, the amount of Zn is 0.01%, but the amount of Se is 0.001%. 15 bioactive substances were identified in the content of BE-III bio-extract; however, 5 bioactive substances were identified in the content of BE-IV bio-extract. According to our research results, the bio-extract obtained from hazelnut green leafy cover is abundant with antioxidants and bioactive substances with …