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Nərmin Cahangirova
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Nərmin Fəyannum qızı Cahangirova
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Nizami Gəncəvi adına Ədəbiyyat İnstitutu / Azərbaycan-Asiya ədəbi əlaqələr
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1 Yanvar 2024 -
Tarix | Məqalə sayı | İstinad sayı | h index | i10 index |
1 Dekabr 2024 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
1 Noyabr 2024 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
1 Oktyabr 2024 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
1 Sentyabr 2024 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
1 Avqust 2024 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
1 İyul 2024 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
1 İyun 2024 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Content for WOS.
Content for TUBITAK.
İşin adı | Jurnalın adı, Nəşriyyat, cild, N | Müəlliflər | İstinad sayı | Nəşr tarixi | Abstrakt və oxşar məqalələr |
Lu Xun's Stories and Modern Chinese Literature | ALTRALANG Journal /Cild: 2 /N: 01 səh: 215-225 | Narmin JAHANGIROVA | 1 | 2020 |
One of the most famous figures in …
One of the most famous figures in the world literature of the twentieth century is Lu Xun. Lu Xun has an irreplaceable place in the history of Chinese literature not only as a writer, but also as one of the signatures that shaped modern literary thought and introduced Chinese literature to the world. The writer began his artistic career with essays, and later wrote different kind of stories, and published a book of poems. Lu Xun, who was interested in European and Russian literature from a young age, underwent a fundamental change in his literary thinking by translating various writers, and later tried to reflect it in his stories. The author of the books" Call to Arms"," The True History of Ah-Q" and numerous critical articles and essays, always tried to demonstrate the problems of his people. Bringing the shortcomings that hindered the development of society to the literary level, Lu Xun considered literature to be the best method of struggle. The article examines Lu Xun's life and creativity, the socio-political events that brought him to literature, and analyzes his stories from different periods. He enunciated the realities of his time and the difficult life of an oppressed Chinese man in his stories. The author, who turned ordinary people into heroes of the story, fought for modern thought without forgetting the tradition and denying Confucianism. Writing his stories in a colloquial Bay-Hua language was also a new phenomenon in the history of Chinese literature. Throughout the article, Lu Xun’s stories that differ in plot and composition, such as" Kong Yiji"," Medicine"," A Madman’s diary""," An incident", are taken as the subject analysis. The ideological and artistic …
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XX. yüzyılın başında Çin edebiyatı ve temel temsilcileri | ALTRALANG Journal 5(01):502-510 / University of Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed. AlgeriaFaculty of Foreign Languages /Cild: 5 /N: Volume 05 Issue 01 səh: 502-510 | Nermin CAHANGİROVA | 0 | 2023 |
At the beginning of the twentieth century, …
At the beginning of the twentieth century, the greatest renewal in the history of Chinese literature took place. Along with the political events, new literary movements and new young writers began to form in China. Countless historical and revolutionary events, civil wars, and literary revolutions have shaped twentieth-century Chinese literature and deepened its ideological and artistic features. From now on, movements such as human literature, folk literature, and realist literature have begun to draw attention, works that address people, their experiences and problems, and writers who hear the voice of the people have begun to grow. Lu Xin and Lao She hold a special place among the leading authors of Chinese literature of this period. In their works, both writers criticized outdated traditions and past ideology. In a tense socio-political environment full of riots and protests, it takes courage to write texts that appeal to …
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Lu Sinin hekayələrində həyat həqiqətləri | Mədəniyyət dünyası / Azərbaycan Dövlət Mədəniyyət və İncəsənət Universiteti /Cild: 41 səh: https://medeniyyetdunyasi.az/wp-content/ | Nərmin Fəyannum qızı Cahangirova | 0 | 2022 | |
Lao Şının həyat və yaradıcılığı | DİL VƏ ƏDƏBİYYAT / Bakı Dövlət Universiteti /Cild: 3 /N: 117 səh: 195-199 | Nərmin Fəyannum qızı Cahangirova | 0 | 2021 |
AMEA üzrə məqalələr |
Nərmin Fəyannum qızı Cahangirova (Nizami Gəncəvi adına Ədəbiyyat İnstitutu / Azərbaycan-Asiya ədəbi əlaqələr) Lu Xun's Stories and Modern Chinese Literature(8362) ['Narmin JAHANGIROVA'] One of the most famous figures in the world literature of the twentieth century is Lu Xun. Lu Xun has an irreplaceable place in the history of Chinese literature not only as a writer, but also as one of the signatures that shaped modern literary thought and introduced Chinese literature to the world. The writer began his artistic career with essays, and later wrote different kind of stories, and published a book of poems. Lu Xun, who was interested in European and Russian literature from a young age, underwent a fundamental change in his literary thinking by translating various writers, and later tried to reflect it in his stories. The author of the books" Call to Arms"," The True History of Ah-Q" and numerous critical articles and essays, always tried to demonstrate the problems of his people. Bringing the shortcomings that hindered the development of society to the literary level, Lu Xun considered literature to be the best method of struggle. The article examines Lu Xun's life and creativity, the socio-political events that brought him to literature, and analyzes his stories from different periods. He enunciated the realities of his time and the difficult life of an oppressed Chinese man in his stories. The author, who turned ordinary people into heroes of the story, fought for modern thought without forgetting the tradition and denying Confucianism. Writing his stories in a colloquial Bay-Hua language was also a new phenomenon in the history of Chinese literature. Throughout the article, Lu Xun’s stories that differ in plot and composition, such as" Kong Yiji"," Medicine"," A Madman’s diary""," An incident", are taken as the subject analysis. The ideological and artistic …
Nərmin Fəyannum qızı Cahangirova (Nizami Gəncəvi adına Ədəbiyyat İnstitutu / Azərbaycan-Asiya ədəbi əlaqələr) XX. yüzyılın başında Çin edebiyatı ve temel temsilcileri(8363) ['Nermin CAHANGİROVA'] At the beginning of the twentieth century, the greatest renewal in the history of Chinese literature took place. Along with the political events, new literary movements and new young writers began to form in China. Countless historical and revolutionary events, civil wars, and literary revolutions have shaped twentieth-century Chinese literature and deepened its ideological and artistic features. From now on, movements such as human literature, folk literature, and realist literature have begun to draw attention, works that address people, their experiences and problems, and writers who hear the voice of the people have begun to grow. Lu Xin and Lao She hold a special place among the leading authors of Chinese literature of this period. In their works, both writers criticized outdated traditions and past ideology. In a tense socio-political environment full of riots and protests, it takes courage to write texts that appeal to …