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Səadət Bayramova
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Səadət Məmməd qızı Bayramova
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Filologiya üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru
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Müəssisə / Şöbə
Nizami Gəncəvi adına Ədəbiyyat İnstitutu / Uşaq ədəbiyyatı
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1 Yanvar 2024 -
Tarix | Məqalə sayı | İstinad sayı | h index | i10 index |
1 Dekabr 2024 | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
1 Noyabr 2024 | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
1 Oktyabr 2024 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
1 Sentyabr 2024 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
1 Avqust 2024 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
1 İyul 2024 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
1 İyun 2024 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Content for WOS.
Content for TUBITAK.
İşin adı | Jurnalın adı, Nəşriyyat, cild, N | Müəlliflər | İstinad sayı | Nəşr tarixi | Abstrakt və oxşar məqalələr |
Zahid Xəlil və çağdaş uşaq ədəbiyyatı. | "Elmi tədqiqat" jurnalı səh: s. 17-23 | _ | 0 | 2023 | |
Tofiq Mahmud poemalarına ümumi-nəzəri baxış. Azərbaycanşünaslığın aktual problemləri. | XIII Beynəlxalq elmi-praktik konfransın materialları səh: s.172-175 | _ | 0 | 2022 | |
Əzizə Əhmədovanın uşaq hekayələrinin əsərlərinin didaktik əhəmiyyəti. | “Qədim diyar” jurnalı /Cild: 4 səh: s.13-18 | _ | 0 | 2022 | |
Anvar mammadkhanli’nin çocuk hikayelerinin ideolojik özellikleri | 3-rd Internatıonal Artemıs congress on Humanıtıes and Socıal scıences / İzmir, Turkiye səh: s.308 | _ | 0 | 2022 | |
Elçin yaradıcılığında folklor qaynaqları | “Azərbaycan ədəbiyyatşünaslığı” / AMEA, Nizami Gəncəvi adına Ədəbiyyat İnstitutunun Əsərləri, /N: 1 səh: s.140-144 | _ | 0 | 2022 | |
IN THE 20th CENTURY AZERBAIJANI LITERATURE THE USE OF FAIRYTALE AS A TOOL FOR SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES | Література в контексті культури /N: 27 | S Bayramova | 0 | 2016 |
Writing literary works in the topics of …
Writing literary works in the topics of fairytales in the 20th century Azerbaijani literature was one of the ways for poets and writers to send subliminal messages in a way that they could get rid of punishment of the soviet ideology. It is easily seen that this tool was carefully used in the 30-40s of the century, as well as in the 50s when political situation softened up. Beginning from 1960 quality changes in the literature also created an opportunity for more use of this tool. After 1960 I. Shikhli, I. Afandiyev, A. Jafarzade, Anar, B. Vahabzade, I. Huseynov, N. Hasanzade, Y. Samadoglu and many other talented writers began to criticize social problems, the direction of political and ideological movement in the society by writing literary works in topics of fairytales. For this purpose, in those literary works lie, fraud, useless ideological qualities, the essence of the soviet society have been expressed indirectly through fairytales structure.
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Səadət Məmməd qızı Bayramova (Nizami Gəncəvi adına Ədəbiyyat İnstitutu / Uşaq ədəbiyyatı) IN THE 20th CENTURY AZERBAIJANI LITERATURE THE USE OF FAIRYTALE AS A TOOL FOR SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES(8765) ['S Bayramova'] Writing literary works in the topics of fairytales in the 20th century Azerbaijani literature was one of the ways for poets and writers to send subliminal messages in a way that they could get rid of punishment of the soviet ideology. It is easily seen that this tool was carefully used in the 30-40s of the century, as well as in the 50s when political situation softened up. Beginning from 1960 quality changes in the literature also created an opportunity for more use of this tool. After 1960 I. Shikhli, I. Afandiyev, A. Jafarzade, Anar, B. Vahabzade, I. Huseynov, N. Hasanzade, Y. Samadoglu and many other talented writers began to criticize social problems, the direction of political and ideological movement in the society by writing literary works in topics of fairytales. For this purpose, in those literary works lie, fraud, useless ideological qualities, the essence of the soviet society have been expressed indirectly through fairytales structure.