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Ataəmi Mirzəyev

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Ataəmi Bala Baba oğlu Mirzəyev
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Nizami Gəncəvi adına Ədəbiyyat İnstitutu / Füzulişünaslıq sektoru
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İşin adı Jurnalın adı, Nəşriyyat, cild, N Müəlliflər İstinad sayı Nəşr tarixi Abstrakt və oxşar məqalələr
The concept of periodization of Azerbaijani literature in Salim Rafig Rafioglu’s creative work Philology and Art Studies /N: 2 Ataemi Mirzayev 0 2022 Studying the development history of Azerbaijani literature … Studying the development history of Azerbaijani literature by stages has always been the focus of attention in literary studies. Thoughts about the periodization of history of literature were also reflected in literary histories, textbooks, research works written in different periods, in respect to this different classification have been made. However, the development stages of Azerbaijani literature was scientifically traced by academician Isa Habibbeyli for the first time and classified on the basis of one concept. The thoughts of the scholar about periodization of Azerbaijani literature were reflected in the book “Azerbaijani literature: periodization concept and development stages”. Daha çox
Əlaqəli məqalələr(Google)
Masihi Tabrizi’s takhmises written to Alisher Navoi’s ghazals Müqayisəli Ədəbiyyatşünaslıq/Comparative Literature /N: 02 Ataemi Mirzayev 0 2022 Only a compilation lyric poems of Masihi … Only a compilation lyric poems of Masihi Tabrizi who created and lived in the 16th century are known to the world of science. That Diwan for many years has been ascribed to Sheykh Masud Ruknaddin, the poet of 1 th century, known as the author of “Varga and Gulsha”. But the researches shows that this diwan belongs to another artist with pseudonym “Masihi” lived in the 16th century. It is clear from the poem that Masihi Tabrizi, like many artists of that period, in his artistic heritage continued and developed the rich literary traditions of the great Uzbek poet Alisher Navoi (1441-1501) in a new direction. Even in the language of the poet's works is dominated by elements belonging to the Chagatai Turkic, as the impact of Navoi’s poetry. Imitative poems written to Navoi’s ghazals have a special place in the poems included in Masihi’s diwan. Even the poet wrote the two takhmises to the ghazals of Navoi. Daha çox
Əlaqəli məqalələr(Google)
Predecessors and followers: Navai and Fuzuli Müqayisəli Ədəbiyyatşünaslıq/Comparative Literature /N: 01 Ataemi Mirzayev 0 2020 The article involves in Azerbaijan-Uzbek literary relations … The article involves in Azerbaijan-Uzbek literary relations in the context of the creativity of Alishir Navai. It is noted that the creativity of each master should be researched in the background of predecessor-follower relations. Because value of the master is measured by his influence on the development of literature created after him. The Azerbaijani literature has a great role in growing Navai as a master. It is known Navai also occupies a place as a master who wrote an equivalent of “Khamsa” by Nizami in in Chagatai turkish. As Navai benefited from the Azerbaijani literature, Navai's influence in Azerbaijani literature was strong in the following period. It is not Daha çox
Əlaqəli məqalələr(Google)
FUZÛLÎ’NİN HADİKATÜ’S-SÜEDA ADLI ESERİNDEKİ MANZUM KISIMLAR ÜZERİNE Electronic Turkish Studies /Cild: 4 /N: 7 Ataemi Mİrzayev 0 2009 Hadikatü’s-süeda hacim itibariyle Fuzûlî’nin en büyük eseri … Hadikatü’s-süeda hacim itibariyle Fuzûlî’nin en büyük eseri ve İran yazarı Hüseyin Vaiz Kâşifî’nin Ravzatü’ş-şüheda’sının Türkçeye serbest çevirisidir. Her iki eser genellikte mensur olsa da, bütün sayfaları yer yer manzum kısımlarla süslenmiştir. Daha çox
Əlaqəli məqalələr(Google)
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AMEA üzrə məqalələr
Ataəmi Bala Baba oğlu Mirzəyev (Nizami Gəncəvi adına Ədəbiyyat İnstitutu / Füzulişünaslıq sektoru)

The concept of periodization of Azerbaijani literature in Salim Rafig Rafioglu’s creative work(7392)
['Ataemi Mirzayev']
Studying the development history of Azerbaijani literature by stages has always been the focus of attention in literary studies. Thoughts about the periodization of history of literature were also reflected in literary histories, textbooks, research works written in different periods, in respect to this different classification have been made. However, the development stages of Azerbaijani literature was scientifically traced by academician Isa Habibbeyli for the first time and classified on the basis of one concept. The thoughts of the scholar about periodization of Azerbaijani literature were reflected in the book “Azerbaijani literature: periodization concept and development stages”.

  • 1. İsa Əkbər oğlu Həbibbəyli (Nizami Gəncəvi adına Ədəbiyyat İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
    Problems of the formation of Azerbaijani literary criticism (9781|0,7672854661941528)
    [İsa Həbibbəyli]
    In the article is dealt with the … In the article is dealt with the problems of the formation of Azerbaijani literary criticism and achievements of literary criticism. Literary-theoretical thought has developed in various ways in Azerbaijan. First way of development is to improvement of literary-theoretical thought through artistic word. Thoughts on literature in classical poetry played an important role in the development of professional literary criticism. The second way contains the direction of formation of the literary criticism through tezkires and chronicles that have appeared since ancient times and the Middle Ages. Dovletshah Samargand, Ahdi Bagdadi, Sadig bey Afshar, Lutfeli bey Azer, Saib Tabrizi, Seyid Azim Shirvani, Hasanali Khan Garadagi, Mir Mohsun Navvab, Mahammadali Terbiyat and others, the information about their works, as well as examples of fiction realized the function of rich scientific base in the preparation of the history of literature systematically. The letters, dictionaries and scientific works written about literature and poetry in various works has influenced the formation of the field of literary criticism. Azerbaijani professional literary criticism was created in 19th century on the basis of all these literary, scientific and historical traditions. Daha çox

  • 2. İsa Əkbər oğlu Həbibbəyli (Nizami Gəncəvi adına Ədəbiyyat İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
    “KİTABİ-DƏDƏ QORQUD”: YAZILI EPOS VƏ YA EPOPEYA (9791|0,8492515683174133)
    [Hebibbeyli İsa]
    Azerbaijani Abstract: Akademik İsa Həbibbəylinin monoqrafiyasında ilk … Azerbaijani Abstract: Akademik İsa Həbibbəylinin monoqrafiyasında ilk dəfə olaraq “Kitabi-Dədə Qorqud” dan Azərbaycan ədəbiyyatının ortaq başlanğıc dövründə yaradılmış yazılı ədəbiyyat abidəsi kimi bəhs olunur. Daha çox

  • 3. İsa Əkbər oğlu Həbibbəyli (Nizami Gəncəvi adına Ədəbiyyat İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
    [Иса Габиббейли]
    В статье анализируется история азербайджанской литературы, которая … В статье анализируется история азербайджанской литературы, которая всегда была опорой и главной действующей силой в Азербайджане. Великие поэты и писатели и пропагандируемые ими идеи вели Азербайджан из века в век, литература играла особую большую роль в духовном воспитании народа, его укреплении и развитии. Наряду с этим в азербайджанской литературе ведущую роль играла поэзия и была в авангарде художественной мысли. Daha çox

  • 4. Salidə Şəmməd qızı Şərifova (Nizami Gəncəvi adına Ədəbiyyat İnstitutu / Müstəqillik dövrü Azərbaycan ədəiyyatı)
    В азербайджанской литературе жанр романа сформировался намного … В азербайджанской литературе жанр романа сформировался намного позже, чем в европейской литературе. Национальная романистика имеет свою историю развития и характеризуется национальной идейной основой. Роман превратился в один из основных жанров азербайджанской литературы уже в начале ХХ века. Традиции азербайджанской романистики были заложены МФ Ахундовым, МА Талыбовым, З. Марагаи, Н. Наримановым, Ю. Везиром, А. Шаигом, МС Ордубади, СМ Ганизаде. Перечисленные писатели создали на азербайджанском и персидском языках неповторимые романы, которые обладают высокой художественной ценностью.Проблемы истории генезиса и развития азербайджанского романа, его поэтики и жанровых особенностей всегда были в центре азербайджанской литературоведческой науки. Это касается как дореволюционного, так и социалистического и постсоветского периодов. Вместе с тем, этапы формирования азербайджанского романа недостаточно исследованы в азербайджанском литературоведении. Первые азербайджанские романы, в целом проблемы романистики, еще в начале ХХ века занимали умы таких азербайджанских литературных критиков и литературоведов, как Ф. Кочарли, С. Гусейн. А. Сур, С. Ибрагимов. Теоретические проблемы первых азербайджанских романов интересовали также литературоведов последующих поколений, среди них–А. Назми, М. Рафили, М. Ариф, М. Джалал, М. Гусейн, Ф. Касумзаде, М. Ибрагимов, М. Дж. Джафаров, а также К. Талыбзаде, А. Мирахмедов, А. Заманов, К … Daha çox
Ataəmi Bala Baba oğlu Mirzəyev (Nizami Gəncəvi adına Ədəbiyyat İnstitutu / Füzulişünaslıq sektoru)

Masihi Tabrizi’s takhmises written to Alisher Navoi’s ghazals(7393)
['Ataemi Mirzayev']
Only a compilation lyric poems of Masihi Tabrizi who created and lived in the 16th century are known to the world of science. That Diwan for many years has been ascribed to Sheykh Masud Ruknaddin, the poet of 1 th century, known as the author of “Varga and Gulsha”. But the researches shows that this diwan belongs to another artist with pseudonym “Masihi” lived in the 16th century. It is clear from the poem that Masihi Tabrizi, like many artists of that period, in his artistic heritage continued and developed the rich literary traditions of the great Uzbek poet Alisher Navoi (1441-1501) in a new direction. Even in the language of the poet's works is dominated by elements belonging to the Chagatai Turkic, as the impact of Navoi’s poetry. Imitative poems written to Navoi’s ghazals have a special place in the poems included in Masihi’s diwan. Even the poet wrote the two takhmises to the ghazals of Navoi.

  • 1. İsmixan Məhəmməd oğlu Osmanlı (Nizami Gəncəvi adına Ədəbiyyat İnstitutu / Azərbaycan-Türkmənistan-Özbəkistan ədəbi əlaqələr)
    Magtymguly Pyragy and Alishir Navoi (9512|0,7248199582099915)
    [Ismikhan Osmanli]
    The thinker-poet of the Turkic world Alisher … The thinker-poet of the Turkic world Alisher Navoi (1441-1501) is a prominent figure who founded his own literary school during his lifetime. Hundreds of students of this school benefited from the literary heritage of this master poet, created beautiful literary examples. The classical poet of the Turkmen people, Magtymguly Pyragy, was inspired by Navoi's works from his youth and took a literary place among the great artists of his time with his literary works. Today, the influence of Navoi's heritage is clearly felt in both lyrical and epic works of Magtymguly, who is distinguished among the classical poets of the Turkic world for his unique work. Daha çox

  • 2. Almaz Qasım qızı Binnətova (Nizami Gəncəvi adına Ədəbiyyat İnstitutu / Azərbaycan-Türkmənistan-Özbəkistan ədəbi əlaqələr)
    English The great thinker Amir Alisher Navoi … English The great thinker Amir Alisher Navoi still lives in literature, literary history, linguistics, religion, history, geography, philosophy, theology, sufism. He has a special place among the world classics with his immortal works of lyrical-romantic, realisthistorical, literary-artistic, philosophical-cognitive and scientific-theoretical significance. He wrote all his works in Turkish under the general title" Khazainul-maani"," Khamsa", 21 scientific-philological and religious-mystical works, including" Divani-Fani". At the same time, it should be noted that the names of all works of Alisher Navoi consist of Arabic words. We can evaluate this issue as a traditional case (including" Divani-Fani") in the history of medieval Eastern-Muslim literature under the influence of Islam. The great uzbek poet, linguist, literary critic, calligrapher, composer, statesman Amir Alisher Navoi, with his creative power, bravely overcame a historical barrier and … Daha çox

  • 3. Yaşar Əliqulu oğlu Qasımov (Nizami Gəncəvi adına Ədəbiyyat İnstitutu / Azərbaycan-Türkmənistan-Özbəkistan ədəbi əlaqələr)
    О генезисе «Хамса» Низами Гянджеви и Алишера Навои (9176|0,7195732593536377)
    [Гасымбейли Яшар Аликулу]
    Рассматривается литературное творчество Н. Гянджеви и А. … Рассматривается литературное творчество Н. Гянджеви и А. Навои, сыгравших решающую роль в формировании национальной азербайджанской и узбекской литератур. Делается сравнительный анализ литературных, религиозных и философских истоков творчества художников словесности мусульманского Востока. Отмечается факт, что одним из этапов в истории общетюркской художественной мысли является переход к исламо-эрузской поэтике в XIII–XV вв. Ярким представителем этого этапа является Навои. Литературно-эстетические и социально-философские источники «Хамса» Навои, признаны вершиной тюркской средневековой литературы. Поэтическое наследие Гянджеви также рассматривается в свете литературных традиций А. Дехлеви, А. Джами, Мевлана Лутфи, Гейдар Херезми, Дурбек и других видных классиков эпохи. Daha çox

  • 4. Yaşar Əliqulu oğlu Qasımov (Nizami Gəncəvi adına Ədəbiyyat İnstitutu / Azərbaycan-Türkmənistan-Özbəkistan ədəbi əlaqələr)
    Рассматривается литературное творчество Н. Гянджеви и А. … Рассматривается литературное творчество Н. Гянджеви и А. Навои, сыгравших решающую роль в формировании национальной азербайджанской и узбекской литератур. Делается сравнительный анализ литературных, религиозных и философских истоков творчества художников словесности мусульманского Востока. Отмечается факт, что одним из этапов в истории общетюркской художественной мысли является переход к исламо-эрузской поэтике в XIII-XV вв. Ярким представителем этого этапа является Навои. Литературно-эстетические и социально-философские источники «Хамса» Навои, признаны вершиной тюркской средневековой литературы. Поэтическое наследие Гянджеви также рассматривается в свете литературных традиций А. Дехлеви, А. Джами, Мевлана Лутфи, Гейдар Херезми, Дурбек и других видных классиков эпохи. Daha çox
Ataəmi Bala Baba oğlu Mirzəyev (Nizami Gəncəvi adına Ədəbiyyat İnstitutu / Füzulişünaslıq sektoru)

Predecessors and followers: Navai and Fuzuli(7394)
['Ataemi Mirzayev']
The article involves in Azerbaijan-Uzbek literary relations in the context of the creativity of Alishir Navai. It is noted that the creativity of each master should be researched in the background of predecessor-follower relations. Because value of the master is measured by his influence on the development of literature created after him. The Azerbaijani literature has a great role in growing Navai as a master. It is known Navai also occupies a place as a master who wrote an equivalent of “Khamsa” by Nizami in in Chagatai turkish. As Navai benefited from the Azerbaijani literature, Navai's influence in Azerbaijani literature was strong in the following period. It is not

  • 1. Almaz Qasım qızı Binnətova (Nizami Gəncəvi adına Ədəbiyyat İnstitutu / Azərbaycan-Türkmənistan-Özbəkistan ədəbi əlaqələr)
    Alisher Navoiy and Azerbaijan (7340|0,790960431098938)
    [Almaz Ulvi Binnatova]
    The research work named “Alisher Navoiy and … The research work named “Alisher Navoiy and Azerbaijan” was grouped in several directions. In the systematic research within the sections named “The influence of Alisher Navoiy's creativity on Azerbaijani literature”,“The influence of Azerbaijani literature on the creativity of Alisher Navoiy”,“Studying of Alisher Navoiy's legacy in Azerbaijani literary studies”;“The role of Alisher Navoiy's creativity in the comparative study of Azerbaijani and Uzbek languages and the place of Alisher Navoiy's literary heritage in the study of the common Turkish literary language” as a main source is based on the Alisher Navoiy’s own works. The theme “Alisher Navoiy and Azerbaijan” is a golden page in the history of literary relations between two fraternal peoples, the source of research, literary influence, literary tradition and primary source in the history of literary figures. Daha çox

  • 2. Nüşabə Həmid qızı Araslı (Nizami Gəncəvi adına Ədəbiyyat İnstitutu / Nizamişünaslıq)
    Alishir Navoi’s role in the spread of Nizami traditions in the turkish literature (8360|0,7590970993041992)
    [Nushaba Arasli]
    Nizami Ganjavi’s endless inheritance that gained worldly … Nizami Ganjavi’s endless inheritance that gained worldly fame, influenced on Turkish artistic idea through outstanding word masters continuing poet’s traditions in the East. Alishir Navoi who continued Nizami traditions in a new base and gained an excellent reputation in this field differs with his peculiar glorious position especially. Genius writer-master of the Uzbek people Navoi combined the high human ideals brought by Nizami to the history of Eastern artistic idea with specific features of Turkish literature, maintained moral aspiration of that time and environment and enriched it with supplements from folk literature of Turkic people, common sources and ancient Turkish monuments. It is not accidental that Turkish followers of Nizami Daha çox

  • 3. Pərvanə Natiq qızı Kərimova (Nizami Gəncəvi adına Ədəbiyyat İnstitutu / Rəhbərlik)
    Traces of Namig Kamal in the Scientific and Literary Heritage of Azerbaijan in the Studies of Yavuz Akpinar (8380|0,7468079328536987)
    [Pervane Kerimova]
    The research serves to study and master … The research serves to study and master the interactions between Azerbaijani and Turkish literature by Namig Kamal. The traces of Namig Kamal in the scientific and literary environment of Azerbaijan have been analyzed in the light of the researches of Yavuz Akpinar on the basis of the works of Mirza Alakbar Sabir, Mohammad Hadi, Mirzali Möcüz, Magsud Sheykhzade. Each of the issues we present in the article is a topic for mutual research and study of the literature. Yavuz Akpinar emphasized the study of Namig Kamal's works in publishing and textbooks, his influence on the press and theater, his influence on fiction and creativity, and studied them in accordance with the requirements and conditions of the time. The research conducted by Yavuz Akpinar for many years has been researched, its results have been mastered and presented to the readers at the level of discussion. In the spirit of Namig Kamal's works of freedom, independence, homeland, nation, as well as within the ideology, he directed the thinking of Azerbaijani intellectuals. Yavuz Akpinar, who is looking for traces of Namig Kamal in both Thai Azerbaijan and Iran, expands the range of Turkish ideologist's thinking. As we mentioned in the article, Yavuz Akpinar's views on the influence of Namig Kamal on our literature are comprehensive. However, the lack of available resources allows for a small number of samples and for different approaches to be re-voiced on fewer samples. However, as you can see in the article, each of the ideas voiced has an innovative approach and approach. Research on Mohammad Hadi and Mirza Alakbar Sabir in Azerbaijani literature denies the … Daha çox

  • 4. Təhminə Kamran qzı Bədəlova (Nizami Gəncəvi adına Ədəbiyyat İnstitutu / Nizamişünaslıq)
    Nizami’s treasury and Navai’s wonder (8823|0,7456815242767334)
    [Tahmina Badalova]
    Azerbaijani thinker Nizami Ganjavi, who had a … Azerbaijani thinker Nizami Ganjavi, who had a completely different attitude to social, political, public and ethical issues that had never been observed before, broke the spell of the “literary works” with his endless artistic monuments and not only in the East, but also in whole world literature has endorsed new, original mastery criterias that its basis was the praise of humanity with his indestructible stamp–art wonders being a product of genius thinking. Until the early 19th century the main subject of the Oriental literature, criterias for mastery had developed on the basis of only Nizami Ganjavi’s traditions of literary school. Many geniuses not only in the national literature, but in the East having an honorable place in world poetry, accepted the Azerbaijani word master as their teacher, and were of the opinion that even writing on the topics he wrote, was a great exam and honorable thing. Amir Khosrov Dehlevi, Daha çox

  • 5. Almaz Qasım qızı Binnətova (Nizami Gəncəvi adına Ədəbiyyat İnstitutu / Azərbaycan-Türkmənistan-Özbəkistan ədəbi əlaqələr)
    Тема статьи «Из истории научно-теоретических исследований наследия … Тема статьи «Из истории научно-теоретических исследований наследия Алишера Навои (на страницах азербайджанской литературы и литературной критики)» сгруппирована по нескольким направлениям: Daha çox